Can't catch a break

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Kailey just stares at me for a long while, not knowing what she should say. I trust her, and I am completely aware that she will help me get through all of this shit. In is case, the damn men of the world are ruining my life. They should just all go away and never come back. Which I obviously don't completely mean...but hey just frustrate the he'll out of me.

" Harry Potter kissed you?" she asks with a look of disbelief on her face. I just nod once, and she seems to rethink over my story again in her head. It is incredibly awkward for me, her eyes traveling up in down, analyzing me. I sigh loudly, collapsing backwards onto my bed, groaning. These sort of stupid things make life unbearable sometimes.

"so he like....actually kissed you though?" she repeats quietly, and I snap straight up, glaring at her annoyedly.

"yes, he really kissed me." I hiss, my eyes narrowing, and she grumbles something to herself, nodding. I sigh, falling backwards on the bed again, staring up at the ceiling. I really have no reason to be angry with her. I'm really mad at Harry to be honest. I mean what the actuall hell, he fucking kissed me the stupid, intolerable, annoying, impulsive twat. He just decided to kiss me with no thought of the consequences or of me or of Ginny.

Shit, poor little Ginny. She loves him so much....and he hasn't actually asked her out yet. I thought he was still pining over Chang. Well, apparently thst was wrong. And now he's flirting with me when it should be beautiful, sweet Ginny. God damn it! He kisses me out of nowhere, and it's messing up my judgement and Ginny's happiness.

"I'm sorry, Kailey. I'm just entirely frustrated with the entire situation." I apologize with a groan, and pulls me up to smile at me kindly, shaking her head,

"It's okay, Scarlett. I would be too. If you ever need to talk about anything, I'm here. I just want you to remember that. Well, anyway. It is dinner time, and my stomach is practically screaming at me. I'm that starved. Are you coming?" she asks me warmly, but I politely shake my head. She shruggs, getting up and going to leave our small room. I really just need some time to think and sleep and figure out what's happening right now. So I slide under my green duvet, shutting my eyes and waiting patiently for the sleep to find me.


"hey, Selvin." She said icily. I cringed and shook my head.

"go away." I stated simply, my blonde hair falling forward to cover my face. She just sneered and took a step closer to me. I cowered into the brick wall behind me and made a small noise that sounded similar to a whimper.

"why, Selvin. Are you scared?" she mocked, I just shook my head and she grabbed my face and shoved it against the wall. I cried out on pain as a hot, sticky substance covered half of my face. She snickered menacingly.

"what, you gonna go cry to your daddy? Oh, wait he left you again. Someday he'll never come back. He probably gets sick of you. That's why he leaves." she taunted then I snapped my head to the side so we were making eye contact. And she just raised her eyebrows as if to say 'oh, did you not want me to mention your stupid daddy.' and she pushed me against the wall with great force.

"isn't this precious, little Selvin is getting angry." she said with a triumphant smirk. It was then that I, without thinking, shot my hand at her face. It collided with a huge amount of force, and my slap sent her staggering backwards. She looked up at me then, her green eyes flaming and I took a step toward her.

"don't you ever touch me again. Or you will be sorry." I said darkly and she narrowed her eyes. I just turned and started walking to mom's studio. I heard the rushed footsteps behind me and I whipped around and my fist connected with her face. She cried out and fell to her knees.

"I told you not to touch me." I snarled and walked away again. My anger subsiding and guilt taking it's place.

Why are you guilty Scar, she deserved that, she was the one who tried to hurt you. It's not wrong if it's self defense.

Ugh, it is wrong. I hurt her.

Oh, big deal, just grow up already.

I have. Stop being so mean.

Did you really just tell yourself to stop being mean wow, get some help, Scarlett.

I just rolled my eyes and groaned, I was arguing with my conscience. This could by no means end up well. I opened the door and my mom looked up and gasped, dropping her paint brush.

"Scarlett Selvin what the hell happened to you!" she screamed. I just cringed and walked past her to the bathroom where I stared at my reflection. My tan skin and blonde hair caked with blood.


I wake up with a shiver. Jenna....back in America. New York to be exact, and we were eleven. I remember her not speaking to me again until we were in a room together third year. She was genuinely creul to me when we were young. Yes, when I was little, I was bullied by Jenna. I had been suspended from my elementary school for four days because of that punch, and so had she. She never acted the same after that afternoon...maybe I hurt her ego. She deserved it.

I sigh, frowning. Why is that what is popping up in my head right now? Why does it even matter, Jenna and I have been fine for years. I don't love her, but she isn't horrible to me, and I am nice to her.

My teeth are chattering slightly, so I pull the duvet up to my chin, willing sleep to take over once again.


I was laying there in my bedroom, tears running down my face. I was silently sobbing as I heard him screaming at her. No matter how hard I tried I just...couldn't silence it. They were loud and it was agonizing.


"YOU LIAR! I KNEW MY PARENTS WERE RIGHT ABOUT YOU. I NEVER SHOULD HAVE MARRIED YOU." she shot back and then I heard him scream as if she had done something horrible to her. I ran down stairs then and saw her wand pointed at my dad. She glared at me, her face sinister.

"go to bed, scarlet." she said calmly and I shook my head slowly.

"no, put down your wand." I said through gritted teeth. She just turned and had it pointed at me.

"stupify!" I screamed as my mother fell unconscious. I unclenched my teeth and walked up to my room before packing a bag and disappearing through the window.


I wake up with a choked sob, sputtering frantically, finding that there were tears falling from my eyes. I stand up, knowing that sleep isn't an option tonight, and I to out to the common room, wiping my tears with the back of my hand. E black leather couch seems cold and unwelcoming, but I sit regardless, pulling my knees up to my chest and trying to control my sporadic breathing.

"Scarlett?" I hear from just behind me, and I cringe, shaking my head rapidly. Jesus Christ, why can't I catch a goddamn break today. Not right now, any time but now. Leave me alone....just please leave-

"Scarlett, tell me what's wrong." Draco says, walking over and resting his large hand on my shoulder. I shiver violently and involuntarily. He sits right beside me, our thighs pressed against each other. He pushes my hair behind my ear and pulls me close to his chest in an attempt to warm me.

"it's okay, I have you." he said gently, rubbing my arm. "just try and breathe." I take in a deep breath and nod my head. I allow him to pull me into his lap. He looks kind of awkward and feels kind of tense, but I take comfort in the fact that he is trying to help me feel better. I rest my head on his shoulder, closing my eyes and trying to forget about everything.

if looks could kill {a Draco Malfoy love story} Where stories live. Discover now