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Hello my fellow readers!!

I'm giving a warning that this chapter might be a little graphic, not too much but just a little. Just simple nature with blood sucking is all. I know some people don't take it well so just a heads up!!

Hope you all enjoy!! Please don't forget to vote and comment!!



~Dipper's POV~

After my Grunckle and Sandy ushered me upstairs, I could hardly comprehend that Skipper could make such terrifying sounds. She had kept up her screeching well into the night, leaving my Grunckle Stan, Soos, Mabel, and I wide awake. The sound she emitted was enraging and almost seeming demanding.

For me personally, I felt is as if Skipper was calling me to her. To comfort her, to hold her close... To let her fly. But when I shared this with Mabel, she had not felt the same when she heard Skipper's creepy shrill. Stan linked it to us being Soul Mates... It would make sense.

It was well into the night as Skipper had suddenly fallen silent. Everything was silent. We could hear the creaking of the wind against the shack, the roll of distant thunder just beyond the town, the light buzzing above our heads, each of our steady breathing. It was haunting to say the least.

Stan broke the silence with a smile, "Maybe she finally fell asleep?" I had begun to believe it as Mabel and Soos let out a deep breath, as if a horror movie had just ended.

However it was short lived as Skipper called out this time, not just with a sound of her screech, but a name.

My name.


She was... Crying out for me. Demanding I come to her. And I could feel it. A pull so deep within myself that I felt like I couldn't resist it.

"Dipper?" My sister asked, confused. I snapped out of it... Looking down at her? Hadn't I been sitting beside her a moment ago? "Ya goin' somewhere, kid?" My Grunckle asked. "Skipper, she's-" I was cut off by her again, calling my name, "I can't help it!" Thankfully, before I could run for the vending machine, Mabel had tackled me and sat on me. "We can't go down there, Dipper. This is for your own good," Mabel 'scolded' me. I just groaned, face planting my forehead to the floor.

As the night wore on, Skipper continued to call for me. It was almost 4 in the morning before Skipper had stopped again. This time longer. We were all waiting for her to try something different. But instead of a loud screeching sound, there came a knock at the door, scaring the mess out of all four of us.

We waited, hoping whoever it was would go away. I mean, who makes a visit at 4 in the morning?! However, the knock came again, this time with a voice, "Hey! I know my sister is in there! We need to get to her!" We were going to stay silent until we heard a familiar voice, "Dipper, Mabel, it's me, Zane, Skipper's older brother! Our oldest brother, Vaulden, is with me!" "Zane!" Mabel exclaimed, making Stan and I face palm.

I got up, going to the door with my twin, but stopping her short. "How do we know you're not planning something?" I asked. "Look, our sister is in bloodlust and if she stays too long in it, she'll lose herself," her oldest brother, Vaulden, replied. "We brought the sacrifice to her this time, Vaulden will stay outside while I take them to her," Zane tried to reason. "How did you know?" I asked, still defensive. "We could hear her. Plus, we're her brothers. We'd do anything for our little sister, despite of how our father and the clan feel about her," Vaulden seemed to plead, "Once she's normal, we'll leave... We were never here." Mabel turned to me, hope in her eyes, "I think we should trust them." "But, Mabel-" she cut me off, "You'd do the same thing for me."

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