The phantom in the dungeons

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Draco's POV

I walk to my room, entering hastily before walking over to my bed and grabbing the green apple. Why the hell is Selvin slacking off? It isn't like her at all....I mean she actually just woke up...and she looked disturbed again.

Is it bad that I want to know what she's having nightmares about? She seems to be having these intense nightmares on a daily basis, crying in the middle of the night, insomnia, and maybe even delusions by the looks of it. She needs help, maybe? I guess I can take her to Madam Pomfrey's if needed. But there is something about her that She seems out of it, dazed...apparitional.

Maybe she's dreaming about your horrid face. That would give her a good reason to be mentally disturbed.

Oh, for the love of Merlin, are you seriously back here again? I thought you would be silent after our last conversation.

And I assumed that you finally understood that I cannot go anywhere. Apparently we were both wrong, and it isn't that hard to believe.

Why would she dream about me anyways?

Maybe she likes you as much as you like her. Simple, really.

Ha, yeah right that makes 'perfect sense'

Well, you thought it...

No, you said it.

And again I must explain...Draco Malfoy, you are seriously having a mental conversation with a goddamn crazy person. I am you.

Whatever, I have things to do. Sod off.

Suit yourself, I'll be back soon.


Funny, people refer to you as an Arse quite often.

I stand there angrily for a minute, waiting to make sure that my argument with me was completely over. Shit, something is wrong with me. I tick the apple away in my pocket and silently stride back into the common room where Scarlett stares at me intently, still looking only half here, as if I were in the presence of a ghost. And not even peeves, like an actual, creepy, disturbing ghost that is here to haunt me or something...Am I being punished?

Oh, for the love of Merlin. Stop being absurd. If anything, she's the one that is being tortured, Draco.

Shut the fuck up!

No, listen to me. She needs help not you, you're fine...she's not.

Well then she should go get help.

I thought you were gonna take her to the hospital wing if needed...her little hero.

God, she's old enough to take care of herself for merlin's sake, and I have more pressing things to worry about.

Oh, forgive me.

Um, no.

I was being sarcastic

Does it look like I care?

I don't know, look in a mirror.

Just shut up.

As you wish.

"got somewhere to be, Draco?" she asks teasingly, not sounding like herself, her voice is airy and distant. I just shoot her a quick glare before quickening my pace. She is too damn eery for my liking...maybe I should get her to the infirmary, she looks pale.

Oh, how dreadfully sweet of you.

Or not.

Ugh, stop being such a wanker.

I will when you will

Very mature, I see why all the ladies like you.

Will you just shut up!


I need to get up to the room of requirement as unnoticed and quickly as I possibly can. Finding the vanishing cabinet is always easy, considering I have only used it a handful of times. I open the sleek, black door before setting the apple down inside of it. I shut the door and then wait for what feels like an eternity, slightly afraid to turn the handle. I close my eyes, feeling the cold brass for a moment before turning it and yanking it open. I pry my eyes open then, and I see the apple sitting where I left it. I pick it up for examination, only to find one single bite missing.

I turn on my heels and exit briskly, making sure to toss the apple to the side before I retreat down to the dungeon common room where I see Selfin pacing, her eyes worried but her expression terrifyingly blank. I analyze her, and she takes a step towards me and smiles half-heartedly.

"You're back." she says, coating the relief in her voice with a casual tone that is obviously forced. I nod once, taking a step back but not walking away like I had originally planned too, I just stand there, staring at her.

It is obvious that she hasn't been sleeping well for weeks, and she isn't eating enough either. The dark circles under her blue eyes make her look incredibly demonic, and her pale skin seems almost translucent in the dark lighting of the room. Her eyes seem dull and lifeless. She looks fucking pitiful, her normally composed features, showing that she is merely plagued with desolation.

"I am." I state calmly after five minutes of staring at her. She smiles at me, but it only makes me feel more uneasy. She needs to sleep and eat. She is pretty much fucking horrific right now. She glances away and walks to the couch where she sits gracefully. Normally the movement would have seemed comforting, but right now, it makes her look even more phantasmal.

"What time is it, Draco?" she asks eerily, and I frown, looking around the room until my eyes focus on the analog clock. The normally comforting shades of green and black only adding to the feeling of constant dread, I need to get myself away from her.

"Almost dinner time. Would you like to eat with us Slytherins tonight?" I ask her cautiously. Then her eyes are on me. She looks wild and untamed as a smirk snakes it's way across her pale face, a Mephistophelian look in her grey eyes. I just stagger backwards, completely in shock.

"What's wrong Draco?" she hisses, and I shake my head before turning and rushing out into the dungeons, leaving her behind. There is something seriously wrong with her, and I don't want to find out what is is.


Please read

I hope you liked it, I think this might be one of my best chapters yet, tell me what you think! I had fun with descriptions and word choice during this chapter and I apologize if you didn't know what a few of the words mean. Thanks for reading and I hope to write another chapter this weekend.

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