Oh, bloody hell

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"Not now potter." I said without stopping. I could hear him running up the stairs behind me and I felt his hand on my arm. He yanked my arm hard enough to make me turn. I could tell he was angry. Did he honestly think I would hurt her? Stupid little potter. I would never touch scarlet.well, I would never hurt her intentionally, anyhow. I was fuming, the little bitch thought he was just /so/ fucking brilliant 'look at me! I'm the bloody chased one'. Chosen one, my ass.

" look Malfoy, if you so much as touched her. I swear I WILL-" that bloody idiot! He could never ever accuse me of hurting her. I would never. I don't /do/ that. Sure, maybe I torment her a bit, but I am not evil or creul. My mother raised me better then that.

"WHAT! You will what, potter, you wouldn't think to curse me. You're to much of a...gryffindor." I said ending quietly. He was seriously blaming me. Well I blame myself, but he thinks I...touched her. I would never EVER. I'm not that mean. I'm not evil. I shook my head, clenching my jaw. No, not scarlett. She...she's too precious for that.

" I would curse you if you hurt my friend, now tell me where she is...wait, why are covered in...BLOODY HELL, MALFOY WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER!" then I was dodging his fist. Nice try potter, I have good reflexes. I started running up the stairs. Which probably wasn't a good idea...I didn't think it through that far, sprinting as fast as I could.

"Stop running Malfoy or I will curse you." I stopped dead in my tracks and turned to see Harry. He had his wand at the ready. I lifted mine but I was too late. He was one step ahead of me. Shit. I'm so screwed. I frowned.

"Expelliarmus" my wand flew from my hand. so I lifted scarlet's as quickly as i could manage, trying to be quicker than potter. It is possible. I obviously have better refkexes. Maybe I would be fast enough to-

"Expelliarmus" so much for that. So it's time to try and reason with the devil. I swallowed thickly, letting out a sigh. He won't believe me.

"look, potter. She's with madam pomfrey. I need to get up there and see if she is okay." I said desperately why the hell do I sound this worried. I gave him an almost urgent look, clenching my fists and glanching at our wands.

"Malfoy? Why is she in the infirmary. What did you do?" he asked, his teeth clenched. I groaned, stomping loudly in an effort to get him to just /listen/ to me.

"I did NOT DO ANYTHING." god, will he just let it go. I turned to move, muttering a few inking things under my breath. Maybe he'll let me go just this one time...although I definitely doubt-

"sectumsempra." I was being lacerated by invisible blades, then. I was bleeding and I started to feel faint. I collapsed on the stairs and looked up, potters face almost made me smile. Too bad I was in pain. His eyes were full of guilt and he was shaking his head. I could tell he felt horrible for doing this to me. Then he picked me up. If I could've I would've hit him and ran...I mean Harry potter was freaking carrying me. Hey! I know that expression. It was the same expression that I had while I was carrying scarlet up to the hospital wing. What felt like hours later I heard potters voice.

"Madam Pomfrey! Come quick!" I heard foot steps and a gasp. Well, yeah, thisbis what happens when the dickhead potter sees you in a hallway. No rational thought like any clear minded man. Nope.

"Harry go get Professor Snape!" I was put on a bed then. Thank god he wasn't touching me anymore. That was completely repulsive. I heard someone, I'm assuming it was potter, running down the corridor. Right before I fell unconscious.


I was suddenly awake but opening my eyes took more effort than I imagined. I looked around. I was in the hospital wing. Suddenly the events of the night before flooded back to me. Ew, was I seriously flirting with Draco. I finally turned to see his face. I jumped, I was not expecting Draco to be sitting there. That's not exactly normal. I squeaked a bit, squirming farther away from him.

"oh! Thank god you're awake. You've been sleeping for days. I half expected to still be in the hospital bed next to yours when you woke up." he said flashing a smile. I smiled weakly he took a step towards me and winced. Nope. No touching.mi don't want you to touch me, Blondie.

" how long was I out? And why were you here too. Where are Harry and Ron and Hermione." he smiled as he pulled up a chair next to my bed. He was here when I woke up. Draco was sitting there waiting with me. For me to wake up. That's weird...he doesn't even like me. We're teammates and potions partners and that is /it./ nothing more or less.

" they're in the great hall getting lunch. Four and a half days. And I was here because Harry thought I did something to you so...he well he used sectumsempra...and just in case you're wondering it's a spell that...well you're practically getting sliced and diced by a sword that isn't there." he grimaced at the thought of the spell. Harry did WHAT! If anything Draco saved me by taking me back to the infirmary after I fell. I can't believe he would even think about hurting anyone. That's unlike him. He didn't have to hurt Draco, but he did. I opened my mouth, searching for the words. I didn't know what to say for at least a few minutes.

"that's horrible! I...I can't believe he hurt you. I'm sooooooooo sorry. I...I didn't want you to get hurt!" I felt absolutely and one hundred percent guilty for him getting hurt. He smirked at my apparent concern. He just shrugged as if it was no huge deal. "it's okay. Just a scar or two." he said almost boredly. "maybe I'll show you sometime." he said lowly in a joking voice. Ew. No.

"wait...why aren't you at lunch." I asked, and he looked away. I frowned deeply. Had he not been eating? Had he just been sitting here waiting for me?

"I'm fine...really. And I wanted to be here when you woke up. Well they did too. But they leave for meals. I only go during dinner. We were both excused from our classes. So we don't have to make anything up." just then my three best friends walked in. As soon as they realized I was awake the ran over and all started speaking at once. To be honest it was hurting my head. I put a hand up and they became quiet. Thank the lord Jesus.

"I'm so glad you're awake. We've been here for you. During well...most of the day." I smiled and nodded. Hermione is so sweet. I winked at her, nodding again. "thanks, babe."

"bloody hell. You scared me scarlet!" Ron said next. I laughed and shook my head. Leave it to Ron, right? Making the best of a stressful situation. He was kind of protective and crazy when it came to me...I am like his baby sister.

"I'm so glad you've woken up. I was scared out of my mind. I was...well...I am glad you're awake." Harry said before he came over and hugged me. I grunted, not hugging him back.

" I'm glad to see you. All of you." I glanced at Draco while I made my last statement. He looked down and smiled. I rolled my eyes. He is such a little prick. He needs to be put in his place sometime.

"but...Harry. I can't believe you hurt Malfoy. I mean. He was in the infirmary for...well for almost as long as I was." I said. And I knew by the look on his face that he could tell I was disappointed with him. But seriously he deserves to feel guilty.I'm honestly glad that he feels bad. He could have killed Draco.

"I felt really bad about it afterwards. I just...I thought he hurt you and I overreacted." I nodded once. Trying to make myself relax. I sighed, shaking my head slowly. Ow. It wasn't okay for him to do that. I disapprove.

" let her rest you four. Off to class she'll be out by dinner." they nodded and all four smiled as they walked away. I laid my head back. "Jesus Christ, this year has already been eventfull.


Re rewritten on November 26 2013

Guys, I am almost done with the first chapter of the sequel. *does little happy dance.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~author's note!

Thanks for reading I hope you guys liked this chapter. I will probably post tomorrow. But after that I won't post till Friday. I apologize if I spelled anything wrong. This is unedited. Comment vote give me your ideas. Constructive criticism is accepted and encouraged! Haha

-Alex marsh

if looks could kill {a Draco Malfoy love story} Where stories live. Discover now