Dreaming the Impossible

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~Skipper's POV~

I was currently hiding from Mabel up in the rafters of the gift shop. If I sat still enough, people wouldn't notice me. It was nearing the end of the day, Soos had closed the shack for the day, as the rest of everybody else was searching frantically for me. However I wasn't planning on coming out of hiding anytime soon.

It had been about five days sense the twins and Soos had found out what I was... Soos had told Wendy but she found it awesome. However, she was quite upset that my older brother, Zane, was in fact, a Vampire. Of course, she didn't blame me for not telling her... I still felt bad about it though.

Over the course of the five days, Dipper, who was now my boyfriend, and I were closer than ever. We spent lots of time going on small mystery hunts or hanging about the shack... Not like I was currently doing of course. Mabel had fangirled when she found out her twin and I were dating...

Man that sounded strange!

I never thought I'd be dating anyone... Much less my actual Soul Mate. I was still trying to convince myself that this was actually reality.

Anyway, back to why I'm hiding from Mabel! She supported Dipper and I, giving us the ship name: Diphora... My real name and Dipper's nickname squished together. But aside from her brother and I, Mabel didn't mind the fact that I was a Krsnik. In fact, she fully accepted it. Possibly a little too much. She had been nagging me about taking her flying so she would have some inspiration for a painting she wanted to do for a one month anniversary gift when mine and Dipper's first anniversary rolled around.

It's not the fact that Mabel was driving me crazy about our first month of dating anniversary. I found it completely sweet. It was the me flying her around. Mabel had asked me several other times if we could go flying for bonding purposes or just to go flying in general. Again, it wasn't because I didn't want to bond with Mabel. I just didn't want to fly. What was so bad about walking? Swimming? Heck, even just sitting around?! Anything but flying!

It was then I heard a 'click'. Sitting there for a few seconds, I heard it a few more times. It was Dipper making a clicking noise with his tongue. I had told him to make this sound if he needed me or if he couldn't find me. Looking around cautiously, I slowly got down from my hiding spot, landing lightly on the floor, climbed up the hidden latter and to the roof where I found Dipper there waiting for me.

Being silent, I snuck up behind him, wrapped my arms around his neck, and rested my chin on his head, "You clicked?" He chuckled, "Where have you been? We've been looking everywhere for you." Dipper knew very well by now that I couldn't and wouldn't lie to him. "That's for me to know and you to find out and then keep secret," I sighed, pulling away from him so I could sit down beside him. He scratched the back of his neck, "I didn't, you know, do anything to upset you, did I?" I giggled a bit at his awkwardness, "No, you'd know if I was upset." Dipper let out a breath of relief, but then got worried, "Then what's wrong? Why having you been hiding all day?"

I was about to answer, but my answer, answered for me, "Hey, Dipper? Are you up here?" My eyes widened, as I whisper shouted, "Hide me!" Dipper gave me a confused look as I searched for a suitable hiding spot. I found none, but sufficed for jumping off the roof and hanging onto the side of the shack.

"There you are! Have you found Skip yet?" Mabel asked her twin. "Uh, yeah, but um... She just- left?" That wasn't convincing at all. "Darn! I was going to see if she could take me flying," Mabel kicked a pinecone off the roof, which barely missed me. "I'm sure she'll be back later. She has a forest to check over after all," Dipper reassured her. "I guess so. But by the time she gets back it'll be dark and we can't go!" Mabel protested.

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