Falls Reverse

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Sorry it took so long to update. Things are still a bit crazy.
Don't fret, the next chapter is here!! I hope you all like and enjoy!!
If you like my story please check out my other two I currently have up and follow me :)
The song and video are NOT mine!!
Song: Out of the Woods
Artist: Taylor Swift
Thank you again for reading!! On with the story!!


~Dipper Pine's POV~

"Is he dead?"

"No way, he's definitely breathing."

"What on earth does he think he's wearing? He's not fooling anyone."

"Maybe he's a good guy now?"

"Bad guys don't become good guys overnight, Pacifica. Especially not Dipper Gleeful."


Did I hear that right?

I let out a groan as I painfully became aware of a growing headache.

"Look! He's waking up!" It sounded like Pacifica.

I opened my eyes, trying to sit up but was for fully shoved back down, making me wake up immediately. To my surprise, I found Seth above me, gripping my shirt fiercely, and he didn't look friendly. Needless to say, I was terrified.

However, I did get a good look on what he looked like. His hair was a bit lighter, like Skipper's, and had the same bright green eyes. He wore a light blue shirt, black pants, red wristbands, and white shoes... It almost reminded me of how Skipper would dress. But I didn't have time to worry about that!

"What's going on? I didn't do anything! Why does it look like you're about to punch my face in?" I flinched but failed to notice the growing confusion on Seth's face. "What... What's wrong with you, Gleeful?" He demanded, still rather confused. However, this made me rather confused, raising an eyebrow. "Gleeful?" I repeated. "Um, yeah, that your last name dum-dum," a girly giggle sounded off.

I had turned to find not only Pacifica, but Gideon as well. But everything was totally off. Pacifica had very little makeup on and looked like Mabel had given her a complete make over. Though... Her hair was the length of Skippers... Which was weird. Hadn't she cut her hair really short? She was wearing a teal t-shirt with a pink and purple jacket and light purple shorts with yellow converse. Gideon freaked me out a bit more... He was wearing a blue shirt, black vest, and grey shorts with black shoes, white socks... And a hat that looked exactly like mine.

This was beyond creepy!

"Where the heck am I?! And- Skipper! Oh my gosh! Where's Skipper?" I panicked. Seth still looked confused, "Whose Skipper?" I gave him a blank stare, "Skipper... Your sister?" He gave me a surprised look as Pacifica gasped, "You have a sister?! And you never told us?!" Seth became mad again, tugging my collar roughly, "How do you know about my sister?" "How can you seriously not remember me man? I'm your sister's best friend! She even introduced us! You threatened to even get your brothers on me if I hurt Skip in any way," I reasoned.

"Um, Seth," This time it was Gideon who spoke up, timidly I might add, "I don't think that's Dipper Gleeful." "Gleeful?" I echoed again, before correcting, "I'm Dipper Pines! I live in the Mystery Shack during the summer with my Grunckles Ford and Stanley Pines along with Soos and his grandmother Abolita sense Stan passed the shack down when we turned 13, my twin sister Mabel Pines owns a pig named waddles and wears colorful, hand knit sweaters, I met Skipper at the diner the day we arrived this year, became best friends in three days," I continued to ramble on about the current summer before wrapping it up with, "we went to go see this inventive cat creature named Moffy and we ended up going through some kind of blinding vortex and now I'm here with my best friend's twin who might kill me and Pacifica and Gideon who look like they are practicing for Summerween."

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