The Shouting Match

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This morning, when my blue eyes open, I'm still sitting on the uncomfortable leather couch.

I roll my neck, bare feet sliding against the cold floor of the dungeons. Note to self: get some goddamn slippers. I chuckle, seeing Kailey still sleeping in her bed contently, and ai begin to go through my routine. Yes, this morning I will actually be attending the classes that are scheduled.

Shocking, isn't is?

I mean seriously, it's halfway to Christmas, and I've spent only half of the semester inside of classrooms. I've been in the infirmary more than in a textbook.

After showering, I pull on a skirt and blouse before pulling my newly cleaned robe around myself, fixing my hair in the mirror before glancing back at Kailey. I scribble her a note, saying that I need to explain my current situation to Slughorn.

After walking the short distance to our stupid potions room, I smile, waving at Slughorn, "Ah, Miss Selvin, is it?" he says, and I nod a bit awkwardly, fidgeting with the side of my robe.

"I just came to see what it is that I'll need o catch up on." I explain, and he nods gravely, "I'm afraid that you're actually failing my class, Miss Selvin. And I see no possible way to help you aside from setting up some tutoring sessions. You'll need to show me that you can make every potion that we have so far gone through." he says, and I frown deeply.

Of fucking course I'm failing. Life would be too fucking easy otherwise. Potions is supposed to be my best class. I'm supposed to be top of the class, tied with DrCo bloody Malfoy.

Damn you, Slughorn, failing me for being cursed and injured.

"so, miss. Selvin. would you like to have a tutor?" he asks, his voice coming out gentler. He can probably tell just how irked I am, my fists and jaw clenched. I pry my mandible from my maxilla, speaking pointedly.

"Of course I don't want a bloody tutor! But you've made it incredibly clear that I have no other blood option. I have no choice, right?" and my words are practically venom. He flinches a bit at my rough tone, and I turn n my heels, walking to my desk and slamming my book down on the table.

"This is just bloody fantastic! I could have died, you know!" I exclaim, throwing my hands straight up in exasperation. He walks over next to me, placing a hand on my shoulder to reassure me.

"I know, Scarlett. But sometimes we must make sacrifices in order to succeed. This is far from the end of the universe. You'll catch up just fine with a bit of help." he says, smiling down at me. I stare up at him with narrowed eyes.

"And I don't suppose that you will be my tutor, correct?" question, and he shakes his head.

"I don't have the time for it, I'm afraid." he explains, "I'll talk to Mister Malfoy about it. You two have nearly the same schedules, I'm sure that will work out just fine. And you two are partners, so it will work out even better. Don't you worry."

I scowel down at my hands, sighing loudly. Well, shit. Now, I have to deal with the king of the pricks, Draco Malfoy. Isn't life just outstanding?


"Oh, Merlin. Do you even need a tutor, Selvin? This is absolutely bloody pointless!" He snaps, glaring between Slughorn and I. I groan, crossing my arms while we try to explain to Slughorn that I'll be fine.

"I'm afraid that she does, Mr.Malfoy, she really does indeed. She is failing, and you are the best in our class...well, next to Mr. Potter, that is. I assumed that it would be easier for all of us if we kept this between you two instead of involving him." Slughorn explained, and I shuddered, my mind flashing back to the awkward kiss that Harry and I had shared. Jesus, I cannot believe that he let that happen. I can feel my cheeks turn a bright tomato red.

"No! Her and Potter are the best of friends, I'm sure that he'd live to help her." Draco said immediately. "Isn't that right, Selvin?" he said, and I could tell that he genuinely didn't want to help me with this. But I felt absolutely terrified when he brought up Harry.

"No!" I all but yelled. I clear my throat, composing myself, "I mean, no. Professor is correct, It would really be best if we were to just keep this between the two of us. Harry doesn't need to be involved." I explain, looking down at my hands.

"This is absurd! She's even better at potions than I am!" he argued. "she's just missed too many lessons from being Ill." he defended angrily, and ai began tapping my door in an attempt to calm myself. The entire situation was giving me a massive migrain.

"Then I hope to see her caught up soon, Draco." he says simply, and. Can tell that that will be that. No more arguing.

"And that will be all that I hear from you on the matter, Mr. Malfoy. Understood? You may use the classroom anytime after classes. And I truly do wish the two of you the best of luck. You seem like you'll need it." he finishes before leaving us behind in the classroom.

We're both quiet for a long time.

"I don't have time for this shit, Selvin! Dammit, you can teac yourself. We have textbooks for a bloody reason." he said loudly, and that stupid ass comment sent me flying over the edge.

"Do you think that I asked for this? Of course I don't want any of your bloody help. You are the last human being on this planet that I would ever choose to spend extra time with. I'm sorry that I'm such an inconvenience, but Seriously, Malfoy. Grow the fuck up!" I snap back, and he just stares at me, fuming.

"I hate you, did yo know that?" he asked, and I hooded once sharply, clenching and unclenching my fists.

"I know, and I fucking hate you too." I say, and he storms out of the classroom, leavin me to stand there all alone.


I collect myself before I leave my dorm for dinner.

The rest of the day had been a blur, chapters to read, things to study, and hours upon hours of work had been assigned to me, all of my teachers wanting me to be completely caught up. When I enter the great hall, Jenna waves me over, and I decide to join her and the rest of the girls.

They chatter innocently while they eat, and I just sit there, stewing in my anger. I think back over mine and Draco's yelling match, sighing defeatedly. Why is he always so difficult? I eventually give up, shoving away my barely-touched chicken before leaving dinner quietly and early.

In my dorm room, I find a small note, beautiful script against cream colored paper. The handwriting is pristine. I scan over the words, scowling a bit. Of course he's going to do things this way.

Selvin, meet me in the potions room at two o'clock sharp. If you stand me up because you're incapable of waking, I swear to Merlin that I will actually murder you. Get to bed early. I don't know how late we'll be out.

if looks could kill {a Draco Malfoy love story} Where stories live. Discover now