Beautiful Monsters

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I am walking briskly in the direction of my room when I feel a hand around my wrist. I panic for a second, afraid that it's Blaise or Urkuhart, but then I calm myself, taking a deep breath. Draco came out with me. There is no reason why it wouldn't be him standing there. I reason, spinning around to see his silver eyes swimming in the darkness of the corridor.

"What did I do wrong?" he asks, his voice clear and genuine. I can tell that he honestly doesn't understand why I walked away from him. I open my mouth, but no words come out, and I stand there looking stupid. He tries to take advantage of the situation, dipping his head down to connect our lips, but instead, I pull up his sleeve, turning my gaze towards his forearm, not prepared for what I'm met with. I swallow thickly, my fingers tightening around the fabric.

It is honestly the most hideous thing that I've ever seen. Sure, I've seen it plenty of times, after all, my father died with this emblem on his own arm. But here on's disgusting, turning the beautiful boy into nothing more than a beautiful monster.

"Shit." I whisper suddenly, drawing my hand back. And he stands there, arm stained with black ink, and I can help but shake my head. He suddenly looks hurt, plling his sleeve back down. I hadn't meant for it to come across that way but...he is a fucking death eater.

"What the Hell? Why did you do that!?" he muttered angrily, his face contorted in grief. I pull the sleeve back up, trailing my fingers over it. He pulls away again. Nice, Scarleyy. You've really done it this time. Now he's fuming, absolutely furious with me. I honestly don't want that.

"Don't go." I request quietly, shoving my hair behind my ears. His eyes are on fire (which obviously doesn't make sense considering that they're grey). He seems passionate, expression torn as if he's afraid of me being taken away at any given moment. He pulls my close, hands rough against me, leaning down to hiss into my ear.

"You know what that means, don't you? I mean, of course you bloody understand! I have to do what he tells me. I have to kill whoever he wants me too. If he told me to end you, I would have to. Damnit Selvin, don't you get that? Do you think that I want you to get hurt?" his fingers are practically digging into my hipbones, but I am far from afraid. He doesn't want to hurt me. He cares about me too much, and he just told me that in his own fucked up way. He'll never intentionally hurt me.

"Draco, love, calm down. Okay?" I whisper to him, reaching up to touch his cheek gently, his skin soft under my fingertips. "Shh, you wouldn't hurt me. I know that...Why are you a death eater, Draco? Theres nothing in this for you." I trail off, and he tears up, his hands rolling into fists. He says nothing, only shaking his head in response. He hates himself.

"My mother and father are both....and it was just something that I always knew that I'd have to do it eventually. It just happened so fast and then...he gave me the stupid task." I take his hand, reaching up to wipe away his tears. He turns away, not wanting me to see him.

"And now, I'm no better than he is. I am no better than the dark lord himself." he says, his voice cracking.

"Draco, we both know that's a lie. You didn't choose to be this don't even want to be this way." he shakes his head, and I pull him towards his room where Blaise is sleeping soundly. I turn to fo away, and he grabs my wrist gently, tugging me in the directionof his bed.

"Good night. Have wonderful dreams." he whispers, pulling me flush against him under the duvet. I can feel him radiating body heat through his clothes, and I shake my head.

"this is absurd. Get u and change. And grab me one of your shirts while you're at it." I say, and he nods, dragging himself to where his clothes are kept, tossing me a shirt before stripping down to nothing but boxers.

I change before getting back under the covers, cuddling against him.

"Good night, Draco. Have lovely dreams."


I am sitting alone in a beautiful meadow, shades of yellow and orange surrounding me. I can hear him approaching behind me, his breath tickling the back of my neck. I shiver at the feeling, but I am not afraid. He can try if he wants, but I will never be afraid of him. He has never scared me, and he never will. I know how to deal with him and his moods...hopefully I can manage that now.

"We can do this the easy way or the hard way, Scarlett." he hisses quietly into my ear, and I chuckle, shaking my head slowly. I close my eyes, breathing in deeply and Amal ing the clear morning air.

"Or we could not do it at all." I reply, words flowing out calmly. When I feel the cold wood of his wand against my temple, I shiver, watching my life go by in front of me. With two words, I will be gone, but I refuse to let myself be scared. It would accomplish nothing.

"You know that I have to." he hisses I to my ear, and I just shake my head and chuckle. He thinks that he's trapped, but I know the truth. He isn't trapped. He cam get through this if he tries.

"Oh, Draco, my love." I begin, shaking my head. "You always see everyone in black and white. You know as well as I do that you have a choice. You always have a choice." he only shakes his head frantically. He doesn't want to talk himself out of this. He can be killed for standing up to the dark lord, and he's afraid. He doesnt want to die. Neither do I.

"I love you Scar. And I'll see you soon. I promise." he whispers passionately.

"Goodbye, Draco. Remember, it is better to die with honor than to live with shame." I am speaking confidently, my words clear and exact. I keep my eyes closed, remembering back to our first kiss. It is the last thing that I want to experience, even if it's only a memory.

"Avada kedavra." he whispered, and then I woke.


His arms are wrapped around my waist protectively, holding me flat against his own chest. His voice is low and menacing, mumbling different things. I can tell that someone is trying to hurt me.

"Don't touch her. No. Stop looking. No, please don't. No, please no." I turn to brush his hair out of his face (it is sticking to his forehead from sweat. When he jolts awake, I shush him gently, trying to calm him down. He looks at me in confusion before his face is flooded with relief.

He leans down and kisses me gently, lips barely even brushing my own. He seemed scared and rushed and every other possible emotion. As I am staring at him, I see his face light up again as if he's having some kind of weird midnight epiphany.

"Scarlett, what are your plans for the holiday?" he asks, and I shrug dismissively,

"I dunno. I'll probably just stay here." and he shakes his head, peppering gentle kisses across my neck.

"Come home with me? I'll introduce you to my parents and show you the manor." I kiss his cheek chastely, nodding. He is the sweetest boy. I wonder why he doesn't act this way in front of other people...I hope his parents are fond of me.

"I would honestly love too." and he kisses me again with a bit more promise.

"Of course you would!" he exclaims triumphantly and I just roll my eyes. Damn, could he be any less cocky for just like...five minutes?


Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated In like forever! But ive been super busy. Read slowly and a new chapter will be out soon. Loves!


I really want to make a book trailer for this book. But I don't have the computer program. I'm working on it :) do you think if I had a cover contest or something that people would enter?

if looks could kill {a Draco Malfoy love story} Where stories live. Discover now