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Within Wall Maria

Mikaela was struggling to control himself. The Female Titan was killing members of the human force at every turn, and there was nothing he could do to prevent it. Although he didn't much care for the humans, he never like to watch them die helplessly, and they were helping him fight the Giant. He growled as the blond human boy who had figured out his species earlier went flying, crashing into something a short distance away.

Long ago, when the battle had first begun, the boy named Eren had shifted into his Giant Form, and the soldiers and vampires tried to avoid any and all fighting as the two enemies fought with all their might. Mikaela growled when the Female sent the Giant-boy flying, causing him to crash into the side of a nearby factory. After making sure he was down, the enemy Titan then turned its attention towards them, and the remaining human force along with Ferid, Crowley, and Mika all charged in for attacks.

The blond vampire assumed that Yoichi and Shinya were still aiming for clean shots at the Giantess, and that the rest of the Shinoa Squad had went off to help Yu and find the basement. He sighed in contentment that his Yuu-chan was safe– at least, until the blond Giant reached down and grabbed something behind the building where Mikaela left Yu.

All the breath left the vampire's lungs as the Giantess straightened, Yu clutched tightly in her hand. The blond growled and raced forward, readying his weapon to slice of the beast's hand.

When Yu's screams of pain reached his ears, Mikaela froze. That sound... that sound reminded him of the dying screams of his family so long ago... And when the black-haired teen's screams were abruptly cut off, Mikaela couldn't even raise his eyes from the cobblestone path from beneath him.

Because now, his Yuu-chan had been killed as well.

The blond struggled to breath, the brushing weight of this realization dawning on him like a ton of bricks. His shoulders slumped, and tears began to seek solace on his pale cheeks as they escaped his eyes in waves. The sound of a heartbeat reached his pointed ears, and the blond could no longer take it.

Mika pressed his palms to his eyes, his sword clattering to the ground. Something was pulsing inside him... something that gave Mikaela a headache and that made his head pound and his breathing labored.

"Mika!" He faintly heard Yu's panicked voice, somewhere off to his left, accompanied by the shouts of his squad mates and he wondered idly, 'Why does Yu sound so alive? He was just killed...' The vampire couldn't help but recall a faint, familiar conversation from long ago.


"Don't make me laugh!"  Yu's shrill voice pierced the quiet air of the orphans' dwelling.  "You can't take it all on yourself!"  Mika's eyes widened as he stared at his adoptive brother in disbelief.  "I... No matter how hard I try, I'll never be able to defeat a vampire.  I know that much...  I'm not stupid."  Mikaela's eyes saddened slightly at the defeated tone of his brother's voice.

   "Yuu-chan," he gently set a finger against his own lips in a silent gesture, "don't say that.  The children have faith in you.  'Vampires can be defeated!'  'We can do it!'  You repeated those words over and over, and that gave me– that g-gave me..."  Yu's eyes widened as they followed the tears slipping down Mikaela's face, landing in soft patters on the floor.  "... Strength..."

   "H-hey, Mika!  What did they do to you?"  Yuichiro's face contorted as Mikaela raised his head, tears no longer visible.

   "Just kidding~  You really thought I was crying, didn't you?  I was just kidding."  The black-haired male simply sent the other a nasty glare.

   "I'll kill you one day."  A short silence stretched between the two.  "Are you sure you're alright?"  Mikaela chuckled at his brother's concern, standing up straight from his kneeling position beside Yu.

   "Well, I'm not exactly alright..."  He began to rummage through his pocket, his tongue sticking out of his mouth slightly in concentration.  "I'm not the type of guy who would let vampires drink his blood for free–"  The blond finally pulled out the item he desired, letting out a quiet chirp of happiness.  Yu looked at him, confusion written all over his face.

   "Eh?  What's that?"  Mikaela smiled triumphantly at the slightly-younger boy.

   "It's a weapon.  I pinched it at Ferid-sama's mansion together with some other stuff.  Here– this is for you, Yuu-chan."  Yu gasped slightly as Mika set the contraption in the younger's hands.


   "That's not the best part– take a look at this."  Mika's voice was filled with excitement as he pulled out a rolled-up slip of parchment.

   "What is this..?"  The black-haired male tilted his head.

   "It's a map!"  Mika exclaimed in happiness, spreading out the parchment on the floor.  "And not just any map, but the map marking the exits leading to the human world!"  Yu leaned forward in anticipation, suddenly very aware of what would happen if they were to use this to gain their freedom once more.

   "Wh– you–!!" Mikaela made a shushing gesture once more.

   "Hush, lower your voice.  I approached Ferid-sama hoping to get my hands on this.  The mansion is so big it took me quite some time to find it.  But at last, I found what I was looking for."  The blond glanced up at Yu, tearing his gaze from the map.  The younger boy opened and closed his mouth silently at the look of raw hope and achievement in his adoptive brother's eyes.  "We're finally leaving this place, Yuu-chan."

Flashback End

The blond clenched his teeth harshly, drawing blood from his now-torn lips. He didn't... care, anymore. He didn't care about the humans, he didn't care about his squad mates, he didn't care about the Giants–

... He didn't care about Yuu-chan.

A hysterical laugh bubbled from the pit of his stomach, and he couldn't help but let it slip past his lips. The sound grew, louder and louder, and Mikaela finally uncovered his eyes, the orbs wide and unseeing as he stared at the ground, the boy still laughing maniacally all the while. The vision in his right eye had completely left him, though Mika didn't understand why– and the blond's eyes widened as he realized he didn't care. He felt something streaming down his face, and reached up to swipe underneath said eye. 'Is this... blood?'

Laughing even harder, the vampire threw his head back, the ground beginning to shake beneath his feet. There was a split second of clarity– why is he laughing, shouldn't he be saving Yuu-chan, he might not be dead– but any rational thoughts were wiped out of his head as the red liquid streamed steadily down his cheek, his laugh tearing through the air as the ground beneath him began to split open.

He briefly felt something surrounding him from behind– someone's arms, perhaps?– but whatever it was was torn brutally away from his form as two large, rather uncomfortable wings sprang from his back. The appendages flapped lightly as Mikaela's laugh continued to fill the sound around him, and he rose, suspended slightly in the air. He felt so... so free, and he didn't care about anything anymore: everything left him as he began to lose control of his body.

The loud sound of something metal clanking against more metal filled his ears– chains– and Mikaela's laugh dribbled off as he looks down, the vision in his right eye becoming blurry as he weakly fights against the force overtaking his senses. He did, indeed, spot chains; though ones that simmered with an unbearable heat that Mikaela couldn't feel against his skin. His vision was tinted with red, and he finally lost all will to fight against the monster inside of him, fading dimly to the back of his mind as a black-and-white observer as his eyes slipped closed, unconsciousness claiming him.

Titans Gone Vampire (Seraph of the End/ Attack on Titan Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now