Tale as Old as Sandy

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~Dipper's POV~

It was your typical morning at the Mystery Shack: Mabel offering up her glittery Mabel juice, Grunckle Stan and Abolita were making questionable, and possibly inedible, breakfast, Ford had actually joined us at the table, while reading the paper, and Soos was taking Melody out to the diner for breakfast.

Something, however, felt a bit off. "Where's Skipper... And Wendy?" I asked. "Soos gave them the day off," Stan shrugged, "It is Opening Day for Fishing Season after all. Everyone goes on the opening day, remember?" I raised an eyebrow to this, "Everyone?" I repeated. "Everyone," Stan confirmed. "Even Skipper and her Graunt Sandy?" I asked. "Even Skipper and Sandy," Stan confirmed, in monotone, again.

Before anything else was said the phone rang. "I got it!" Mabel shouted, running to get the phone. We didn't follow her as we just listened after she picked it up. "Hello! Pines/Ramirez residence! This is Mabel Pines!" ... "Why yes! My brother is here!" ... "DIPPER! SKIPPER'S ON THE PHONE! SHE SAYS IT'S LIFE OR DEATH!"

Once she had mentioned I was here, I automatically knew it was Skipper. No one else ever called here specifically for me. I got up and took the phone from Mabel, shoving her away from me so I didn't have to deal with here visibly eavesdropping.

"Hey, Skip, what's up?" I simply started. "Hey, Dipstick! Sandy and I were planning on going to the lake today. I was wondering if you wanted to join me... You know, our mystery date and whatnot," Skip's sweet voice replied.

I almost panicked... I had almost forgot about our mystery date! How could I almost forget?! This was huge!

"I know Ford and Stan said they wanted to take you guys fishing today, so I won't keep you too long," Skipper's voice on the other side of the phone brought me back to reality. "Oh! Yeah! That's a summer Pines family tradition," I nervously chuckled. "So I'll see you at the lake in an hour?" She hopefully asked. "Yeah! Of course! I'll see you then," I smiled happily.

We hung up as I victoriously punched the air. "Hey! Grunckle Stan," I ran back to the kitchen, "can we leave for the lake in an hour? I have to meet up with Skipper." "What?! What about our family bonding day?!" Stan objected. "She promised not to keep me long," I added, quite hopeful. Ford just gave a chuckle, "Just let him go Stanley." He hummed for a second before giving in, "Fine. But only for an hour."

Without another second to spare, I was off to get ready, thanking both my Grunckles loudly the entire way to my room. Not even noticing Mabel's ginormous and giddy smile due to the entire current situation at hand.

••• Time Skip - At the Lake•••

We had made it to the lake with ten minutes to spare. But, knowing Skipper, I knew she would already be here. Like every year, everyone was here.

"I see her!" Mabel pointed towards the shoreline. Following my sister's gaze, I found my best friend sitting on a purple beach towel looking out over the lake. I, however, was not expecting her to look the way she did.

Skipper was wearing orange jean, short shorts and a red bikini top. Her wavy, light brunette hair was put up in a pony tail, flowing gently in the wind as it passed.

I couldn't seem to function at the moment. Skipper just kept finding ways to take my breath away. I honestly wasn't expecting her to show up in a swimsuit showing as much skin as she was... Not that I minded. She was stunning!

Stan's voice brought me back to earth, "I think he broke." I just shot him a glare before replying with, "I'll meet you guys at the dock in an hour." "We'll be taking Soos's boat. Mine kind of sunk... So Soos and Melody will be joining us," Stan grumbled. "Alright," I absentmindedly shrugged, not even noticing my Grunckle Ford going to meet up with Sandy in the other direction.

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