I win

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after all my classes i rushed down to my room so i could grab my broom. I was about to run when I looked down, noticing my looks. I stripped out of my dress clothes, pulling on some athletic clothes before running to the toilets to perfect my ponytail, straightening my hair so that it looked sleek and proffesional.

i was out of breathe by time i got to the quidditch pitch. I'm pretty sure that I shouldn't be late, that would be a bad Idea. My stomach was twisting and turning making me well aware of how nervous I was. I looked around at all of the boys. There were only three other girls there. That made me nervous.

"hey guys, i'm happy to see you all show up! we have all positions open so come and tell me what you're trying out for." he smiled...but it wasn't exactly a kind smile. i walked up to him confidently. I had to do this...and I could. I'm pretty BA if I do say so myself; there is no way I won't make this team. I will...definitely. Of course I will.

And now I sound like I'm unsure...but I'm positive. I will crush all of my competition, and I will bring this team to marvelous victory I'll be the best thing since magic wands...and that is saying something.

"why hello there sweety, what position?" i sneered. What the hell made him so happy? He was looking at me like I was just a piece of ass. No...that is NOT how things are going to work around here. I need some respect. I gave him a slow once over. He looked like a sleaze. Like the kind of boy that Scarlett Selvin wastes no time on. He is worthless...like dirt, maybe.

"my name is scarlet and i want to be a chaser." i said forcing myself to sound slightly bored. He needed to know that I wasn't a little girl. That I'm serious about this. That I am going to be making this team whether they like it or not.

"good to know. well you can go to your position. all you have to do is-" I cut him off angrily. What is this dudes problem. He deserved to get his ass kicked. He thought I was a prissy little girl with no knowledge of the best game ever created by man.

"i know what i"m doing." i rolled my eyes. did he think i would try out if i didn't know what i was doing? ya...i'm not stupid. i was almost put in ravenclaw. he nodded once. I hope my point came across well enough. He's an ass...I can feel it.

i went over to where i was supposed to stand and mounted my broom gracefully. and as soon as we were told to go i swooped in and grabbed the quaffel ball. making my way toward the rings. i so had this. i dodged and scored. this was going to be easy


"i'm glad to tell you that we have a great team this year. After careful watching, i can tell you that this is a winning team. I could not be more proud of the winners that make our house proud the rest of you...get your shit together and come out next year, i guess. malfoy, you're our seeker. goyle and blaise, you will be our beaters. sorry crabbe but you've been cut. and lastly we have scarlet as our second chaser." i smiled, ha. take that draco. and he actually thought that i wouldn't make the team.as if I would let that happen.

"scarlet, we'll have you fitted for your uniform during one of our practices." i smiled sweetly at him nodding. Hahahahahaha. Scar:3 Draco:still 0 I win!

I knew that I would be the perfect ass kicking female to win with them. I will be the strongest link. They will win because of me. I will vanquish...I am getting side tracked again...sorry.

"you guys can leave now, and you four can...well here are our practice schedules." i picked mine up and turned to walk away. Feeling pretty damn proud of myself right now. I am the SLYTHERIN PRINCESS and the new chaser.

"Congrats, love." i turned to see draco standing next to me. He looked kind of happy...why I'm not quite sure. He just lost a bet...normally he'd be ranting about how his father will hear about this or something like that.

"thank you, or should i say, i win. in your face!" he smiled looking down.

"i'm proud of you, love. and i'll see you later tonight in detention." he smiled at me, yes he smiled and walked away. wait...since when does he call me "love" ugh. he gets to me sometimes. well off to the room, i wonder if the girls are there...let's hope they are. Wait...why does he have detention?

I pondered that, standing outside for a it and thinking about Draco not pretending like he's perfect...nope...I cannot see it. He has to be the best. Detention is a no no.

After a while, i opened the door and smiled seeing jenna and Kailey. They were chatting away happily like they usually were. Both giggling and screwing about.

"how were try outs?" jenna asked exitedly. I winked, spinning gracefully before posing proudly in the middle of the room. I looked at each if them intensely.

"they rocked, i'm the new chaser...of course." they laughed and i looked at the clock. About dinnertime thank the sweet lord. I clapped, pulling on a sweatshirt. Food is calling my name. I need carbs.

"do you guys want to go and get dinner? i'm starved, and i need my energy for detention." they laughed and nodded. i opened the door and they followed me out.



Re rewritten on November 25 2013

So fucking yeah!

author's note! so, i hope ya'll liked it. please spread the word and let me know what you think. i haven't gotten any feedback and i appreciate it and i liketo hear your ideas. do you like the new cover? or should i change it back. i'm thinking about doing the next chapter from draco's point of view. good idea? let me know what you think!?

Talk to me, people!!!!


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