Wishing Stars

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Hello my fellow readers!! I'm sorry it has taken me so long to update. My life has been very, very busy these past couple of days/weeks and I hadn't got the chance to update until now.

A slight warning of heavy fluff at the end of this chapter. It isn't much to change the book to mature, but I thought I'd give a warning to start with.

One more chapter to go before this book is complete!! Can you guys believe it?? After the last chapter is up, I'll be going back through the book to edit it. Just to give you guys a heads up.

As always, thank you for reading!! Hope you enjoy :)



~Skipper's POV~

I had a hard time coming to the conclusion that my family was declaring war on Gravity Falls. After my twin had told me this, I was hardly able to think. Before I could even try to reason with them, they had all vanished.

Of course, when he said Gravity Falls, he meant the people and creatures alike. And it was my job to keep them all safe. It was just so hard to believe.

Of course, I had grabbed Quinn's memory box from the secret room in the back of the opera house and had returned to the Mystery Shack with Dipper. We really didn't speak much on the way back, but by the time we got to the shack, Dipper was already trying to figure out a plan.

For the first time, I had deliberately ignored him.

It was now early in the morning, the day after the pageant, and I hadn't got a wink of sleep. I had been up all night looking through the box of memories from the night before. Some memories came in the form of pictures as some came in the form of old movie film rolls with no sound. I had found many single, shriveled up roses as others were letters of 'remember whens'.

Dipper had come up about an hour or so later in his 'outfit of choice'. Our pictures were today, and I had planned to make the most out of it.

The pictures went on without a hitch, as Dipper and I truly had a blast doing it. It would definitely be a time to remember. Though he was worried about the upcoming events, he was trying to make me feel better too.

I had tried my best not to show how worried I was. If I didn't freak out, I knew Dipper wouldn't freak out... along with everyone else. So far, it was working.

"Hey!" That was Mabel, who had come to sit beside me on the roof. "Oh, hey, Mabel," I forced a smile. "It kind of feels like Weirdmageddon all over again," Mabel kept her smile as the wind blew into our faces. "As bad as Weirdmageddon was, this won't be as bad," I sighed.

"Hey, Skip?" Mabel asked. I just hummed, letting her know I heard her, looking over the forest from where I was. "You're planning on doing this alone, aren't you?" Mabel asked, her mood a bit down trod now.

I didn't know how she had figured it out, but she had hit the nail right on the head. Though Mabel and I didn't spend a lot of time together, we were still really good friends. It only made my heart ache that I never spent as much time with her as I had her brother. She really had every right to be jealous all those weeks ago... What I wouldn't give to go back to those times.

I let out another sigh, "I don't plan on doing things alone. However, you, your brother, and the others won't be helping." "What?! Why not?!" Mabel cried, "I thought we were all in this together?!" "Mabel," I caught her attention, "If anyone gets bit, especially Dipper, you will never see them again. It's better if it's creatures of Gravity Falls vs. creatures of Gravity Falls... do you understand?"

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