Pixie Bites

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~Dipper's POV~

Three days had passed sense we had arrived in Gravity Falls and met Skipper. Surprisingly, things couldn't have been going any better.

Ford and Sandy had really hit things back off, considering I had never see Grunckle Ford out of the lab this long before. We had helped both Sandy and Skipper move into the cabin, just within the woods a little ways from the Mystery Shack, after Sandy had arrived. And to everyone's surprise, including my own, Skipper and I had almost become inseparable... We had literally become best friends within the past three days.

She was into the supernatural, unexplained, and paranormal of Gravity Falls; calling it her 'fascination'. When I learned that Ford knew, that Skipper knew, I had figured this was his reason for taking such a liking to her in the first place. Skipper was one for getting down and dirty and didn't mind rough housing around. Even though she was very athletic and outgoing, she loved a good mystery book, or romance book, on occasion, and would read when she got bored. But if there was anything she loathed, it was makeup, anything frilly, and anything that sparkled. ESPECIALLY glitter.

We had found this out just yesterday, as Mabel wanted to give Skipper a makeover after work. Skipper had taken it upon herself to use me as a human shield to try and get out the door. When this failed, she had turned and escaped out the window, claiming she would never subdue to the fake substance supposedly made by a giant man baby with extremely tiny wings. Later that day, I had met back up with Skipper, to ask her about what had happened back in the gift shop. I had then found out she had met Love God at some point, as she cringed at whatever flashback went through her mind. I didn't pry, as it seemed to have scared her for whatever reason.

Despite this though, Skipper was very kind hearted and put others before herself. Even though she could be sarcastic and blunt(at times), she was incredibly sweet. She could also be very stubborn, especially if it involved anything girly. But even though she was gentle, there was still that edge about her.

I had been staring out the window to the shop, for who knows how long, when Mabel had made herself known, "How did you do it, Dipper?!" I turned to her with a confused look, "How'd I do what?" "How did you get Skipper to like you?" Mabel pouted, coming up to sit at the cashier's desk I was sitting behind. There was currently no one here at the hour of 8 am. "Well, I, for one, don't carry around glitter with me all the time," I guffawed. "Ugh! You know what I mean!" Mabel continued to pout. "Well," I shrugged, thinking real quick on how the said new girl and I became friends so quick, "I guess we just have a lot in common." "Are you saying Skipper and I have nothing in common, and that's why she doesn't like me?!" Mabel cried. "Woah! Mabel, I'm sure Skipper loves having you as a friend but she can't find any common ground yet. I mean it's only been three days," I consoled her. "But you two are, like, besties!" Mabel replied.

I didn't get the chance to reply as Grunckle Ford entered the shop, "Good morning, kids. Have either of you seen Skipper this morning?" My twin and I looked to each other, then to our Grunckle. "We haven't -" I was cut off by the jingle of the door opening, turning to find the lady of the hour.

Apparently we had all turned to her at the same time. Once she had looked up, the atmosphere became awkward. She looked around then back at us, "Either you've all been talking about me or someone died. Which one is it?"

We snapped out of it as Grunckle Ford smiled, "Skipper, I need a favor." "You were talking about me," she dead panned, "What favor?" "I've been reading about this specific kind of flower, that once picked, never shrivels, as long as it stays in sunlight," Grunckle Ford explained. "Oh! You mean the Solar Flowers! They never shrivel due to their petal cells; they act like solar panels, absorbing and storing sunlight. When night falls though, they close up to store all that sunlight," Skipper explained. I was suddenly intrigued. "Really? I'll have to write that down," Grunckle Ford mused. Skipper's face became suddenly very unenthusiastic, placing a hand on her hip, "You want me to go get one, don't you?" "Would you, Skipper? I'd go, but I'd have no clue where to start looking," my Grunckle replied. "It's for Sandy isn't it?" Skipper asked again. "How'd you know?" The scientist asked in shock. "It's her favorite," the light brunette smirked, "I'll go get it. But you owe me." "Thank you so much, Skipper!" My Grunkle smiled.

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