The Final Battle

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~Skipper's POV~

It was dark and warm. A pair of arms were wrapped tightly around my waist as I was snuggled into the blankets that were around me. I could smell my boyfriend's cologne on his shirt from the day before as my face was nuzzled up to his chest. What I wouldn't give for another moment like this... I knew this could very well be our last.

I slowly opened my eyes, taking one last deep breath of Dipper's scent before slowly rolling out of his grip. The sun was just beginning to rise as the birds would soon sing their morning tunes. I laid there, just looking out the window. The same window I looked out of to make a wish on star from just last night.

My wish? To return to Dipper.

I was about to get up before the pair of arms from behind me grabbed me rather quickly, making me squeak in surprise. I heard Dipper let out a low, sleepy laugh, "Stay." It was a simple command. One which I would easily give into... which I did.

I lay back down on my back as I turn my head so I can look into those deep brown eyes I loved so much. We both smiled at each other as he brought me closer to him so he could place a kiss on my forehead. "Good morning," I whispered, keeping a smile. "Sleep well?" he slurred in his tiredness. I nodded, "Very well." "What time is it?" He yawned, rubbing one of his eyes. "Time for you to get back to sleep," I replied. He just gave me a funny look before looking at the clock beside his bed.

"5:17?" He groaned. I just laughed, "I usually get up around 5:00-ish, if not earlier." "You're cray-cray," Dipper chuckled, rolling his eyes. "My job requires it," I shrugged. "You need to go, huh?" Dipper asked, yawning soon after. "I do actually. Final planning and whatnot," I sighed. Dipper just gave me a worried look before quickly moving above me to give a deep kiss.

I gladly returned it, entangling my fingers in his brown locks. The kiss was slow but full of love. I could easily feel Dipper's emotions. He was scared yet, he was proud of me. There was remorse, an apology for what would come from tonight. A tender passion sparked as I knew he wanted to hold me forever.

We pulled away for air as we just stared into each other's eyes. Dipper slowly laid back down beside me and brought me to him in a warm embrace. I breathed in his scent one last time before the tears I had been holding back all night broke free. I just wanted to stay like this, with him, forever.

~Dipper's POV~

"Are you serious?!" Pacifica almost freaked out. "Yes, I'm serious. You just need to make sure you and your parents stay indoors for tonight," I explained again. "How do you know Vampires will attack the town?" Pacifica suddenly asked, too curious for her own good. "Have we ever been wrong before?" I raised an eyebrow. "Besides that mini golf face off with your sister and all, I guess not," The blonde shrugged.  "Then stay inside," I replied. "Alright, fine, whatever," The Northwest scoffed.

A microphone suddenly rang behind me before Mayor Tyler made the announcement that everyone needed to stay indoors tonight. Grunckle Ford had then steeped up and told the people of the town of 'his suspicions' and instructed them on how to stay safe.

Surprisingly, everyone stayed calm. After the announcement was over, everyone went to gather supplies and weapons... which, after Weirdmageddon, I expected as much. The shops closed as people began to board up their windows and barricade their doors. Pacifica had bid us farewell with a simple, "Good luck!"

By the time we had gotten to the shack, Skipper was waiting for us on the front porch. "Skipper! You're back!" Mabel ran up to the brunet girl, squeezing the life out of her once she had stood up. "Don't kill her, Mabel," Stan grumbled. Mabel soon let Skipper go, as the girl caught her breath. "So, what's the plan?" Ford asked seriously.

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