Why We Keep Secrets

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~Skipper's POV~

I was currently sitting in a large holding cell with only myself to my thoughts. I was sitting against the back wall in the middle, so everyone could see me on the other side of the one way tented glass. The heavy metal door was located in the left corner of the opposite wall. Unfortunately for me, I wasn't aloud to see where they had taken me. However, I knew we were still within Gravity Falls.

I had been into every building ever made in Gravity Falls, so the current facility I was in must of meant it was build recently and away from the town. I was just trying to figure out my location.

I had been brought here by sheer force, saying that I was a strange creature who deceived the humans I was among and that they would soon reveal what I really was. However, I had yet to see this picture they claimed they had. I also had yet to hear a word from them, even after they took me in. I did notice that there was a speaker above me and several microphones scattered above in the ceiling.

I wasn't so much worried for myself, but for the others. If the government agents got smart, there would be no doubt they would use my human companions against me. Especially if they ever found out that Dipper was my Soul Mate. If they ever found that out, there would be absolutely no doubt in my mind they would force me to turn him.

My thoughts were cut short the moment the speaker turned on. "Hello, Miss Oaks, if that's your real name. This is agent Powers. We have a few questions we'd like to ask you." I mentally groaned. All I had to do was convince these stupid special ops people I was a normal human being. That meant I had to remain calm and act like I had nothing to hide. But something made me wonder, "Out of curiosity, I have my rights don't I? Like, the right to remain silent?" "Though we work for the government, it would normally apply. However, you are suspected for not being human. So the answer is no, you must answer all of our questions," he replied.

Then the situation was either one of two scenarios. One was they knew I wasn't human and we're trying to get me to confess the truth. Or two, they only suspected I wasn't human and I would be innocent until proven guilty. But I was worried on how far they were willing to go to get the truth. The best outcome would be me outwitting them and me being released and watched for a little while. The worst case scenario would be I got turned into a lab rat and possibly euthanized and used for scientifical purposes.

"So, what is your real, full name?" Power's voice asked. I sighed, "Skephora Lilith Oaks." "But you're not related to Sandy Oaks, are you?" He skeptically asked. "No. I was adopted because my parents didn't want me," I rolled me eyes, like any normal teenager would. "Did you ever meet your parents?" He asked. "No. As I said, they didn't want me. Sandy adopted me... You know she has my birth certificate for proof," I added. "That won't be necessary," Powers brushed aside.

My intuition was telling me that something was very wrong. Something was telling me that they already knew the truth but they were just making sure that I was the real deal. I mean, what agent denies proof.

Sandy and I had come up with a system to get me out of situations like this, if they were to ever occur. We made fake birth certificates every few years, burning the old ones, along with renewing my social security every few years as well. Of course, we also made sure that I disappeared from town every few years as well. To where I could of possibly grown up and had a kid that grew up to look exactly like me, giving me the opportunity to reappear with a different name. 

"She also has the adoption papers," I added. "Where were you born, Miss. Oaks?" Powers ignored me. "Here in Gravity Falls, at the hospital," did I mention I would also sneak in fake patient papers to the hospital we had here too? It was all fool proof. "They also have all my records," I added again.

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