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~Skipper's POV~

The early morning was radiant and cool as I raced through the forest canopy. I'm sure I just looked like a flash of white zipping by, considering the golden tree branches phased together as I soared freely, dodging branches effortlessly. The sun was just rising as the creatures of Gravity Falls awoke with it.

I'd first check on Jeff and his colony of Nomes as I'd then move onto the Manitars to make sure they weren't causing too much trouble. I'd then flutter by the Fairy villages to wave good morning and rush by the Pixie entrances to wave goodnight. I'd then race the centaurs and deertaurs across the back hidden meadows of the forest as I'd then head to the darker parts of the forest to make sure the less friendly creatures were at least in line. They weren't too bad. Most were actually quite respectful if you would respect them. Of course, I would then fly around Gravity Falls castle to see that all was well with my family.

Once everything was done on land I headed straight over to the lake to check up on the Gobblewalker, who I had named Gallow, and the Mer-folk that lived in the deeper part of the lake. They would jump up and fly with me for a moment before diving back into the sparkling depths as one of the guards would give me a status report on their newest siren prisoner, Coral. My last stops were a quick chat with Moffy and then to check on Feather and her babies.

The babies knew me well by now. I'd had given them the names Ruff, Tuff, and Buff, considering they were all males. They were all still surprisingly small. But they had all gained strength and some ability to defend themselves due to all the play fighting they did.

I made seeing the baby Griffins the last on my list because I could take more time to spend with them. Not only that but it calmed me of all the other possible frustrations I may of had to deal with on any other given day.

I had just said my 'How do you dos' to Moffy as I began to take flight for Feather's nest. Knowing Feather, she was going to be out for her morning fishing at the stream that ran into the lake (the one that creates the waterfall to Gravity Falls Lake). I was humming a current song Mabel had gotten stuck in my head when I began to hear distress cries from one of the little Griffins.

It was about time for them to learn how to fly. But surely they wouldn't try without Feather there. This made me nervous. Feather could be at the nest and pushing them out to try and fly. My main worry was one fell out of the nest and was hurt on the ground. Though Feather was incredibly smart, she did have the instincts of a bird... And a lion.

Once I made it to the nest, I didn't find Feather or the babies. This worried me. Feather had to be fishing. Looking around frantically, I found them in hanging net traps. They were screeching and squawking rather loudly, but once I floated into view, they became a bit more hushed.

"I'm going to get you guys out, don't worry," I cooed, working on getting Buff out. How did they get trapped? The nest was quite a few trees over and up much higher. Once Buff was free, I heavily caught him and drug him up to the nest. However, when I got there I found out how they had come to be.

Lines had been tossed up and acted like worms on a hook, but rather on a pulley system. Once one of the babies bite down, they'd be tugged out of the nest and strung into one of the nets below within a different tree. Once Buff was back in the nest, I shoved all the lures to the traps out.

I was then onto Ruff, freeing him from his net. But halfway through my work, I began to hear voices coming our way, growing louder by the minute. I began to panic, biting the last of the ropes from around the baby Griffin and flew it up to the nest as quickly as I could. I soared back down to Tuff and quickly released him as I repeated the process. Once back to the nest, I let my super hearing kick in, trying to catch my breath in the process.

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