Interest of Sorts

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~Dipper's POV~

Time had froze. The moment my eyes had landed on her, everything stopped moving. I couldn't find my breath.

The girl stood before me with light brunette, wavy hair that descended down to her waist. Her eyes where as green as emeralds as her lips were stained a light peach color. Looking her over, I realized she was quite thin but well built. She wore a simple light blue shirt, tattered black jean shorts, with red suspenders hanging off her hips, and white tennis shoes. To simply say she was beautiful was an understatement.

The moment I looked at her I couldn't look away. The moment she giggled, my heart jumped. The moment she spoke, I swore she was an angel.

Before I could get more wrapped up in just that frozen moment, I reminded myself that everything in Gravity Falls was never what it seemed, even now. Why would she be any different? But if this was the new co-worker, then even Grunckle Ford trusted her!

Reality started up again as she smiled... I swore I melted a bit. I cleared my throat a bit, finally speaking, "Our names do rhyme. It's nice to meet you." "I'm so glad I finally get to meet you guys! I've heard so much about the two of you- all good things of course," she kept smiling. I glared at Grunckle Stan for a moment, disbelievingly, "All good things, huh?" Stan put his hand up in defense, "I can be nice." Skipper just giggled.

Before we could continue, Lazy Suzan had come up to serve us our food as Skipper stepped aside. "Here ya go! Pancakes, all around!" The owner of the diner then turned to Skipper, "Leaving so soon, Skipper?" The brunette nodded, letting loose another giggle, "Sandy should be coming in either today or tomorrow and her first stop is the Mystery Shack. You know." "Oh! Don't I know! Well, tell her to swing by and I'll be waiting for her," Lazy Suzan smiled before getting back to work. Skipper mock saluted, "Yes, ma'am, will do."

"Know what? I want to know!" Mabel spoke up, getting excited, "I'm an amazing secret keeper!" "It's no secret, kid," Grunckle Stan scoffed. Skipper laughed lightly, "You'll figure it out when you get back to the Shack when Ford is walking around. Is he still a mess?" My Grunckle chuckled, "Is he ever." I just turned to Mabel as she look at me, giving the same confused look to each other. "Long story short," Stan caught our attention again, "Ford had a love interest who liked him back way back when." "NOOO WAY!" Mabel gushed. "Way," Skipper smirked.

I turned back to her, but when I did, something in her shorts pocket caught my attention. It was barely noticeable, but I had caught it. It was something pink and mushy... But it was moving? I kept calm as she had spoke up again, turning to all of us instead of just my twin.

"Well, considering you are all eating, I will see you all back at the Shack. Besides, I promised Soos I'd help him take a look at his truck today," Skipper replied with a nervous smile. She hugged her book to her side as a small squeak was heard. I was going to note the squeak but my nerdness got to my mouth first, "Joe Hallingvine? You read his books and research?" Before I could cringe in shame, she beamed, "Do I! I mean he's only the best mystery author out there. And his research, well, don't get me started on that. You're into the mysteries of life too?" I smiled, somehow staying calm, "Am I ever!" "You two are bound to get along. I mean, the amount of nerdness from each of you could kill. Literally," Grunckle Stan huffed, before turning to Skipper, "Didn't you say you had to help Soos?" "Oh! Right," she gave another nervous smile, "I'll see you all back at the Shack." And with that, she walked out the door. My gaze followed her until she had vanished.

"Uh oh!" Mabel gave me that look. "Mabel, no. I know where 'uh oh' leads, and you're wrong," I pointed my fork at her before taking a bite of my brunch. "I saw the way you were looking at her," her fork was waved in a small, slow circle, "you two had a moment. AND you have things in common! Girls never have anything in common with you!" I scoffed, continuing to eat my meal. "She has a point," my Grunckle supported my twin. I let a groan slip past my lips, "That doesn't mean I like her like that. Besides, we just met." Mabel got the evil smile I knew all too well... "No one said you liked her like that. So you do like her like that!" She then gasped, her eyes almost glittering, as she sang in a hushed 'I-know-so' tone, "You liiiiiiiiiiiiike her."

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