Dippin' Trippin'

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~Dipper's POV~

It had been a week sense the Pixie and Fairy incident, and everything had gone back to normal... As normal as Gravity Falls could get. Skipper, Mabel, and I had gone on a few mystery hunts, but not looking for any trouble. I was surprised by most of what we saw. Skipper had always asked if we had seen the playful water nymphs, the graceful centaurs or the timid deertaurs, and even a hard to reach ice cave above the waterfall at the lake. When she had shown us, I couldn't believe it. Each adventure was more amazing than the last. Skipper knew how to handle each creature respectfully and how to react if we did run into any trouble. She amazed me.

What surprised me more was that there was so much more to Gravity Falls than any one of us imagined. Skipper knew even more than Grunckle Ford did... then again, she had lived here all of her life. Grunckle Ford, granted, had three journals full, but the things Skipper kept showing us even surprised my nerdy Grunckle. There were hidden treasures everywhere! And for the first time in three years, I couldn't of been more excited to learn more about the mysteries of Gravity Falls. We were all in on it.

I had been writing down our latest adventure with Skipper, and what I had learned, in a journal of my own. After Bill destroyed Grunckle Ford's original three, I began documenting my own journals. Once finished, I put my journal aside and began to get ready for the day.

I knew Skipper was already in the gift shop sense she took over Wendy's morning shift. She was always ten minutes early. Never late. She had this saying. "To be early, is to be on time. To be on time, is to be late." Now that I think about it, Skipper always had a lot of sayings and wise advise.

I shrugged the thoughts off as I pulled my hat on and headed out of my room, closing the door behind me. Once I made it to the living room, I found a strange site: Mabel pressed up against the wall, leaning over the swinging doors to peek at whatever was on the other side. I was guessing it was a guy she had taken an interest in. "Hey, Mabel, what's-" I was suddenly cut quickly off by Mabel's hand over my mouth and her shushing me. Once I calmed down, from the surprise attack, she let me go slowly, "Skipper and Wendy are talking about boys! BOYS! Skipper doesn't talk about boys! She's practically one herself!" Mabel whisper shouted. "Mabel!" I scolded her. "She's a tomboy, Dip! But seriously, listen!" My twin pulled me beside the door.

"So you're actually dressing up, huh? Can't believe you actually gave in. You in a dr-" Skipper cut Wendy short, "Don't say it!" Wendy just laughed, "Girl, he's got you wrapped around his finger... Makeup and everything?" I could practically hear Skip scowl at the red head, "Light, makeup and everything." Wendy laughed, "Sorry, Skip, but I can't imagine you being girly." "I'm going to be the one laughing when your jaw hits the ground," Skipper smirked.

"I'm going to snap a pic of Dipper when he sees you. That's going to be priceless!" Wendy stifled another laugh. I suddenly felt my best friend panic, "Ugh! No! You have to keep Dipper at as distance tonight! Not that I want to avoid him or anything but-" My heart suddenly felt heavy... She didn't want me around? "Why wouldn't you want Dipper around? I thought you two were compadres for life, man." Wendy raised an eyebrow. "It has nothing to do with Dipper personally. I would love if Dipstick and I hung out at the party! But ALL of my brothers are going to be there! Do you know how my brothers would react to other guys who could possibly be dating material? They'd flip and go into 'overly-protective-big-brother-mode' and I'm suddenly like a D.I.D. Being held hostage by my own flesh and blood!... It gets intense," Skipper explained, crossing her arms.

Did she say, 'Possible dating material?' I heard Mabel give a light squeal. "Did you hear that?!" She whisper shouted. I swear my face was beat red. "Her brothers are going to be there!" I dead panned before tuning back into the girl's conversation.

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