Don't fall for it

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I slowly walked down the hall and to the potions room he was already there sitting patiently on the left side of the room. He was wearing a fitted white v-neck and dark jeans that were beginning to fade. He looked...well...stunning, to say it simply. Ewwww...did I seriously just think that.

Oh hell no. I refuse to think that a Malfoy could be...even remotely attractive. This is unfair. I can never ever have a moment like that again. It is forbidden. No Scarlett Selvin will fall for that shit. Never.

"alright, now all you two have to do is clean the cauldrons. With the sponges, so I'll take your wands." we both nodded and we both handed him our wands. Draco stood swiftly and made his way over to the back of the room, I followed. He looked down on me and smiled his silver eyes glued to mine. It took all my strength to pull away. His eyes seemed the normally hard processed silver is molten instead, and swirling around gracefully.

He was almost stripped back and vulnerable, like a new kind of Malfoy. A real and genuine human being kind of Malfoy. that made my insides churn...what the hell. I am not interested in that. He is not my type.

"so, do you know how to clean?"he said, his eyes still on me I could feel it. It made me feel self-conscious. Like he might be scrutinizing every feature of mine, and analyzing my outfit. Which is just a plain black dress.

For some reason, I decided that an lbd was perfect for cleaning a classroom full of gross shit. Thank you, me, for being idiot numero uno

"oh, right you grew up a spoiled little brat who was always served by house elves." after that I giggled. He needed to be put in his place every once in a while. He's not as perfect ad he thinks he is. Just a normal stuck up prat. Yay, my senses are back, Draco the dick. Draco the prick....hehe rhyme.

"ouch, you know that hurt..." he said sarcastically. I know he doesn't really care about my insults, but they make me feel way better. I shrugged, laughing a bit and grabbing him by the arm, pulling him closer to the cauldrons.

"lucky for you I do. Put some water in the cauldron and get a sponge." I tossed him a bottle of soap. He put one hand out and caught it while he filled up a bit of the couldron. I could see his muscles and...he was fit. Once again thinking about draco's matter how defined they might be. Very very defined. He must lift weights a lot or something.

"now what?" he looked at me as he put soap on the sponge. I could tell that he didn't know what he was doing.

" you just...scrub." he looked at me quizzically I just rolled my eyes and walked over. Okay Scar...It's not a huge deal just...

" like this." I said before I put my hand on top of his and moved it down to meet the inside of the cauldron. I could practically feel his smirk. Then I pulled away. What the hell am I is Draco. the one that I cannot stand. I pulled even farther away hastily. I cannot believe I cell for that.

"come on! I was raised a spoiled brat, I don't know what I'm doing! Remember?" I could tell he was kidding, but I didn't know how to respond. He was like...playing me...making him seem less of an ass. I didn't quite like it. It was weird and we are sure as he'll not friends.

"just start cleaning!" I finally said, not hiding my surprise, he was being so...kind. It was...wrong I just-my thoughts were interrupted by a splash of water that hit my face. It was ice cold and extremely stunning. Shit that was freezing. I squealed, my gaze darting to him immediately,

"oops." he said his tone was teasing me. I splashed him back and laughed loudly. Ha...two can play at that game.

"you really shouldn't have done that." he said looking at me mischievously. He picked up his couldron and I stared at him wide eyed and shook my head. He smirked and dumped the water on me. Ugh...I shivered violently. I felt like I was dying of hypothermia. It hurt everywhere. The cold was paralyzing.

"Draco Malfoy! I can't believe you did that. Your going to PAY!" I said as I made an attempt to grab his arm, but when I dashed forward I slipped and hit my head on the ground. Hard.

"uh." I gasped, feeling dizzy.

"scarlet, O MY GOD, SCARLET ANSWER ME!" I groaned and opened my eyes. And I cringed at the amount of effort it took. Why does that hurt? It shouldn't hurt me this much. I cannot even open my eyes. He was staring at me. In tried hard to keep my blue eyes open, feeling too sleepy.

"Draco it..." I trailed off and he moved my hair away from my face.

"shhhhhhh, it's gonna be okay. I...I'll take you to the infirmary." he said before sliding his arm around me. It was warm, but I don't back down that easily. I made an annoyed noise, shaking my head.

"No! I can...walk." I could tell he didn't believe me but he helped me stand anyway. I staggered forward and fell backward, but he was there to catch me. I felt his muscles flexing as he helped me back into the standing position. I groaned loudly.

"please let me carry you, your bleeding and you look faint." he looked and sounded concerned, no pained. So I nodded once and he scooped me up, carrying me bridal style. I pulled myself closer to him and put my head on his chest. He smelled like mint...and blood. Oh wait...that's probably me. I smiled. He is extremely warm...and comfy.

"Draco?" I asked dreamily

"yes?" his voice still sounded concerned.

"you smell...good" I then giggled and I could feel him smile. I don't know why my stupid half hearted compliment made him happy, but it seemed to. I nodded as if o prove a point.

"thank you, we're almost there scar, it's gonna be fine." and after that everything went dark.


I walked as quickly as I could, but it didn't seem fast enough. She was light but I couldn't move at my normal rate because I wasn't used to holding someone. Oh god this is all my fault. It was stupid of me to do that...I'm a bloody idiot.

When I entered the infirmary I felt slightly better.

"My, what happened?" madam pomfrey asked before pointing to a hospital bed. I set scarlet down lightly and I pushed her hair behind her ears. She was so beautiful...even though she was covered in blood. I don't know why I've been thinking like that recently I just...have been.

"thank you for bringing her." I nodded once.

"can I go tell Professor Slughorn what happened...and then come back?"

"of course, but I'm going to make you leave at eleven." I nodded and rushed down to the dungeons. And found professor slughorn in the potions room.

"Draco? What happened in here?"

"I spilled the water and then scarlet fell. She hit her head, so I took her to the infirmary." I felt guilty as hell and I didn't want to show it. She didn't deserve to be that hurt...we were just messing about.

"Okay, I suspect you are here for your wands? When she wakes up tell her I'm sorry she fell." I nodded, grabbed our wands and rushed up the stairs. I needed to get back to scarlet. She needed me to be there for her.

"Malfoy, where's scarlet?" potters voice sounded behind me. Oh, great perfect timing. This is just absolutely fucking perfect, isn't it?


I rewrote this...this lovely thing on NOVEMBER 26 2013

~authors note

Good chapter? I had fun writing it! During commercials while watching Harry potter and the order of the Phoenix. Haha vote, comment, favorite. I love all you guys. Got a bit of Draco and scarlet in this one tee-hee.

Updated chapter note: April 27, 2012: woohoo! i absolutely love you guys! keep reading! it'll get better i promise! love you all spread the word!

Alex marsh! ;)

if looks could kill {a Draco Malfoy love story} Where stories live. Discover now