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  "MIKA, NO!"  Yuichiro's voice rang loud throughout the clearing as he watched the blond plummet towards the creature.  Mikaela seemed to be aiming to kill it– but no one knew how he would accomplish such a feat.  How do you kill something you've never even seen; never mind the fact that you had no knowledge of the creature? But Mikaela seemed determined to bring the thing down nonetheless.

Once he made contact with the beast's face, the vampire sunk his sword deep into its right eye. Roaring in pain, the giant brought both its hands up to its face in an attempt to squash the blond, but the teen was too quick. Jumping onto its arm, Mikaela dragged his sword through the flesh of the creature as he slid down its body, finally landing on the ground after leaving a deep cut all the way down the giant. In a last attempt to bring it down, Mika used his vampire speed and strength to cut the beast's Achilles' heel.

Jumping back into the lower branches of the nearest tree, Mika watched– his eyes calculating and void of any emotion– as the unknown giant fell to the ground, screeching in pain. A shiver ran down the blond's spine as he looked at its face.

The giant was now frowning– and personally, Mikaela preferred the smile on the beast's features that were even more blood-curdling when it looked mad.

Mika believed that things would get ugly soon if he didn't stop it. Looking closely, the whole of the Shinoa Squad in addition to Guren, Shinya, and Mika were shocked to see steam curling in the air. After it evaporated, the wounds on the Titan-sized creature were healed– leaving Mika baffled as to how the creature could take so much damage and look fine within a few minutes after. He didn't understand...

The blond decided to attack again, this time more cautiously as the beast was back on its feet again– and it looked angry. Dodging attempt after attempt of the creature trying to grab him, Mika finally used its arm as leverage to get up close to its face. Once there, the vampire plunged his sword into both of the giant's dull, lifeless eyes– causing the beast to scream in pain. Then, he went for the neck.

It was the second most vulnerable area– and Mikaela assumed the new species had similar weaknesses to humans based on its reactions to his previous attacks. If he couldn't kill it, he could at least buy some time for the rest of the humans to get away. Slicing halfway through the front of the neck, the blond leaped back once again, only to observe the creature healing itself like it did before. Speeding around out of the Titan's line of sight, Mika sprung up to the back of its neck, and drove his sword into the creature's nape, preparing to cut halfway through his target.

But there was no need: the Titan had given one final, anguished cry before crashing to the ground, Mikaela going with it. Everyone was shocked– out of all the places to have a fatal weakness, it was on the nape of the neck?

"Mika?! Are you alright!" As the dust and dirt was beginning to disappear, Yuichiro jumped down from his high perch in the tree. He felt stupid for not being able to help. 'I should've done something! Why didn't I help Mika?!' Once the debris cleared, the creature's decaying body was seen clearly, a trail of steam curling up and away into the air. Mika was standing next to it, memorizing the exact position in which he had stabbed it.

"I'm alright, Yuu-chan. There's no need to worry–"  He was suddenly on the ground as the black-haired teen tackled him in a hug.

"Don't you ever– EVER– do that again– at least not without my help! Understand?" The blond's lips curved upwards in a smile as he patted his brother's back, and said,

"Only in emergencies will I do this again. But otherwise, you have my word." Yu was about to complain, but the others landed on the ground and cautiously approached the duo before he could.

"Okay, everyone listen up! From now on, we stay close together! Those things only have one weakness– the nape of their necks! Shout if you see one, because where there's one– there's always more not far behind." Guren's order was followed obediently; even Shinoa looked a little spooked by the whole encounter. Mika stood, his stomach wound now merely just a scratch marring his pale skin, and lifted Yu up after him.

"We have to do something– we can't just stay here forever. Wherever we are, we should find high ground and scope around for a way out of the forest." Shinya was in high alert, listening and watching for any more signs of the Titans.

"I agree, Yuu-kun.  We need to get out of here." Yoichi's voice was shaking, and his eyes stayed glued to the giant, decomposing corpse that lay meters from them.  Yuichiro faced the brunette and replied,

   "I know, Yoichi, but we need to–"

   "Yo~!"  Yu whirled, sword drawn and ready as the familiar voice reached his ears.  The others followed suit, although Mikaela kept his sword down at his side, ready to raise it at a moment's notice.

   "Ferid."  Yu hissed, eyes narrowing in barely contained anger as Mika set his hand on Yu's arm.  The silver-haired vampire was standing not far from the group, Crowly right by his side.

   "Well, well, would you look at this!  You took down one of the Giants all by yourself, Mika!  I'm so proud~"  Rolling his eyes, the blond called,

   "What do you want, Ferid?"  The vampire duo came closer but stopped once they observed the threatening look Mikaela gave them along with the battle-ready stances of the rest of the human group.

   "Oh, we just want to offer you a proposal~  I mean, you really expect to get out of this forest alone?  Without knowing which way to go?  We have the same interest, so Crowley and I just want to work with you in order to get out of here~"  Mikaela looked back at Guren and Shinya, then switched his gaze back to the vampires.  Shinoa finally spoke up, the same hint of teasing in her voice as usual.

   "Oh?  And what will you do once we get out of this forest?"  Ferid chuckled, but Crowley answered the girl's question.

   "It's obvious we'll go back to being enemies.  Come on~ you really expect us to become permanent allies with livestock?"  Yu's grip on his sword tightened, his anger starting to become overwhelming.

   "Alright, deal."  His eyes widened as he turned to face Guren.

   "What are you saying, Guren?  You trust these guys enough to make a deal with them?!"  Guren's eyes narrowed as he stared at Ferid and Crowley, who were drawing closer to them.

   "I don't trust them, and that's exactly the reason why."  Yuichiro remained tense and on alert as he replaced his sword within its holster, keeping his eyes on Ferid.

   "Wonderful~  It will be a pleasure working with you." The humans, along with Mikaela, set out into the forest, the two vampires keeping pace not far away.  Yu glared at them from the corner of his eye as they trudged forward.

   'You won't always be our 'allies,' vampires, but when you're our enemies again, I swear I'll end you myself.'

Titans Gone Vampire (Seraph of the End/ Attack on Titan Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now