Defining Friendship

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~Skipper's POV~

I was in the tent of telepathy one moment, then found myself back in the room I had woken up in, in the Gleeful twin's manor. I spent no time trying to escape, first jiggling the door that led out into the manor. I found it locked, leaving it to try and escape through the balcony doors. But they were locked too.

"Trying to leave, my darling?" That was Dipper's voice... But not my Dipper's. I turned to find Dipper Gleeful sitting on the bed and looking rather pleased with himself. "What does it looked like?!" I was rather peeved. "Trust me, Skipper, you don't belong with them," Dipper Gleeful mused. "Oh, and I belong here? Locked up like poor little song bird?" I huffed. "I wouldn't say locked up... It can be arranged though," Dipper Gleeful smirked this time.

The door that led out into manor clicked and opened as a fuming Mabel Gleeful entered the fray, "You, good for nothing, two timer!" She was pointing at me. "Hey now! I tried to warn Mr. Gleeful here, but he didn't actually get to hear me out before shoving me out of his dressing room," I objected. Dipper gave me a dull look before turning to his sister, "It's alright, sister dear. I hadn't asked her on a date. I was waiting till after the show but I was too late." "At least you're reasonable," I sighed, crossing my arms and leaning on the doors behind me. "But I have her now," Dipper smirked. I just scowled at him, "I take it back."

He just chuckled, "You will come to love me." "I doubt it," I shrug, my anger simmering down. "We didn't mean willingly," Mabel hissed. "Bill!" Dipper shouted demandingly. Without hesitation, Bill Rephic flashed into the room, just as timid and shaky as before, "Y-yes, M-master D-D-Dipper? Y-you c-c-c-called?" "Make her fall in love me," he simply demanded, "In return, I'll grant you freedom for a day." I was shocked by this. "I-I'll have to knock her-" Dipper cut Bill off harshly, "I don't care how! Just do it!" "Y-yes, sir!" Bill squeaked, just before a bright light hit my vision and everything went black.

~Dipper Pine's POV~

"So what's the plan?" Gideon asked a bit confidently.

The Gleeful twins had just taken Skipper right before our eyes. I was worried, but very determined to get her back.

"Dipper Pines and I will go to Gleeful manor. There's no doubt that's where their holding Skipper," Seth thought aloud. "What about us?" Pacifica bounced up and down beside me, awaiting orders. "You and Gideon will wait at the shack," Seth replied without hesitation. "What?! Boo!" Pacifica objected. "We can help!" Gideon pressed. "No," Seth shook his head, "It's too dangerous." "Actually, they can help," a small voice spoke up.

We all turned quickly to find a tall, timid man standing on stage, hiding behind the curtains a bit. He was pale, had light blue hair, an upside down triangle eyepatch on his left eye that left us only to see his blue eye, and looked to be well dressed, but I couldn't exactly tell due to him trembling behind the curtains.

"It's Will!" Pacifica pointed, gasping. "Will?" I echoed, rather confused. "He's a dream demon, enslaved to the Gleeful twins," Gideon quickly explained. "He's rather pathetic," Seth mumbled. "But his name is Will?" I repeated. "It's what the second journal says," Gideon shrugged. "Wait, the journals aren't destroyed here?" "Focus please," Seth caught our attention, then turned to Will, "What do you want, demon?"

"Miss Skipper is in trouble and she needs all the help she can get," Will spoke up, rather quickly. "Why should we trust you?" Gideon almost growled. "Because, Miss Skipper is v-very k-kind. And s-she's m-m-my friend. F-friends help, d-don't they?" Will spoke softly, almost scared, "I've also found the p-p-portal for them to get h-home."

We all looked to each other before silently agreeing. This might be our only chance to save Skipper and to get ourselves back to our dimension.

"Alright, what's your plan?" Seth demanded, crossing his arms. Will smiled a bit before coming out of the curtains to stand before us from up on stage. "Right now, Master Dipper and Mistress Mabel think I'm within Miss Skipper's mind, giving her fake memories about her being in love with Master Dipper. I can tell Miss Skipper is very talented in acting, so if she can act like I've altered her memories, it can buy us some time," Will explained, "Mr. Oaks, Mr. Pines, and Miss Southeast will approach the Gleeful mansion directly. I've removed a block from the wall for you..."

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