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I walked into the great hall and saw Hermione waving at my I waved back and walked over quickly. Let's hope they feel like talking to me today. If they don't I they might end up in the damn infirmary. Seriously though. It is not polite to ignore your best friend. In fact, it's fucking annoying and creul. I cannot, I repeat, /cannot/ forgive that. I deserve to be treated just like every other human being. If they refuse to, I'll find some new friends.

"hey guys...what's up." I asked uneasily they were all looking up politely but none of them looked...well to say it simply they didn't look very welcoming. Harry shrugged and turned away. I could feel my anger rising and I couldn't believe that They were still going to act like this. I turned on my heels and walked as quickly as I could. Finding a seat right next to malfoy.

"hello." I said politely as I sat down and grabbed a piece of chicken. And pulled the skin off of it in one quick motion. Draco looked at me questioningly. I just shook my head rapidly and dropped my eyes. I don't need him feeling sorry for me, I am fine. I can get through anything...I'm a fighter. I'm strong. Crying shows weakness. I glance back up at him to find that he is staring straight back at me, his eyes narrowed and his eyebrows drawn. I couldn't get over the way he was staring at me, blue eyes clouded with questions. I opened my mouth before shutting it.

"I have been asked to escort you to all your classes for the next week." he stated simply. I rolled my eyes, I don't need a babysitter. I looked up at him, narrowing my own eyes, giving him a quick once over. He will jot be my babysitter. I refuse. I completely refuse.

"thank you, but that won't be necessary." I replied with a sneer. I set down my chicken and turned. Waiting for him to speak, I took another bite of my chicken before reaching to grab a green apple, taking a huge bite of that as well. I was angry-eating. And that is absolutely never a good thing.

" I think it will. I'm going to take you to every class and your going to let me." he said sternly I just groaned and rolled my eyes. What crawled up his arse and died? Maybe it was his dignity since he was in the infirmary cuz of Potter. I giggled at my own joke, glancing up at him and shaking my head. I count that as a personal victory.

" if it will make you feel better. It's not like were going to different classes." He said after a minute. I nodded once and looked down. Ugh he's a real pain in my ass. I turned to him, opening my mouth and pausing. "Draco Malfoy, I find you to be completely confusing in more ways then one." I said softly before turning back to my plate.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see him giving me a look, and I nod. "okay...I'm going to refrain from asking why." he said softly. He shook his head and let out a shaky breath, opening his eyes and taking a drink of whatever the he'll he was drinking.

After dinner I stood up and nearly fell back down because I was so dizzy. I then felt a pair of strong arms around me. I let out a loud sigh, looking up to see a smug grin gracing his face. Of course he's amused.

" and you think you can walk to class alone. Come on." he sounded amused as he slipped one arm around my waist. He was half dragging me down to the common room. It's super annoying how cocky he is...and not at all cute.

"now, do you think you can get to your room okay?" I nodded and he dropped his arm. I automatically fell to my knees. He was right next to me chuckling. He picked me up once again and I smiled up at him apologetically. I was beginning to get used to the fair haired idiot that always seemed to be there whether I wanted him to or not. His arms were strong and firm, and I felt safe there, allowing him to hold me.

"thank you." I said before shutting my eyes. I could feel him putting me on my bed. He whispered something before walking away and shutting the door. My head was reeling and I still felt dizzy. But just then I was pulled away, and into my dreams.


"daddy, why were you in slytherin?" I asked sweetly. He smiled and looked down his dark brown hair glinting in the summer sunshine, his eyes seemed far off. As a young child, I didn't understand why m father always seemed so grim and afraid. It was like he was always hiding from an invisible force, something not actually there.

"I was in slytherin because I knew what I wanted and I did what I had too to get it." I had always looked up to him. But at that moment he looked sad. It pained me to see him that way. I never understood why he seemed ashamed of himself. I tugged on his arm gently, lacing my small fingers with his.

"daddy, what's wrong?" he just shook his head. I frowned deeply, wanting an answer from my father. It was always annoying, that he liked to stay quiet, contemplating everything before he would so much as open his damn mouth.

"I have to go sweety. I'll be back in two months." he then wiped the tears from my cheeks. He always left for months at a time. I hated it when he was gone. It wasn't fair. All of my friends have their parents all the time. But my dad was often gone. He strode quickly away and within minutes he was gone. And wouldn't be back for a long time.


"scarlet, we have class in an hour, I would get up if I were you." I opened my eyes to see kailey above me. I nodded and stood up. I walked slowly. Using the wall for support. I still felt dizzy. After I showered I threw on a black t-shirt and silver liquid leggings. Grabbing my robe before rushing out the door. He was standing there waiting for me.

"good morning, scarlet. I suggest that you get up tomorrow, early enough to eat something. It would help you gain back your strength. I noticed that you have been...staggering." he put out his arm and I gladly took it. Using him to stabelize myself.

I didn't tell him that I was constantly exhausted, especially when I took a moment to analyze him. He had dark bags under his eyes, and he looked rather disgruntled. I decided ot to mention it, not wanting to have annoying, dickhead Malfoy again. I would avoid that at all costs.

"we better go...class is starting soon."he nodded and pulled me put of the door. What is he doing to me...Draco Malfoy will be the death of me. I swear it.



if looks could kill {a Draco Malfoy love story} Where stories live. Discover now