You really are something

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  • Dedicated to Cecilia martindale


At this point, Draco and I haven't spoken in three weeks. Normally, this would be nothing important; in fact, I would be glad. But for some unknown reason, it sets me on edge. We have our game tomorrow, and the lack of communication makes me incredibly nervous.

I enter the great hall, sighing loudly as I look in between my two separate groups of friends. Walking slowly, I make my way to the Slytherin table, sitting down in my normal seat between Draco and Kailey, reaching for some food.

"well, well. If it isn't our favorite catcher." Blaise speaks with sarcasm dripping off of his poisonous words. I can't even deal with his shit right now. I plaster an innocent smile across my face.

"hey, Zabini. How was your day? Pleasant, I hope." I ask him sweetly, my words seeming like a slap in the face. He is staring at me, not sure how to answer. The look on his face is priceless, dammit, I wish I had my camera. I tilt my head as if to point out that I am still expecting him to answer.

"it was...fine I quess." I nod slowly and pick up a piece of chocolate cake. And then i proceed to survey it before setting it on my plate. It has chocolate frosting and chocolate chips...yummy, my favorite.

"that's good, I hope you do well in tomorrow's game." I say, still smiling innocently. He is still suspicious of me. He doesn't understand why I am being so abnormally kind to him. It is out of my character.

" ya..." he says, awkwardly while shifting his weight. I nod again, taking a bite of my cake, chewing and swallowing slowly before speaking again.

"I mean, It would really be bad if you lost the game for us." I say, my voice suddenly venomous, the change in tone abrupt. This time instead of smiling, I smirk at him. He glares at me. happy easy to tell that he is far from happy with my comment but, hey. He is the asshole who tried to rape me! I'm sorry if that made me kind of angry. I think that's one of my many rites I mean, seriously.

"haha, very funny Selvin." he spits, his grimace photo-worthy in every sense. I just roll my eyes at him. He needs to learn how to take a joke. I'm just here to put him in his place.

"I was only kidding, Blaise. Stop being such a git. Your going to do great." I say, smiling truthfully. He sighs and nods. Maybe he is just slightly nervous. Well, that's not like him at all. Hmmm he would hate it if people knew he cared that much *smiles evilly to myself* note to self: remember to tell everyone about that.

"I dont know, dude. I thought it was pretty funny." Draco says with a smirk. I giggle, biting my lip,so now we're on speaking terms. That's a good thing. He smiles down at me and I smiled back, he seems awfully cheerful tonight.

"oh my gosh! Scarlett! I'm so exited to watch you at the quidditch match tomorrow." lilyan says suddenly, causing Draco to turn back to his food. I smile back at her. Good to know she cares, she doesn't talk to me very often.

"oh, I'm super exited too. We are going to crush those gryffindor losers!" I say both happily and smugly.

"of course we will." Blaise says with a smirk. Tomorrow is going to be great!


I wake early, with a smile. today's the big day! But first...class. I hop up and head over to the showers, I don't bother to spend to much time because I will end up showering again after the match. When my shower is done I grab blindly for my school uniform and my robe. I am feeling festive. I walk down to breakfast, a grin on my face and I sit confidently in between Draco and Lilyan. They all stare at me...I probably look overly happy.

if looks could kill {a Draco Malfoy love story} Where stories live. Discover now