Shatter my bones

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I stare at his platinum hair while he walks away, and I feel another wave of nauseating dizziness come over me. I gas, squeezing my blue eyes shut and clenching my teeth. I could hear the whispers and see the flickering memories that were torturing me one by one, a montage of terror. I gasp, hearing the same voice once again, clawing at my ears until my fingernails bleed. I feel closer to suffocation with each passing word, crying out.

"He's coming for you. He wants you to join us, Scarlett. Make it easy and come to us. Let us mark your skin. Let us show you what power really is. You can feel it can't you? Your need for power coursing through your veins?" she hisses in my ears, and my eyes snap open. She is standing there in front of me, insanity lurking in her dead eyes.

I cringe, shivering violently into the couch as she cackles loudly, the sounds echoing inside my head, never ending. She pulls her curved wand out, pointing it straight at me. I whimper as she stops a mere four feet in front of me, a disturbing smile on her face. I scream.

"Don't touch me!" I yell frantically, my entire body trembling in fear, and she smirks evilly. Before pointing her wand at me I gasp as I reach for my own wand frantically, hoping to save myself. She can't hurt me...she wouldn't hurt me...she has no reason to-

"don't you dare. No! Don't-"

"CRUCIO" she yells intensely, a bright light shooting from her wand, and I hear a scream and I don't realize that it is coming from me until I feel the mind-fucking pain.

I feel every singly bone in my body being shattered to millions of sharp peices, my organs are erupting and my crimson blood is boiling beneath my pale skin. I roll off of the couch and on to the floor where I hit the cold ground violently and scream as loud as my body can possibly make sound. It hurts so badly that all i can see is white, tears streaming from my closed eyes. It is all that I can manage to think about as I hear the insane cackles subsiding. But the pain continues tenfold, and I can hear someone distantly saying my name. The tears are still streaming down my cheeks, my muscles more tense then I was aware that they could be. Then everything goes black.

Kailey's POV

Oh my god, oh my god, sweet Merlin what is happening. I walked into the common room, and Scarlett was screaming and seizing on the floor. I said her name over and over again to see if she could hear me, but she only screams louder. I rush back out into the hallway, looking around.

"Draco!" I yell desperately when I spot familiar platinum blond hair. He turns to glare at me. It is no secret that he hates me because of my blood, but he cares about Scarlett. So he will have to do.

"What do you want Kendrix?" he asks through clenched teeth. I grab his arm, tugging him urgently towards the common room. She is still screaming, but her thrashing has stopped. I turn to look up st Draco desperately, but he is no longer beside me, kneeling next to Scarlett.

He scoops her up effortlessly and turns to look at me before shaking his head and pushing past me, his long legs carrying him quickly towards the hospital wing. I run after him, catching up easily, the adrenaline pushing my small frame to move fast. I run after him, and time feels like it is completely frozen, no matter how fast we go, it isn't fast enou. And Scarlett looks even worse with each passing minute. I let out a huge sigh of relief when we reach the hospital wing.

"Madam Pomfrey!" I scream wildly, and she comes out, looking startled and stares wide-eyed at my best friend.

"Put her on the bed." she says quietly, and Draco complies, setting her down gently. She rushes out of the room, returning seconds later with a small leather-bound book. My face is contorted.

if looks could kill {a Draco Malfoy love story} Where stories live. Discover now