watch yourself

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The one month anniversary of Scarlett's death was strange. It still hasn't hit me that she is actually gone. Not gone for the week. Or the uear, but she is actually somewhere far away, doing whatever humans do after they're dead. Maybe she just doesn't exist anymore.

The funeral was hard for everyone.

The casket is closed (for obvious reasons). They made up some bullshit about us remembering her happy and beautiful and smiling. But I don't remember her broken and sobbing and bleeding profusely from her arm. She was depressed. And she was afraid. And I see that every time I think about her. She was an angel with broken wings., no longer able to fly. Hopefully she has her wings back in heaven...Selvin in heaven. For some reason the idea brings a small smile to my face. Hell seems a bit more apt, what with that attitude. I had worn a black suit for the occasion, opting out of dress robes. I think she would have liked it. I think she would have found it oddly...human of me.

When I was back in my room, I cried for at least twenty four hours. Blaise had never been more uncomfortable in his entire life.

I still have classes, obviously.
But it all seems so incredibly pointless. Why am I going through the motions, answering questions and writing essays and...I can see Scarlett rolling her eyes and telling me to get over it and move on with my life.

Even in death, I'm trying to please that witch.

By now, I'm receiving failing marks in nearly every single class, and I think everyone knows it. I'm not me anymore...I'm not anything. I'm just doing nothing and being nothing. I'm hollow.

My father had Snape corner me in the dungeons and threaten me. Apparently I have a reputation to uphold. So today, I welcome back pre-scrarlett Malfoy. The me that doesn't care about anyone or anything. The boy that has nothing to lose. It doesn't matter what happens to me. Not anymore.

I enter the potions room, striding straight to my seat. I look around, and my brain flips through memories of us in this room. And I'm sitting here next to her empty chair. This chair was once occupied by the most gorgeous person on the face of this planet. And then Dumbledore walks in with a girl at his side. She has a baby face and a mischievous smirk. Her eyes are a shade of dark blue, and her hair is blonde. Like Scarlett's. But she isn't Scarlett.

"I would like to introduce to everyone a new student. She has been rescued from a violent attack, the only survivor of her family. And we are making Howarts her new home. She has been placed in the Slytherin house. Please do your best to make her feel welcome." He smiled softly, gesturing for her to step forward, she nodded once, arms crossed over her chest.

"Hello, I'm Feigh." Her accent is posh, and I wonder what family she comes from. Terror attack sounds like a deatheater thing, but I haven't heard of any recent attacks.

The blonde looks bored, reaching up to run a hand through her platinum hair. I watch as Albus motions for her to sit beside me, and I sigh dramatically, clenching my hands.

It's just my luck, right?

She sits down and looks uncertainly up at the old man. He smiles reassuringly before leaving the room. I watch the door until she starts speaking, her voice low and sultry,

"Hey. Like I said, my name's feigh. But you can call me whenever you'd like." She says slyly, and I smirk, raising my eyebrows.

"Is that so? Well sorry, sweetheart. I'm not interested." I reply, injecting some venom into my voice for effect. I can tell that it works when her eyes narrow.

"Well, sorry to trash that ego, hot stuff, but I wasn't being serious. I don't go for pricks." She says, sounding bitter, and my expression changes.

"Awww, what's wrong? Is mister too-good-to-be-true shocked that a girl isn't into him?" My eyes widen at thst, and she laughs, smirking at bit maliciously.

"Sorry to disappoint, sexy. But someone around here needs to knock you down at couple of pegs. You're not all that and a bottle of wine, and you sure as hell are not fooling me." She says, tone harsh. I can tell that she's good at picking up men. She just exudes sex.

Six months ago, she would have been just my type. I hear Slughorn dismiss us, and I stand immediately.

"Oh, and Malfoy." How the fuck does she know my name?, "Just remember that a war is brewing. And I'd hate for you go be standing on the wrong side when it's here." She says, voice low. And with a glance to my forearm, she chuckles.

"Oh, I know a lot more than you'd like for me to. I'd watch myself if I were you." She adds with a wink before strutting out of the room. I sit there staring after her, my jaw open. I'm awestruck.

What the fuck is going on here?



So? What about Feigh. Who is she? What does she want? What does she know. So, y'all like? I TOLD YOUT THAT IT WASN'T OVER! LET THE STORY CONTINUE!

A daily dose of Alex.

I Love You all so much!

You guys make writing worthwhile!



Who else misses Scarlett :(

I do

I like how she thinks

I like how she talks

I like her a lot

She was my friend

Now I sound crazy

I am crazy


I like having conversations with my readers! So comment or message me.

I don't get why I have silent readers

I like spaghetti. That's what I had for dinner...yum

I worked for three hours today!

My iPod is GREEN

I need to end this authors note!

Love always,

Your sexy ass Mofo who deserves loving and caring fans who vote for her stories!



if looks could kill {a Draco Malfoy love story} Where stories live. Discover now