Call Me Miss!

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~Dipper's POV~

A few days had passed sense Mabel and Skipper's monster hunt. We had all been utterly bored out of our minds mainly because Skipper had been MIA sense then. She hadn't gone missing or anything, she had just been rather busy with protecting Gravity Falls... At least, that's what Sandy reported anyway.

At the moment, I was 'babysitting ' Bartholomew. Sandy had brought the little guy over with a note from Skipper that told me she'd be a few days before she could come back from the forest and needed me to watch him. I had a strong suspicion that Skipper was up to something. Possibly something I wouldn't much approve of.

The little blob floated around freely, watching Soos get ready for the afternoon customers. Melody had gone to pick up lunch as the rest of us cleaned up a bit. The shack was still open, hence why I was sitting at the cash register, but considering it was noon, most of the tourist were out at lunch.

Sandy and Ford had decided to go out and fix up the old bunker in the woods, making sure also not to release the Morpher. Stan had picked up here and there but he had quickly vanished and Soos seemed to take over where he had left off. As for my sister, I hadn't the slightest clue. She had been antsy to speak with Skipper sense yesterday and was probably keeping watch with Waddles for her.

"Hey! You alright, dude? You look all sad like," Soos came up and leaned on the desk I was sitting behind. I hummed, still rather bored, "I'm alright, Soos, I'm just missing Skip. It's been a few days." "Aw, she'll be back in no time, dude," Soos reassured me. Without time for me to reply, I heard Mabel shout, "Skipper!" From somewhere above us. "See, dude, back in no time. Mind watching the gift shop for a few minutes? I got to get ready for the afternoon tour," Soos smiled. "Sure thing," I shrugged, giving a smile of my own as Bartholomew began to spin around in circles, clearly excited his 'mom' was back.

I let loose a chuckle as I simply handed the little floating blob a candy smartie. He quickly changed his attention from the stairs to the candy in my hands as he nibbled down on it rather joyously, floating down to rest in the open drawer of the desk.

I suddenly heard, "Look! Disco Fluff Puppies!" ... That was my girlfriend. A gasp, clearly from my twin, "What?! Where?!" Then there was frantic footsteps above me. It was either Mabel, overly excited about these puppies Skipper might have brought, or Skipper was trying to get away from the contents of glitter. Within another minute or so, I came to find out it was Skipper, who was clearly freaked out and out of breath, as her big green eyes landed on me. "Dipper!" She ran up to me at the desk, "Please! You've got to hide me! I'll do anything! Mabel has something worse than glitter!" I smiled.

Anything, huh?

"Well hello to you too," I kept my smile. "Dipper, please! I'm desperate!" Skipper begged. "Alright, hide under the desk," I ushered her, standing up. "You're amazing!" She breathed, rushing around the desk. I then sat back down quickly, making sure not to knee her in the face. Bartholomew quickly went to his 'mom' and chirped a quick greeting, Skipper letting out a soft giggle, before he slid down into her pocket.

Not a moment later I heard my sister rushing down the stairs, "Dipper! Dipper! Dipper!" She burst into the gift shop with a weird, knowing smile on her face, "Have you seen Skipper?" "Um, no. Nope. I haven't seen her. Why would I know where she is?" I asked, trying not to give away Skip's position...

I failed miserably.

"She's under the desk isn't she?" Mabel smirked. I grumbled, still trying to keep Skip hidden. "Come on, bro bro, let her out," Mabel kept her smirk, also dancing a bit in place. I pouted, "Oh alright, she right-" I paused before my girlfriend not in her original hiding place, "not here." "What?! She escaped again! I will find you, Skipper!" Mabel declared to the entire shack, running off into a different room.

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