Mystery Girl

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~Dipper's POV~

Everything rattled as a cheerful, childish tune was being hummed. My legs were tingling, screaming to let me walk around. As much as I wanted to, I couldn't due to being on a humid, smelly, moving bus.

I was staring out the window as the green scenery rushed by, my arms crossed, my head leaned back against the seat, and my hat pulled down just a bit over my eyes. My vision faded back to my reflection as I began to look over my appearance.

It had been three years sense we had first come to Gravity Falls, uncovered some of the few mysteries of the town, found our lost Grunkle Ford, and saved the town from Bill. My sister and I were now 15, going on 16 by the end of the summer.

Many things had changed as Mabel and I grew over the past four years. I could see Mabel's reflection beside mine as she paid no mind to the window and instead took it upon her coloring book she had bought just the day before. She was incredibly focused.

Mabel no longer had braces and her hair now descended to just below her shoulder blades. She still wore colorful sweaters with her skirts and headbands, but they would now show a little bit of her figure as she ditched the turtlenecks and had at least one of her shoulders show, wearing a tank top underneath. She was still goofy and random as ever, still sticking stickers on people and making everything glittery... I mentally shivered. She came up to just below Grunkle Stan and Ford's shoulders.

I on the other hand, had changed a lot as well. My voice had gotten a bit deeper, and rarely cracked anymore. I had put on some muscle weight as my body had filled out a little more, no longer as scrawny as I once was. Sense the Weirdmaggedon, I'd also had a bit of a confidence boost, not making me as insecure as I was arriving here all those years ago. However, the nerdiness that filled my childhood/pre-teen-hood remained. My outfit hadn't changed much as now as I wore blue jean pants, my favorite orangy-red shirt and navy vest, along with my blue and white hat with the pine tree on it. However, I was taller than Mabel now, as I came up to Stan and Ford's shoulder.

My focus was then turned back beyond my reflection again as I saw the old, rotting welcome sign to Gravity Falls. I pushed myself up as I prepared to watch more trees pass by, letting a small smile appear on my lips, "Finally back." Mabel heard me as she scrambled to pack her array of art supplies. I let out a small chuckle at her.

By the time my twin had packed everything up, the bus had finally come to a stop. We both ushered ourselves off the bus, bags in hand, and made our way out into the fresh air of the strange little town.

We paid no mind to the bus closing its doors and zooming away as we tackled the newest Man of Mystery we both came to love so much, "Soos!" "What's up, dudes?! Long time no see!" Soos smiled, capturing our attempt to knock him to the ground. "Where's our Grunkles?" Mabel smiles back. "Oh, you know, helping run the shack, working in the lab, the usual," Soos replied, "But if you dudes don't mind, I'll escort you back." "That'll be great, Soos," I chuckled.

The journey to the shack was filled with Mabel and Soos singing at the top of their lungs, probably scaring everything off with a mile radius.

After our Grunckles had taken off on a two year long adventure, to make up for lost time, they kept finding themselves returning to the old run down town. They would come back to see us every summer as we would all stay with Soos and Abolita sense Soos now owned the Mystery Shack. Soos considered us family, saying we could stay anytime we wanted. Needless to say, we all took him up on the offer.

We eventually made it back to the shack. I stopped short just to give a small smile and remember. The Mystery Shack was still old and worn, the S still fallen out of place. You could obviously still tell that it screamed 'Tourist Trap'. And... Yes! That feeling of being constantly watched was present. The shack itself hadn't exactly changed, unlike the rest of us.

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