Not So Secret Admierer

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~Dipper's POV~

It had been about a week sense we had found Cindy and reunited her with Sandy. Cindy was very true to her word when she said she'd be leaving immediately after dinner... She didn't hesitate to waltz out the front door and never return. Though Skipper had reported that she was enjoying her travels. At the moment, Cindy was in Australia living up life.

Everyone else had kept the excitement down to Mabel's random dance parties for no reason and attic mini golf. After the past few adventures we had decided to stick inside the Mystery Shack and actually get some work done. Of course, this also meant bonding time: Grunckle bonding time, twin bonding time, and Skipper bonding time... Wendy had been busy packing up for college (a head start she called it) and Soos was always busy giving tours or spending bonding time with Melody (which we didn't so much mind because we encouraged him to).

Though I loved spending time with my family, I was clinging onto the time I spent with Skipper. This gave me the time to see if she gave off any clues about herself without realizing it. But I hadn't really figured much more out about her possible secret(s). But our time was spent telling each other about our previous mystery adventures. Of course, Skipper kept her discoveries scarce seance she wanted to keep the mystery element for me. I didn't mind it too much though. I mean, what's a mystery to solve if it's been solved for you?

The day was a bit cloudy and held a high percentage for precipitation and thunderstorms... A wonderful day to stay inside. Mabel had suggested a complete marathon day for Ducktective, sense Grunckle Ford had gotten hooked on the last few episodes and insisted he watch the series from the beginning. Stan was all on board, sense he was such a fan. Sandy had agreed to come over sense Skipper had apparently begged her to... Well, she, more or less, had something she was really wanting to show me.

Which is where we were now.

Skipper had shimmied our way out of watching Ducktective and was leading me toward Gravity Falls lake. I cringed inside remembering last week's 'adventure' but also remembered our "mystery date". For all I knew we could be checking up on the baby Griffins?

We had passed the lake and headed into the lighter part of the forest, playfully bantering at one another as we went. "Are you sure you're not half fish? You pulled the look off pretty well," I remarked. Skipper just laughed, "How do I know you're not naturally part fish? I mean, I wasn't the only one rocking a freakishly long scaly tail. At least yours had color!" I chuckled, "You think I looked good as a merman?"

She had stopped to smirk at me, raise one of her eyebrows, and pause. I took this as a good thing as I somehow managed to let a nervous chuckle pass my lips. She broke her 'hard-to-get' stature as she giggled, "You should definitely give shirtless hugs more often." With that she began walking again. I just laughed. But as I was going to reply she continued, "So when you do that, work on getting a tan because you are blindingly pale."

I knew she was playing as I just laughed at the comment, "Gee, thanks, Skip." "Hey! I'm just being honest," Skipper smirked a bit... Was that a small blush? I caught back up to her. "But, if it makes you feel any better, my twin is opaque compared to you," she cracked a smile.

I just smiled at her.

She was stunning. She was wearing her regular attire: her light blue t-shirt with tattered black jean shorts, red suspenders hanging off her hips, and her white tennis shoes. She was simple. Skipper was herself and she didn't hide that, despite whatever secret she had yet to tell me. Most of all, she was honest... I truly felt like she had never really lied to me.

I trusted her.

The thought alone was enough for me to stop and reassess everything. Though this was Gravity Falls, there was still people and creatures you could trust. I felt at peace knowing this.

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