These are The Choices We Make

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I look around the empty halls, my steps slow. I feel like the only person on this entire planet. I shake off the thought, completely aware of the insanity. But the hallways still feel eerily deserted as I walk them.

I slowly grow colder, the temperature dropping with each step towards the dungeons. I close my eyes, stopping for A minute. It feels like the air is caressing me, cocooning me in. It's suffocating.

I whisper the password, waiting to be let in to the common room, rushing in as soon as I can. Much to my dismay, it is just as terrifying in here. It feels like a ghost town, and I shiver. There were students here only hours before, but tonight, it is empty.

I rush to my room, closing the door behind me. Kailey is out for the night, asleep under her green covers. I tiptoe to my bed, hiding under the thick covers. I close my eyes, allowing my mind to wander.

I think back over the strange afternoon, Draco's expression flooding my brain. I don't understand the way hat he acted.

Years of hatred and calculated coldness all leading up to this.

"sleep won't kill you, scar." i mumbled to myself. before pulling down my comforter and slipping under the warm, comforting covers.


I was standing in a vast hall, wearing a beautiful whit dress. The layered garment seemed to almost flow as I wandered the hallways of the large, mysterious, palace-like building.

I felt as If I were looking for something or someone. As if I needed to find him before they did. I cannot remember who they are or what they plan on doing. But I did know that there was no way that I could let them do it. I needed to stop them, so I start running through the large halls until I burst through an old, dark wood door.

I see him standing their, relief flooding through my entire body, but an angry expression was staining his beautiful face, changing him, making him darker.

"Don't hurt him!" I yell out, flinching at my shaky voice. I wanted it not to waver. I turn to see Harry standing there, and I shake my head angrily. "I swear to god. If you so much as open your mouth, I will kill you," I hiss, my blue eyes narrowing. Harry only smirks in response, raising his wand slowly inch by inch.

I take a step toward him, clenching my jaw and evening out my frenetic breathing.

"It's either us or him, Scarlett. You know that." he says, his face dark and his smile twisted. I gulp, shaking my head rapidly. His voice sounded different, as if It wasn't even him. As if it were a monster occupying his body.

"You will not hurt him," I say slowly, my words pointed, intense, and his face contorts. He shakes his head slowy, taking a single step closer.

"but Scarlett, dear." he says, venom dripping from his mouth, "We both know that isn't true."

I gasp, jumping in front of the spell that he had cast, an ear-splitting scream leaping out from my mouth. I look down to see a long cut through my arm. And then there is a slice across my stomach.

Soon, there are deep, scarlet red gashes covering my skin, the elegant white dress turning red from my blood. I see Harry turn, no expression on his face as he moves to leave the huge, elegant, crimson red room. Before his feet carried him away, he paused, turning to look at me.

"I hope you don't regret this choice."

The words are barely above a whisper, and I try to scream out to him, failing miserably and choking on my air. I turn my face to look up to where Draco had been standing earlier.

But all I see is my reflection.

An image of myself, hair clumped together all streaked with red. I, myself, drowning in a puddle created from my insides, blood pouring out of sliced skin. I cry out loudly, begging for it all to be over. I squeeze my eyes shut, silencing myself.

And when I opened my eyes to catch my last glimpse of the world around me, I see nothing but white sand and rolling waves. The beach is beautiful, serene, and quiet. There is no blood here, no pain.

I look down to see myself dressed up in a perfect, elegant green and black gown.

I had never seen a dress so royal in my entire lifetime, no wedding dress comparing to the Slytherin tribute. I run a hand across the gorgeous satin, feeling the finish, a truly beautiful ball gown.

I grin, looking up to see him in a tux, reaching a hand out as if he were trying to beckon me foreword, calling me to him. I lift the skirt, running barefoot through the white sand, finding my way up to the altar.

He leans in and we kiss before turning out to face the hundreds of empty chairs.

The dark mark staining his wrist.

And mine.


how did you like it? I had loads of fun working on this extravagant nightmare, and although this is essentially a filler, I hope you realize that this chapter is one of the most important chapters in the entire book. This was rewritten on January fifth, 2014, originally written in 2011. And as I am now working on the sequel, I know that there are some things that should be remembered in this chapter.

Tell me what you thought about her brilliant nightmare down below, and as always, thank you for reading.



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And as always,

Stay beautiful


if looks could kill {a Draco Malfoy love story} Where stories live. Discover now