After Party

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  • Dedicated to Someone special

We walk confidently to the common room to see many people already dancing and drinking. All the girls run off in different directions, and I let them scurry. All I have my sight on is the make-shift bar. I stride over, my gait hinting at an aura of purpose, and I grab a brand new bottle of firewhiskey and a cup. I pour well over half of a cup and put the bottle down. I then turn to watch the many people dancing. Lilyan iss with some other girls, Jenna with goyle, and in a shocking twist...Kailey with Blaise. She smiles at me and I giggle, choosing to only sip at my drink. It burns it's way down my throat but it tastes absolutely wonderful. After I finish, I set down my cup and look for someone, anyone to dance with, my head spinning slightly. I start walking towards the mass of dancing slytherins when I feel someone standing extremely close behind me.

"Hey, Scarlett." he says, his voice low and seductive. I smile widely and giggle, turning to see urkuhart behind me. He is wearing black jeans, a white shirt and a black leather jacket. When I turn, I have to place my hand on his arm to make sure I don't fall on my ass. Damn firewhisky, I forgot how strong it is. Way stronger than hard liquor, and it tastes way better.

"Hey." I say happily, swaying a bit on my feet. He pulls me to the dance floor and starts to dance. Figuring I have nothing to lose, I join him. Minutes later he walks over and takes my hand, pulling me over near a wall. He smiles at me, wrapping his arm around my small waist and crashing his cold lips to my own. He is completely overpowering me, both of my hands held in one of his. My alcohol induced haze prevents me from completely understanding my situation. It takes me longer than it should to realize that he's touching me. His large hand caressing the skin of my thigh, slipping higher under my dress. My face contorts, and I pull with as much force as I can muster, seperating our faces. I stare up at him.

"What the actual Hell!" I scream at him, my voice barely heard due to the thumping music. I push him off of me before staggering back to our makeshift bar, pouring myself a brand new glass of fire whisky. I drink it in a matter of two minutes, and much to my disliking, the room seems to spin around me. I look around, relieved when I spot Jenna, and I decide to go and dance with her. She is definitely one of those 'life of the party' kind of girls. I push off the counter, getting my legs twisted. Suddenly the floor isn't there under my feet, and I feel a pair of arms thank god someone just caught my ass.

I turn to make sure it isn't Urkuhart, and I let out a small sigh of relief when I see Draco smiling down at me smugly. He pulls me up to my feet, the amusement still lighting up his face. His arms are still around me, supporting my weight. Right now, the room doesn't spin. My mind is focused on Draco. I can feel his muscles, and I can smell what I can only assume is his soap. It smells faintly of mint, just like the last time that he held me.

It's feels like an eternity before he opens his mouth to speak. "honestly, Selvin. How much have you had to drink?" he asks me lowly before chuckling. I frown for a minute, thinking back over the hazy night. Was it two cups...maybe three? No. It was definitely two.

"Only two glasses, prick." I say defensively, and my words come out slightly slurred. I scrunch up my nose at the goddamned sound of my own voice. I sound absolutely shit-faced. He shakes his head, taking my hand. He makes sure I won't fall before letting go of my waist.

"Well, I think you best be careful. I know some guys who will take advantage of a beautiful drunk girl." he says with a grin, dipping down so that his mouth is right beside my ear. I shiver a bit, swallowing thickly. Damn Malfoy, I can take care of my goddamn self, Jesus fucking Christ.

"You're quite the charmer, aren't you Draco. But honestly, I'm not that drunk." I say, and his eyes speak for him. A silent 'really, Selvin. I seriously just caught you before you were laying on the floor' is apparent in his eyes. He let's go of my hand, and I stumble, almost falling once again. His arms are there in a milisecond, and I huff. I hate being wrong.

if looks could kill {a Draco Malfoy love story} Where stories live. Discover now