Rainbow Fortunes

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~Skipper's POV~

"Where are we going?" She giggled, nervous to where he just might be taking her. "We are going to a place where no one can find us. A place were you and I can just be ourselves," he smiled kindly, leading the way ever so carefully as if we were walking on priceless, stained glass floors.

The dense heavy forest we had entered had begun to thin out into light greens and purples as the sun was beginning to set just beyond the tree line. The sky was painted with pinks, yellows, blues, and oranges of all shades, as if almost setting the scene to what I was hoping would spark.

"Alright," he paused, gaining my attention back to his handsome face. He smiled, as my heart increased its speed. Did he feel like this too? Was this a dream? "We're here," he whispered, loud enough for me to hear, as he pulled back the curtain of willow vines before me.

The breath left my being as my eyes landed on the most beautiful place I had ever seen. There stood an old willow tree, within a large pond, with roots that reached above the sparkling waters and to the soft, greens shores as if large bridges. The vines acted like a canopy, creating a small haven for the secret domain of wonder and beauty within it. Small daisies dappled the lush, green grass as white and pink water lilies sat atop of lethargic, floating lily pads. Fireflies flashed gently all around, as if celebrating this moment in time.

I hadn't realized I had wondered in, entranced by what was before me. I turned to him, delighted beyond all measure, "It's beautiful." He gave that cute, lopsided smirk before making his way over to me, the wall of willow vines falling back into place, "It is."

He made it to me, taking my hand tenderly, as if it would break, and looked into my eyes, "There is another reason I brought you here though." He became vulnerable, exposed... His eyes and voice showed all. The yearning to let go and be free.

No other words needed to be spoken as we began to unknowingly lean towards the other. We were mere centimeters away. His sweet breath on my lips, my eyes had fluttered closed, my stomach becoming multiple knots. This was it. Within the next moment-


The moment was ruined...

I glanced up from my book, a bit peeved that I just had to be interrupted at the most best part in my reading. That, and because I didn't hide myself so I wouldn't be interrupted.

"In here, Dipstick!" I called out, still a bit annoyed. Not even a few minutes later did the male brunette pop into the living room with a wide grin on his face. "This better be good, Pines. Avan was about to kiss the living life out of Christine! You so ruined the moment," I pouted. "Don't tell me you're reading another one of your romance books?" Dipper chortled. "No," I huffed, "I was reading a mystery romance, thank you very much. But seriously! He was about to try and take her to enter eternal bliss with him for all of forever!" Dipper just raised and eyebrow, smirking, "A vampire romance? Really?" "No, the guy is cursed by a witch and has to live his life out till the end of time. He kisses his true love, way back in the beginning, and now she's cursed by being reincarnated every 30 years, not remembering who he is until it's time for her to die again. If he's able to kiss her again, she'll forever remember and be able to finally marry him... It's actually quite tragic if you think about it," I explained, "He thinks by kissing her, it will break the spell." "Does it?" Dipper asked, seeming a little more interested. I pouted again, "You ruined the moment, remember?" Dipper just laughed, coming up to lean on the arm of the love seat.

"Shut up," I playfully shoved him, "What was so important that I just had to stop my intense reading?" Dipper just smiled, almost radiating confidence, "I was wondering if you would like to join in on a mystery hunt."

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