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Wall Maria

   Crowley looked over at Ferid in confusion.

   "Eh?!  They didn't already know that?"  He sighed as he crossed his hands behind his head.  "Man, I thought this herd of livestock would at least be a little smarter than the other one–" Mikaela shot him a look.

   "Watch it, Crowley."  Eren gaped at them, uncomprehending.

   "Huh?  What?  You're... vampires?"  He glared at them.  "L-liars!  Stop messing around and tell us the truth!"  Ferid smiled widely, revealing a matching set of long, sharp fangs that he kicked greedily while scanning the faces of the human group before him.

   "Hmm...  I haven't had a decent meal in a while, you know~"  Armin grabbed Eren's arm as the angry brunette began to storm forward.

   "It all makes sense now..."  The blond raised his voice so the trio could hear him more easily.  "But if you're really... vampires... what are you doing here?  Where do you come from?"  Crowley smiled widely.

   "Ooh, a wonderful place called Japan, have you heard of it?  I guess you haven't, since you don't exactly have countries here..."  The Progenitor sighed in exasperation while Armin's eyes widened.

   "J-Japan?!  But the rest of that world was destroyed long ago...  And the records never mentioned anything about vampires..."  Ferid shrugged his shoulders, inspecting his nails lazily.

   "Well then, that means we're from the past, right?" He waggled his eyebrows.  "Or are we from a distant future~?"  Mikaela shook his head at the older's childishness.

   "None of that matters now.  We were stationed here to keep you from passing, and that is what we shall do."  Eren glared at the vampire as he began to raise his hand to his mouth, but a loud crash interrupted his action.  Mikaela turned to face the other vampires in question before he spotted smoke rising from the inside of the wall.  His eyes widened.

   "Yuu-chan!"  The blond raced off in order to see if his brother was alright.  Ferid shrugged to Crowley, who raised his hands in the air before turning to face the rest of the group.

   "Listen up, humans.  If this is a strong Giant, then we have a common enemy.  We won't betray you during a fight, by don't expect us to be grateful if you do something heroically stupid~"  With those parting words, the two elder vampires disappeared after Mikaela.  Everyone looked at both Levi and Erwin for guidance.

   "Attention, everyone!"  Erwin was the one to give the command, "Be wary of this new threat, but also of the Vampires we have just acknowledged!  Move out!"  Their was a chorus of agreements accompanied by salutes before the humans entered Wall Maria.


   'Damn it!'  Yuichiro wiped sweat from his brow as he glared up at the female monster above him. Yoichi and Shinra had disappeared some time ago, probably to find a high vantage point for their long-range weapons. Kimizuki's vision in his left eye was impaired, due to a nasty cut he had received on his forehead.  The black-haired teen glanced around to discover that each of his teammates had various serious injuries of there own.  Yu, himself, was having trouble breathing due to bruised ribs from earlier when the Female Titan had slammed him into a wall.

   "Spread out!"  The teenager turned towards Guren as the older man crouched on the roof of a short building.  "Try and avoid all attacks possible!"  The team did as requested, and gave a shout of victory when Yoichi's arrow pierced the Giantess's knee, causing her to sway on her feet and put all support on her right side.  Not a moment later, Shinra's blue lion demon streaked through the air as a bullet and crushed her other ankle, causing the Titan to fall to the ground roughly.

   Yuichiro rushed in for a killing shot before the Titan swatted him away, sending him flying through the air.  He collided with something soft however, and was redirected out of sight on the ground.

   "Yuu-chan, are you alright?"  Said boy glanced up and huffed in exasperation.

   "Jeez, I'm fine, Mika!  You don't need to worry so much–" Yu was cut off by a rough coughing fit, the sound scratchy and causing his throat to become dry.  The boy clutched his stomach as his ribs finally screamed in protest with too much movement.

   "Yuu-chan!"  The blackette pushed Mikaela away, shakily standing once more.

   "I-I'm fine Mika!  We need to help the others–!" The blond gently pushed his brother back down once more.

   "I'll handle that.  You stay here and rest, got it?"  Yu refused to meet his brother's eyes.

   "... Fine."  Mikaela raised an eyebrow, not entirely believing the younger's words, but decided to trust them anyway.  Rising quickly, the vampire raced out of their cover, running towards the Giant which was standing once more.  Unsheathing his sword, Mikaela gripped the handle right as he whispered,

   "My sword," thorns immediately secured themselves around the boy's hand, and Mikaela gripped the hilt tighter as he said, "Drink my blood."  The sharp spikes bit into the blond's skin harshly, and the blade began to shift from silver in color to red.  Mika narrowed his eyes as he approached the Female, assessing her condition. She had recovered a little too quickly for the vampire's liking, and as Mikaela dodged her incessant attacks, he tried to think of a way to catch her off guard.

He had noticed that she was keenly aware of anyone that approached her nape. That lead Mikaela to the conclusion that she was a skilled fighter– enough so to protect her weak spot even while fighting effortlessly.  Moving in for an attack, Mikaela dodged all of her efforts to stop him while leaving cuts up and down her body.  She still wouldn't let him get close to her nape, and Mika began to feel very frustrated at this Giant's constant vigilance.

   He was just about to try a different approach when a loud whistling sound filled the air.  Glancing up, the young vampire was surprised to see the Survey Corps flying in on their gear to aid in the fight.  As they began an assault of their own, Ferid and Crowley appeared as well, and Mikaela was slightly apprehensive of the thought of those two working with any manner of humans.  Quickly checking on Yu's condition, the blond was satisfied when his brother didn't seem to be straining himself too hard.

   Then, turning with sword in hand, Mika rejoined the fight.

Titans Gone Vampire (Seraph of the End/ Attack on Titan Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now