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so thank you all for being super duper supportive! I love you guys and I really would love it if you suggested my book to your friends. Is has been such a phenomenal journey, and I owe all of my success to you guys. So this is the second to last chapter.........yup I think I'm tearing up right now. The first book that I've ever finished, and I'm so unbelievably happy. It's insane to think that I just wrote this!

If you're reading this authors note, thank you! This chapter is dedicated to everyone who has read this book. So when I'm finished it's going under massive reconstruction, and Im going to edit everything, and I will end up with a finished novel that will hopefully be quite a bit longer than it is now.

I love you guys, and I'm super sorry that it's over so soon...I cannot believe I just said's been a whole freaking year. So I might write a sequel but only if you guys want one. If I'll probably come in late august or something. So without further ado......


It's been months since I've seen my Scarlett.

Well, I suppose that isn't entirely true; I see her in my dreams just about every night. I see her whimsical face, and her dreamy smile. She tells me to stay strong, to be stronger. The words are still there when I wake up.

"I love you, Draco. You better know that. I need you to stay strong for me, yeah? Can you do that? I know you can. You can do anything." It's an endless loop of her. And it haunts me.

I could have saved her. I should have been there to pull her from that railing. I could have held her to my chest and let her cry. I knew that she was scared. I knew that she was broken, but I still didn't stay with her.

And now I'm here, waiting alone in the room of rrquirement. Waiting for the rest to come through the vanishing cabinet. In less than an hour, I will be required to kill one of the only men who ever gave a shot about me.

He's done his best to help me throughout the years, even when I was an insolent prat. (Who the fuck am I kidding, I'm still an insufferable prick. That much hasn't changed).

After I do this, there will be no turning back. And if I'm caught...I'll be rotting for the rest of my life in a fucking wizard prison.

I don't want to do this. honestly don't think that I can do this. I'm not brave enough to do this. I'm not cruel enough to do this. As much as everyone else would like to believe it, I'm not this person. This is not me. I have been handed a fate that I don't want. There is no free will. This is my option. The only fucking option

"Come on, Draco! I promise it'll be fun. You'll love it." Scarlett singsongs, dragging me behind her, on a mission to get to the black lake.

It sounds stupid, and I really don't get why she wants me to do this. It sounds stupid.

"Scar, why? There's no way this can be fun." I point out, and she rolls her eyes, handing me a pair of pristine white skates.

"I don't want to hear any of your whining. I promise that it's fun. You just have to give it a try...please? For me?" After both of our shoes are lacex, she grabs my hand again, squeezing it.

"I'll love you forever." She adds.

"You better already love me forever. I mean, especially after all that I've done for you." I answer, my tone light. She tosses her head back, laughing loudly and pulling me in the direction of the ice. She clings to me immediately, and ai look down at her skeptically. I think back to her explanation of how it worked, and I began moving my feet, pulling her along with me. After a few moments, she peels away from my arm, taking my hand in hers, smiling warmly.

"You're kind of shit at this, Scar." I tease, and she nods immediately, shrugging. "I know. But hey, it's fun, isn't it?" I nod as a reply, agreeing and pulling her with me, moving faster across the ice. She squeaked once before losing her footing and falling with a loud thud, pulling me down on top of her.

"Mmm. I quite like this position." I tease, and she hits my shoulder gently, chuckling.

"Maybe we'll have to spend some more time like this." She whispered a minute later, pulling me in and kissing me. Her lips are as soft as always, slotting against my own.

She pulls away abruptly.

"Draco, I love you." She whispers so quietly I'm not even really sure that she actually said it.

"I love you too. More, even." I whisper back, and she smiles up at me.

"I really don't think that's possible." She informs, giggling and ruffling my hair, messing it up.

"It's true, though." I argue, and she just leans in to kiss me again.

I jump when my aunt Bellatrix opens the wardrobe, her expression dark. It's time.

We quietly climb the steps to the astronomy tower, and I can see Albus looking over the grounds. I wonder if he knows that tonight is his last night on earth.

It's the night that I, truly, once and for all, become the monster that I was born to be.




if looks could kill {a Draco Malfoy love story} Where stories live. Discover now