Unraveling Truths

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~Dipper's POV~

A few days had passed sense Skipper and I had traveled to the reverse world. Everything was relatively normal, even after Skipper had kissed me. I was still trying convince myself that it hadn't been a dream but, in fact, reality. We were still friends, considering I didn't act immediately afterwards in asking her out. But nothing was weird between us, which was a huge relief to me.

Apparently when we had vanished to the reverse realm for a day, only a few minutes had passed here. After scrubbing her face till it was red and free of makeup and stealing a pair of my clothes, Skipper marched her way to Moffy's to give him a good spray with a squirt bottle filled with water. Apparently Skip had used all the water she put in it because Moffy was more excited that his machine worked and was asking question after question about where we had been and how we got back. To say she was ticked off was an understatement.

We had told our story to everyone else as soon as she returned. Ford was highly interested at what happened as Mabel was quiet upset she hadn't joined in on the adventure. Needless to say, Skip and I slept well that night.

We were now chilling out back on the porch of the Mystery Shack. The sun was setting and we were beginning to spot the stars that would appear. Soos, Skipper, Mabel, and I were all laying in the grass looking up at the sky, trying to count how many stars we could find and which constellations would form first. Sandy, Ford, and Stan all sat up on the couch chit chatting away about 'the good ol' days' and more recent events.

Mabel was the first one to spot the Big Dipper as Skipper eventually found Aquila and Cygnus. I managed to find Hercules. Soos found the North Star. We were having a good time relaxing and enjoying each other's company.

However, my mind was plagued with thoughts about what my evil doppelgänger had demanded Skipper reveal when we had been in the reverse world. She wasn't human. I found it shocking that I didn't much find it as any big surprise. I was rather calm about the fact that had come to light. I mean, I always figured it to be a possibility, though not a big one. I was more worried about facing Skipper with the question at hand: What was she? And was she even the girl she was before me, my sister, or anyone for that matter? I was scared to know the truth, but yet I so desperately wanted to know. I had planned to ask her as soon as we would start to head inside, that way it would only be the two of us.

More fears ran through my mind. What if she didn't tell me? What if she didn't trust me? What if she did? Would she open herself up to me? My mind then fluttered back to the kiss she had given me... Did she feel the same? If so, could we be together? Would I still be able to consider her a friend or even still dream about us being more?

Then again, Mabel had been in a relationship with Mermondo and had made it work for a few days... The long distance didn't really work though. Point being, he wasn't human and had still managed a relationship with a human... A weird relationship but worked a bit none the less.

"Earth to Dipstick," an angelic voice giggled as a silhouette leaned over me. I snapped out of it as I found Skipper standing up and leaning over me, "We're headed in. You coming?"

Her light brown hair was pushed over her left shoulder as her sparkling green eyes met my brown ones. She was smiling happily down at me, waiting for a reply. The moonlight highlighting her facial features as the stars above us made her out to be more than just an angel.

I coughed, catching my breath and sitting up, "Um, yeah." "You alright? You were spaced out there for a bit," Skipper came up beside me raising an eyebrow. "Yeah, I'm fine. Never better," I quickly replied as I got to my feet, wiping away the dirt and grass that clung to me. She gave me that smirk, without lowering her eyebrow, that told me she didn't believe me. But she didn't press it, replying with, "Whatever you say, Dipstick."

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