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Survey Corps Base... Once Again

   Mikaela knew something was wrong.

Not only were the other cadets wary of him, but their superiors were watching him as well.  Guren even noticed it himself.

   "Mikaela, be careful.  These people seem suddenly wary of you– and I don't want it to be for the reason that I think."  The blond nodded, and joined in the conversation with the rest of the Shinoa squad, trying to ease the tension in his shoulders. The false peace lasted for only a few minutes.

   A loud crash reached the blond's ears, and everyone in the mess hall shot to their feet, instantly on full alert as they all herded outside.  Mikaela growled as he drew his sword, the blade shimmering a dull silver.  He and the rest of the Shinoa Squad made their way to the front of the crowd, their weapons clutched tightly in their hands as they spotted the source of the loud bang.

   "What are you doing here, Ferid?"  Mika's words were strained, as if he was holding himself back from leaping forward and killing both Ferid and Crowley.

   "Aww, that isn't a proper welcome now, is it?"  The blond's eyes narrowed and Ferid stepped forward.

   "We would like to make a second truce with you.  Unless, you don't want us within your sight at all times?"  The question was innocent, and Mika could feel his brother's fury rolling off him in waves.

   "We should be killing you right now, you filthy bloo–" Guren cut the boy off with a glare.

   "What is the meaning of this, Crowley?"  Said vampire gave Guren an impish grin as Erwin, Hanji, and Levi made their way through the crowd.

   "Just as Ferid said– we wish to make a truce with you.  It's so boring waiting in the shadows, not being able to interfere with anything..."  Crowley sighed exasperatedly.  Guren furrowed his eyebrows as Erwin spoke up.

   "And who exactly are you?"

   "I am Crowley Eusford, Thirteenth Progenitor in my colony."

   "And I'm Ferid Bathory, Seventh Progenitor.  Nice to meet you, livestock~"  Guren glared at him.

   "And why, exactly, do you want to make a truce?"  Ferid sighed and rested his hands on his hips.

   "We already said that!  We're bored."  Mikaela raised an eyebrow.

   "And when you are bored, you tend to take irrational actions in order to keep yourselves occupied, correct?"  Ferid slung a shoulder around the blond's neck.

   "Wow, Mika, you really know us~!  I'm so proud~"  The blond growled as he shoved the silver-haired vampire off him, planting himself firmly in front of the two vampires and Yu.

   "And what do you want in return, if we do offer you a truce?"  Yu turned to face Guren in shock.

   "You can't actually be thinking–" Guren shook his head at the younger male, cutting him off as Crowley answered,

   "Not much, really– just free reign around the base."  Guren glanced over at Erwin and raised an eyebrow at the taller man.

   "As long as you don't cause any trouble, that will suffice."  Ferid slung his arm around Mika once again with a devious grin, much to the blond's dismay.

   "Partners once again~"  Mikaela sighed and slipped out of Ferid's grip, leaving the silverette's side.  The crowd had begun to disperse earlier on in the conversation, so now there was only Ferid, Crowley, Guren, Shinya, and the Shinoa Squad.  Yu glared at the vampire nobles before them.

   "What do you really want?  You always have an ulterior motive–" Crowley laughed, cutting him off.

   "Nah, we're just tired of this world.  We want to get back to our realm– which is why we want to give you a little piece of information we overheard those livestock talking about."  Crowley grinned and cocked one hip, resting one hand underneath his chin.

   "Apparently, the part-Giant boy holds a key– a key to his basement that lies in one of the outer destroyed towns.  Sigan-something...?  Anyway, apparently whatever is locked inside this basement is a high-priority find for these humans– something that can change the outcome of the future.  They're planning an operation to find the object, but the superiors are keeping the information real hush-hush."  Everyone's eyes widened.

   "Maybe this object– whatever it is– can transport us back to Nagoya?"  Shinya's voice was thoughtful as he looked up.  Yuichiro looked at Crowley in awe.

   "So there's a chance we can make it back home..."  He glanced over at Mikaela and smiled.  "Then that means we can escape the suspicion of Eren and his friends if we can get out of here."  The blond nodded.

   "But, how will we get the key without raising suspicion?  I've caught glimpses of it– he always wears it tucked underneath his shirt, and rarely does Eren show it to others.  How can we get the key– without raising suspicion– and head to whichever town this basement is in?  We don't even know the exact location."  Shinoa spoke up.

   "So, let's find out!  We've gained the trust of Eren– why don't we poke around until he gives us the name of his hometown, and then we can snag the key and bam!  We're home free." Yoichi shook his head, fidgeting nervously.

"I don't know... Should we really betray these people like this?" Kimizuki glanced over at the brunette.

"Yoichi, we must get home– if this is what we have to do, then so be it." Mitsuba joined in, her voice holding a hint of anger.

"Who cares?! We have to get home before things get messed up here, and even more messed up in Nagoya! Who knows what's even going on there right now?!" Guren nodded.

"Yu, find a topic you and Eren can relate to. Then, gently steer the conversation in the direction of his childhood home– hopefully he'll talk to you." Yu's protests were killed as Guren continued. "Mikaela, be as subtle as you can, but as soon as Yuichiro gets the information we need, steal the key. It would be better if you waited until he was asleep, and knocked him out so he wouldn't wake up until morning. This will be our only chance to get home– so make it count." The black-haired man turned towards Crowley and Ferid. "You two will help us against any Giants we may encounter on the way to the town. Understood?"

Surprisingly, Crowley nodded.

"Just this once, we will aid you in order to get home, livestock." Everyone made eye contact with each other and nodded, setting off in different directions in order to complete their part of the mission. Mikaela sighed heavily as he and his brother departed, and accompanied Yoichi and Kimizuki to their shared room.

The blond was uncertain about the possibilities this plan could result in, but as long as he was able to get back to Japan with Yu, he figured everything would be all right.

'Well, this will certainly be interesting.'

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