Happily Ever After?

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~Dipper's POV~

I had been caught up in my head about trying to let Skipper know a little of how I felt. I had never really told a girl I had liked them before. Wendy didn't really count... I confessed because I thought she was dead and couldn't hear me. But Skip was right here. It was now or never! "To be honest, Skip, I really like-" I had turned to her, but trailed off when I found she had vanished.

Skipper had vanished?

It had taken me a moment to process that Skipper wasn't here. No! She had to! Maybe she just moved to a different spot? Swam underwater? Got out?

"Skipper?!" I called out, looking around wildly, "Skipper?!" "Isn't she over there with you?" Grunckle Stan asked, a bit annoyed. "She was but now she's gone! She was just here!" I responded in quite a panic. "She has to be around here somewhere," Wendy reassured, "Where was she standing last?" I waded over to where Skipper was only moments ago. "She was right..." I stopped myself, my eye catching something shiny on the bottom of the murky lake. I took a deep breath, plunged under the water, grabbed whatever was laying at the bottom, and resurfaced. After shaking the water from my hair, I looked down to find shiny, pink scales. "Umm, I think I found a match to our scales," I choked out. Mabel waded over, and gasped, "It reminds me of Mermondo's scales!"

I froze for a moment before connecting the possible dots, "That's it!" Mabel gasped again, "Don't you dare blame Mermondo! I know you're not his biggest fan but-" I cut her off, "No, no, no! Not Mermondo... But maybe a merperson? A Siren of sorts? What if Cindy didn't vanish, but was kidnapped instead?" "Like an evil mermaid?" Mabel asked. I shrugged, "Eh, more or less." "But Cindy never had the ability to breath underwater... And neither does Skipper," Wendy spoke up, a bit worried. "But do you remember what Skip said? They drug the bottom of the lake several times and found nothing... What if they're being held somewhere around the lake? Scuttlebutt island maybe?" I desperately asked aloud. There was no way Skipper was dead. I refused to believe that!

"I say it's worth a shot," Stan finally broke the silence, "Skipper isn't one to go down easy. She has to be around here somewhere." Soos smiled confidently, "I'll start up the boat!" I smiled in gratitude to my Grunckle Stan.

We were going to find her!

~Skipper's POV~

My head was pounding. My neck was aching. My legs tingled. I felt... Strange.

I opened my eyes to find myself in a place I had never seen before. A cave of some sorts? A lady that looked like... Cindy? I tried to speak but words didn't come through my lips.

The older lady's expression turned to that of realization... Though it wasn't a good realization. "Chavali! Out of all people, you get suck here in this underwater nightmare with me?! Can things get any worse?!"

I shot up but ended up floating up off the ground. Looking down I found something that almost made me faint... A tail... A long, white scaled, long fish tail. I let loose a horrifying scream.

Well... It was supposed to be a horrifying scream. Again, nothing came past my lips.

I momentarily froze. I didn't know which I was more terrifying... Being part fish or not being able to communicate... Or maybe it was the older Cindy with her own yellow- orangey fish tail?

Said fish Cindy was still going on a rant as I took the time to look around, sense I couldn't exactly talk to her to calm her down. I found myself in an underwater cave sealed off with thick rusty, green bars. Beyond the prison was a beautiful lake bottom; lake weed swayed to and fro as colored fish swam by smoothly. But by the looks of it, we were pretty far down and tucked underneath, what I possibly assumed to be, Scuttlebutt island. It would make sense to why they never found her.

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