Twilight Showdown

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Greetings my dear readers!! I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to update!! I had some trouble with my new wifi getting to work but everything is back up and working now :)

Please don't forget to vote, comment, and follow me if you enjoy my book so far. And please check out my other stories that I have up. I will be writing a HTTYD AU very soon once I'm finished with Mystery Girl (which will sadly be coming to a end soon).

A bit of a warning, this chapter is a bit longer than the others. I didn't want to make two really short chapters so here it is.

Hope you guys enjoy. As always, Thank you guys for reading!! :)



~Skipper's POV~

The morning was rather warm as I lay cuddled up in all of my blankets and pillows. It was still very early... Too early for any normal person to even think about getting up and getting their day started. Then again I wasn't human.

Though I dreamed of being like my mortal companions, I knew very well I was indeed one of the many monsters within Gravity Falls. I could act like one, but deep down I knew I wouldn't be able to keep up the charade forever. This is what mornings made me remember.

As much as I wanted to sleep in like the rest of the human society, I had a rather important job to do. With a big stretch and a yawn, I mentally prepared myself for the day ahead. I reluctantly got up and ready at a steady pace before flying out my bedroom window and into the forest.

Nothing was out of the ordinary that I could come to tell. Everyone seemed happy and content. After the government special agents fiasco, I had spent a little extra time looking over everything and making sure they hadn't tempered with anything or anyone else within the forest. I also took it upon myself to take a quick walk through town in the mornings to note anyone new who had come through town.

Of course, the towns folk were very secretive of their strange happenings and refused to talk about anything of the creatures or beings. After learning Dipper, Mabel, and their Grunckles had saved the town from Bill, I came to the understanding that the town knew about the monsters within their tiny town limits. It came as a surprise to me that the towns folk actually protected the secrets of their home. But then again, I could understand for multiple reasons why they would.

The sun had rose well into the sky by the time my rounds were complete. It was a rather hot day. Possibly that one day that was hotter than all the others. This happened every year though. I came to the conclusion that Gravity Falls had one abnormal day of heat that was so ridiculous hot that one could possibly combust into flames... I had already seen three squirrels combust into flames already, which wasn't anything new to me.

I landed at the shack to find that the shop was closed for the day. I found it rather odd that Soos would close the shack for the day, but didn't much question it. I went in only to find my human friends laying around being miserable.

Mabel was wearing a tank top and shorts with her hair up in a pony tail, while Soos and Dipper wore nothing but a pair of shorts. Stan just wore his undergarments... Which really wasn't anything new. However, Ms. Abolita seemed unaffected by it all, knitting away at whatever she trying to make.

The worst part was the shack reeked of sweat. Apparently the AC was down for the count. I could not save my sensitive sniffer from this.

"Ok, whose dying, sound off!" I demanded, making myself known. A chorus of groans went off as I forced myself not to run out the way I came. "It's so hot!" Mabel cried. Dipper was fanning himself with his hat, out of breath, "I feel like bursting into flames." I rolled my eyes with a smirk, "You know, it's not that bad outside." "Are you kidding?! It's almost a thousand degrees outside!" Stan objected from his chair. "Yes, true, but there is quite a heavy breeze, a cool lake, and plenty of shade outside. Just beware of combusting squirrels," I shrugged, keeping my smirk. They all looked at me like I was crazy. I gave them a flat look, "Hey, I still did my job this morning and I'm scorch and sunburn free." "But you like the sunlight," Mabel tried to find an excuse. "Sunlight, yes. Abnormal scorching heat wave, not so much," I shrugged. "Ah, fine!" Mabel gave in, getting up with everyone else.

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