Crystal ball

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~when i finally got up kailey, jenna, and lilyan were all gone.. My lack of sleep was fogging up my head, and I laid there for what seemed like hours, staring at the ceiling. I groaned loudly, shaking my head. Everything hurt, and I could tell that today would be horrid. Absolutely horrid.I sighed, trudging over to my trunk and fishing out some slacks and a plain white redshift, shoving my hair in a ponytail.

i rushed to potions and of course with my luck i was 15 minutes late. I walked into the classroom, and every pair of eyes was on me. That's a horrible feeling. they look at you like you just murdered someone. which i definately did not do. I swallowed thickly, staring at every person in the room. I felt like complete death, but I sucked it up, closing my eyes for a second before mustering the courage to sit.

"thanks for joining us miss.selvin, detention. at 9:00 tonight, be on time from now on please."i nodded and walked over to my seat. Draco was smirking and it was...really weird. He looked proud of himself (as always), but this time seemed different. I mean He seemed genuinely excited which is completely out of character. I smiled at him awkwardly before pulling out my book.

"how did you sleep." his voice was low and sweet. it caught me totally off why does he have to be kind sometimes, it makes it harder to hate him. He was looking at me with curiosity swimming in his silvery eyes. they really are mesmerising. like he can look straight into your effing soul just by making some eye contact.I swear, he is like judging me based on everything that I've ever done or some shit...his eyes...

"what? ummm...ya. not at all." i answered after a minute. Why not just tell him the truth, like he cares but still. His grin then grew, and I was honestly confused. why does he look happy about the fact that I couldn't sleep. I narrowed my eyes, looking away from him. Something is seriously wrong with that strange boy. He was dropped as a child and no magic can fix his fucked up mind.

"lucky me. maybe you won't get on the team." there's the draco i know. I sighed, glad to have him back. He really does irk me sometimes. That's not funny! I mean...why does he wanna Kiss me anyway. He can't stand me and vice versa. I flipped him off when no one was looking, sticking my tongue out. "prick." I said. He just looked bored and proud of himself.

"okay, whatever. you go get the couldren." he looked at me as if to say 'really? me? no." i rolled my eyes and pointed to the back of the classroom. he stood and walked quickly to the back of the classroom and returned with our couldren. i smiled swetly and opened my book and recited.

"love potions.does not really cause the person who drinks it to fall in love with someone. as it is impossible to manufacture or imitate love. a love potion simpy causes the drinker to develope a powerful infatuation or obsession with the target." he grabbed the book and started adding ingredients. i sighed as he smiled confidently and spoke.

"done."i rolled my eyes and picked up the frozen ashwater eggs. He thinks he's so much smarter than me, but he's not! I'm second in our grade he's third.I smiled at him smugly, moving slowly so he could take in my actions.

"not quite." i added them and he stirred. aterwards we carefully added the potion into it's container. haha Scar:1 Draco:0 maybe this year would be fun. I after all, do enjoy kicking draco's ass.

"very good. we will be testing these after i give you the antidote tomorrow. you may read about felix felicis for the remainder of class." slughorn said and walked away. i rolled my and shook my head. I don't want to read this. I Picked Up my book regardless and began to read about luck potion. fun, right?

Nothing in there was interesting or important, and I found myself daydreaming about being on a broom in front of a stadium of people.I jumped a it when my fantasy was ruined.

"you are dismissed." i stood up and quickly exited. my next class was divination. with my mood was so awful i didn't even want to go. but i walked to her classroom and sat in my seat...that was also next to malfoy, but it was also next to jenna. she smiled and sat next to me. I smiled back at her.

"hey there scar! did you guys finish your love potion?" i nodded smiling sweetly. She is such a nice girl. once again proving that not every slytherin is a bitch or a douche. we all have our moments...we're just a bit more straightforward than the rest of the school.

She was always upbeat and kind, trying to make friends. She also had her eye on a certain ginger from gryffindor. And no, I mean Fred, not Ron. She absolutely loved him...Fred was her idol.

"cool. we barely did. blaise is so stupid!" draco shot her a glare and i smiled at him venomously. We all think so except for Draco's 'posse' ugh they are all asses. every single one of them. I can't stand It. I don't even wanna be on his team for quidditch but if i wanna make it i have to be. I let my mind wander back to the field for a minute, the wind in my hair as I rode my broomstick.

"let it go Draco. it's okay.'s true." he was about to comment when trelawny handed me a crystal ball. Oh, so today I'll be reading crystal balls I'm good at it. Divinations is a class that I definately excell in. I waved up at the frizzy haired teacher, chuckling at her.

"you shall read each others futures. a delicate subject. it's always changing you know." i nodded and turned to Draco. i reached for his hand but he pulled away and put it o the crystal ball himself. I rolled my eyes, someone's a little touchy.

I never understood why boys like him existed. He had too much money and too much power and was too cocky. It's not even fair to the entire rest of the world.nhe fucked us all over. He ruined it.

"i see...oh no. Draco...i'm so sorry. i can't believe this...i'm so sorry..." I trailed off with a horrified expression written across my features. I shook my head, swallowing thickly.

He snatched the ball and looked nervously.

"haha. very funny." i smiled and took it back. I Win Scar:2 Draco:0

"i actually will have a difficult task. something you have to do...but don't want to." he nodded silently and took the crystal i left one of my hands on it. Let's see what my future holds. I like fortune tellers.

There was something magical about getting a chunk of your future. It was like a present in a silky box with a bow. Information to help you...and you dont even know what it all means yet.

"i see...romance. oh and i see you snogging me in the near future."i rolled my eyes. Ya, right. He is way too cocky. Another trait of his that makes me want to rip his head clean off. Lucky for him that's frowned upon in most cultures.

I leaned in super close, biting his earlobe harshly as if to catch his attention.

"you wish. there is no way i won't make the team." i replied with a sneer. then, we were dismissed, and I ran Straight to my room. It was cold, and I didn't care. "it's on, Malfoy. You'll never beat me."


Re rewritten on November 25 2013

~hope you enjoyed the chapter. i hope to write more in a little. comment vote and give me ideas i like feedback.

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