Intolerable questions

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  • Dedicated to Cecilia martindale

I pry my eyes open, seeing the common room fireplace across from me, a not near my hand. I sit up, feeling as if I am in some sort of daze, staring at the note warily. I reach down, picking it up. My name is printed on the front in Draco's untidy hand. I sigh, opening up the paper.


I apologize for leaving you out here on your own, but I need to sleep as well. I would sincerely suggest that you look into making some dreamless sleep potion. This is the second time that you've woken up in tears (in front of me at least). And it seems to be upsetting you. I'll see you in class or at breakfast. I hope you slept better this time.



I mutter to myself, rolling my eyes. Stupid Draco doesn't need to worry about me. He probably doesn't even really care that much...but still. I am perfectly capable of fighting my own goddamn battles. I stand up slowly, my head a bit weird. I rub my eyes still puffy from crying myself to sleep the night before. I can vaguely recall the events, and I groan loudly. Damn dreams. Couldn't my mind just let me sleep just one time? No, they have to wake me up every stupid night. Maybe I should look into some dreamless sleep potion...ugh. I should just get ready.

I meander to our room and open the door to find Kailey staring t me with a nervous expression. I roll my eyes, groaning internally. Not this again.

"Scarlett? Are you okay?" she asks, and I just nod politely and walk over to my trunk, pulling out my uniform and inspecting it before standing back up. I walk to the bathroom and climb out of my clothes and into the warm shower.

The hot water feels amazing on my sore muscles. I bite my lip as I massage at my shoulders, trying to rub the tension away. After fifteen minutes of that, I move on the the owl nest that is my hair. Sleeping on a leather couch is never a good idea. The hot water felt amazing, beating down on my back, and it took a lo time for me to drag myself away from the comfort.

I stepped out of the warm shower, pulling a fluffy towel around myself before drying my hair and pulling on my outfit. I frown, staring at myself in the mirror. I look completely sleep deprived as well as slightly unfed, the clothes not tight on my curvier frame like they usually are. I reach out to touch the glass, staring at the girl looking back at me in the mirror. Her eyes are puffy and red, but there are also telling dark circles. She looks pale and hungry, no flush in her normally pink cheeks. Anyone can see that her dreaded insomnia is taking a toll on her body.

I slowly make my way down to the great hall, Ron, Hermione, and Harry are looking around the room. I decide to make my way over and sit with them. Sitting down, they finish their whispers before turning their attention to me, smiles fading away quickly, a look of concern taking over each face. Hermione reaches over to put a hand on mine. I look away from them.

"bloody hell, Scarlett!" Ron exclaimed. "you look horrible." he added, and I shook my head, shrugging. I then reach for a piece of toast. They stared at me while I began nibbling at the bread, avoiding any and all kind of eye contact. I am trying to avoid any and all of the questions that they might ask. It would be difficult to answer any of them, and I am honestly just not up for I pick at my toast.

"have you been sleeping at all?" Hermione asks my slowly. I just turn and face away from them, moving to stand up. I honestly do not feel like being interrogated at the moment. It doesn't sound even remotely doable right now. My hair falls into my face, but I just leave it.

"of course I am. Why wouldn't I be sleeping." I say quietly before turning and exiting the great hall, striding quickly down to the dungeons and making my way t the common room where I sit down and stare at the large fireplace. It only takes minutes for my eyelids to feel heavy.


I was holding his hand, and then he disappeared. I saw him in a room, it was luxourious and painted in black and green. He was pacing, his face distraught. Then he was crying as he punched a wall. Then I saw me, I was laying there tears in my eyes. I saw my mom and I saw him and I saw myself. A flash of each of us, him crying as he showed his marked arm, my mom standing there staring wide-eyed, and me standing in the astronomy tower with tear stained cheeks.


I wake suddenly and groan as I realize that I am currently supposed to be in potions class, but I just shake my head and look down. Fuck this, I really do need a dreamless sleep potion. I am still in thought when I hear someone walking up behind me.

"Why aren't you in class, Selvin?" the voice sounds from behind me. I visibly cringe and reply grimly.

"I could ask you the exact same question, Malfoy." I respond with a sigh, and I can practically hear him sneering at me. I then turn warily to see his platinum blond hair, pale skin, and bored expression. He just shrugs.

"if you really find it to be that big of a deal and you must know, ai slept late." I say, and he just shakes his head as if to say whatever, Selvin. He turns to walk towards his room, and I mutter annoyedly under my breath. Why does he suddenly think he can tell me what to do?

He calls over his shoulder then,

"I would be willing to bet that you're failing potions, Selvin." he says, and I open my mouth to defend myself before shutting it abruptly.

Shit, he's probably right.


this chapter Is really crappy and I'm sorry but I haven't been in the mood to write, my English teacher told me I wasn't very good. But I dedicate this chapter to one of my best friends for two reasons.

She's moving tomorrow.

And she's such an amazing friend that she told off our teacher for calling me a bad writer


if looks could kill {a Draco Malfoy love story} Where stories live. Discover now