Heartbeats for You

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~Dipper's POV~

I had woken up to Skipper snuggling to me. She had become a lot more peaceful and wasn't squirming in pain as much as she had been earlier. She would twitch in discomfort, but she remained asleep.

Stan, Ford, and Sandy would come up every hour or so to come and check up on Skipper and inch her across the floor so she could remain in the sunlight. Mabel had come up once to check on her, bringing
me a book while she was at it, but when she had, Skipper's wing had let out a loud 'pop!' and it had completely freaked her out. I was currently laying on my back as Skipper was unintentionally hugging me. I was reading my book when I suddenly heard a sickening 'snap!'

Skipper winced, waking up with a shriek, squeezing me tight. I panicked for a moment before she relaxed. I hesitated, but whispered, "Skip?" She tensed a bit but didn't reply. I placed my book down as I then turned onto my side to face her, my head placed in my hand as my arm kept me up, "Are you alright?" She avoided looking at me, pulling her arm away from my waist. "Skip, I'm not mad," I calmly continued.

She glanced up at me before finding her voice, though it was timid, "You're not?" I let loose a smile, "Of course not. None of us are. Do we want some answers? Yes, but we can wait until you feel ready to tell us." Skipper just gave a heavy sigh, "No, you deserve answers..."

"Well, don't get mad, but Sandy, Ford, and Stan already told us a bit... How they met you, what you are, a bit of your family history," I listed. "So you know what I am?" She asked, sounding a bit down. I just nodded, with a smile, "Yeah. I'm surprised you didn't tell me sooner." She looked up surprised at me. "I mean, we're best friends and nothing within Gravity Falls takes me by surprise anymore... Well for the most part. There's always something new to discover, but I would of understood if you weren't human. I just wish you would of told me,"  I rambled. She let out another light sigh, "I guess I was just scared of your reaction... I didn't want you to see me as a Krsnik, what I was, but for who I was." I just smiled, "I do see you, and I think I'll really get to know who you really are if you show me what you are as well." She just giggled a bit, "That makes sense I guess. You have questions right?"

I shrugged, "I can wait." She gave that face that told me she didn't believe me, "Dipper, I'm hundreds of years old and I know you've got questions running through that overly curious brain of yours a mile a minute. I know you. Besides, I can't exactly do much at the moment anyway."

I just chuckled, "Ok, ok. We know you're Count Dracula's niece and that you're a Krsnik... I know there is the difference of you feeding on Vampires as Vampires feed on humans. I guess what I'm asking is, are there any other specific differences or similarities?" "Well, In all reality, people have portrayed certain things to identifying a Vampire. For example: reflections, allergies, and being seen only at night. Truth be told, Vampires don't have a reflection, they are not allergic to garlic- that was only Uncle Count- and they can't be in sunlight, otherwise they combust. Other things include entering under a roof or through a doorway, they have to be welcomed in to enter, otherwise its like a reflective force field and are sent flying. That and the color of their wings are usually black or grey," Skipper explained. "Dracula was the only Vampire
allergic to garlic?" I laughed. "Oh yeah, he forbid it to be anywhere near him. We used to tease him about it all the time," she giggled.

"So, what about you? How are you different? Well... Why are you different, if you don't mind me asking?" I cleared my throat, trying not to ask anything too sensitive. She just took a deep breath, keeping her smile to my liking, "As for me, I do have a reflection and have no restrictions upon entering and exiting. And unlike Vampires, I absolutely love the sunlight! I could sunbathe all day if you let me. Plus, if you can't tell," she stretched out her good wing, "my wings are pure white." I just chuckled, "They're pretty soft too." "What can I say, I like to cuddle," She shrugged. "Something opposite of Vampires too, right?" I asked. "Eh, not really. They like a lot of contact, like bat colonies, if you will. They like to snuggle too, but- it's just weird," She replied, but continued, "Anyway, the reason I'm different is because of a certain mutation that happens within the family line. But only two Krsniks can be living at the same time. Our purpose is to protect all that is good and keep the world balance. For me, it's Gravity Falls."

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