He Loves Me Not

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"But Drakie, I love you! You know that, and I know that you love me too. I think about this summer every night. I think about how gorgeous you looked under the moonlight. I think about how beautifully our skin contrasts-" she's trying to sound seductive, the witch...but her whiny ass voice ruins it.

"Pansy, please stop touching me" he says seriously, and she's shaking her head.

"No, Drakie. I know how much you want me. I know how much you love my body. You crave me. Don't deny yourself these simple pleasures. It's just you and me and our bodies" she sounds like a cheap, shitty porno.

And then they're kissing full force, Pansy pulling him down to her level (quite literally), and I can feel my face fall flat, the curtains to my psyche slamming closed quickly. I hope the bitch burns in Hell.

I take in a harsh, constructed breath, when Draco pulls away from their embrace. The look I'm his eyes when he sees me is quite priceless, eyes bulging, eyebrows furrowing. He takes a step forward, but I interrupt him preemptively.

"No. Do not speak. Do not touch me. And leave me the fuck alone." I force out, voice low and intense. And I turn away, walking quickly past where the two are standing. When I hear him move, I attempt to run, breaking into a spring, but he's faster, arms snaking around my waist, tugging me against his chest.

"I said don't fucking touch me!" I scream, thrashing around in his arms, causing the largest scene that I can possibly manage to. More than anything, I want to get away from him.

"Be quiet." he says seriously, picking me up over his shoulder and carrying me towards his room. And with no more coherent sentences, I begin screaming, hitting his back as harshly as I can, fists clenched in absolute rage.

Blaise is sitting on his bed when we barge in.

"Get out." he spits in Blaise's direction, and he stares at us with skepticism. When Draco points at the door, he rolls his eyes and stands up, giving me another once-over before walking away, closing the door on his way out.

When he sets me on the ground, I try to run again, but he scoops me up with an immense force, holding me tightly so that I can't get down.

"Let go of me, you bastard!" I scream, kicking my feet.

And when he chuckles, my rage is only amplified. He walks across the room, throwing me on the bed unkindly, my head hitting the wall. I murmur a couple more choice words before he moves on top of me, straddling my waist and holding me down so that I can't hit him anymore.

"Shit, you aren't making this easy" he points out, trying to stop my obvious squirming.

"Just hear me out" he pleads then, and a sou d that I was unaware I was even capable of emitting escapes my mouth. It's almost like a growl.

"You're a bloody fucking wanker is what you are, Malfoy! Get off of me you fucking motherfucker!" I scream, trembling with anger. "you're such a fucking slut. I bet you've had your dick inside inside the entirety of sixth year. Every fucking girl. That's why you're dating me, yeah? I'm next on your list of fucking conquests? Stop fucking touching me!" and the words are creul.

"So we're on a last name basis, then? Really, Scarlett?" he questions, and I open my mouth, words popping out again.

"Get over yourself! You aren't even fucking worthy of a first name!" I scream, and I see his expression fall a bit before he gets an idea.

"you have five minutes to get your anger out. Scream, cry, hit me...do whatever, but after that, you are going to listen to what I have to say." he says, and I nod. When he let's go of my wrist, I immediately nail him in the jaw right away. I can tell that it hurt, and that felt incredibly good to know.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?! We've been dating for...days. And you have literally already cheated on me! God dammit, Draco! I fucking love you, okay? Can you not see that? Do I need to make it more bloody obvious!?" I scream, slapping him harshly before breaking down into fits of tears, face burried in my hands.

He's quiet for a moment before he leans in, kissing my temple.

"I love you too, Scarlett." he whispers against my skin, smiling sadly.

"I told her to leave me alone, and I told her that I don't feel the same way that she does. I told her that. Haven't thought about her in months. And when I kept rejecting her she just...she kissed me. She came on to me, Scarlett. I tried to pull back, bu she's surprisingly strong, okay? I didn't mean to hurt you, okay?" he says, and I sob harder, tears flowing from my eyes, smearing my mascara down my cheeks.

And then he pulls my hands from my face, leaning in to kiss me passionately, pulling away when I remain unresponsive.

"Scar, I love you. What's wrong?" he asks innocently, peppering my jaw with kisses.

I lay there, staring at the ceiling for a few minutes, listening to his words.

And eventually, I sit up, pulling him in for a slow kiss, fingers gripping his shirt. It isn't long before I'm pulling back, tugging his shirt off and tossing it aside, pushing him down and moving to straddle his hips, dipping down and kissing at his chest.

And then I pull my own shirt off before unhooking my bra, tossing them both aside, cheeks stained with makeup and red from nervousness.

He stares up at me with wide, silver eyes, reaching his hand up o trace the curve of my breast. Never before have I felt to beautiful. And he sits up, hand still caressing my skin.

"Scarlett, are you sure? I don't want to push you...if you aren't ready, we'll wait." he assures, and I shake my head, grabbing his hand and making him feel me, palm flat against my chest.

"You love me? Go ahead...prove it."

if looks could kill {a Draco Malfoy love story} Where stories live. Discover now