Fairy Kisses

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The video above is not mine!
It will tell you in the story where the video should start being played :)
Song: Walking in the Air
Artist: Celtic Women

Hope you like it!! :)

~Skipper's POV~

I had told them to be calm... Were they? Absolutely not. The two of them were still freaking out.

In the current moment, Mabel was on the verge of hyperventilating. Dipper on the other hand, was ranting to himself on how 'this must be a dream', 'I'll wake up any minute now', and 'this can't be happening'.

I cleared my throat, before snapping at them, "Calm down! You'll make things worse!" And with that they froze again. I assumed I had their attention, "The key is to stay calm. If you panic, the venom will spread quicker. Don't move very much." "Ok, ok, so be calm... What else? Is there a way to, you know, not make my skin and body rot?" Dipper asked, taking deep breaths. I nodded, "Luckily for us, I know someone who can help. We just have to find them."

"Great! Let's go find them! The flower can wait!" Mabel declared. I dead panned, "Either way, we're looking for the Fairies. They're the only ones who can help Dipper." "Oh..." Mabel got quiet. "Let's get going. You two, head to the field where you summon the Unicorn domain. Dipper, you wait there and don't move much. Mabel, head to the Fairy village behind the nail salon, you can't miss it," I instructed. "Rodger!" Mabel saluted. "What about you?" Dipper asked, a bit worried. "I'm going to check the other three Fairy villages. I know where they are and I can outrun the both of you. It will be quicker if we split up. If I find the Fairies, I'll bring one with me. If Mabel finds them, she'll come back and let you know... I know how to deal with them," I replied.

Dipper sighed, "Alright. But, both of you, be careful." "We will. But you don't need to move around so much," I expressed the worry back. He just nodded. "It's almost four, so we better get a move on," I smiled, hoping to give the twins hope. The slightly smiled back as we split up there.

~Dipper's POV~

I had made it back to the field about an hour ago with Mabel, as Skip went in the other direction. I honestly felt useless.

Looking down to my hand, I could tell that the Pixie bite had already sunken in and was turning my entire hand grey and purple. Surprisingly I felt no pain, but that tingling sensation when body parts 'fall asleep'.  I didn't move around, if at all.

The wind blew slightly as it rustled the tops of the trees, sending a few green leaves to the ground before me. The sun was beginning to set. Time was running out.

Movement in the distance caught my eye. It was purple. Mabel. She was running like no tomorrow until she finally reached me. "Anything?" I asked. Mabel was trying to catch her breath. It took her a few minutes, but before she was about to say something, we heard a twig snap from behind me as we both let loose a scream. "Chill out, you guys, it's just me," Skipper called out. Mabel and I let out a breath of relief as Skipper joined us.

"There was nothing on my end. What about you Mabel?" Skipper asked. Mabel's face fell, "What do you mean that there was nothing on your end?" Skipper stared at her for a minute, debating on what to say, "There was no Fairies in the other three villages I checked?" It came out as more of a question. "No! That can't be!" Mabel shouted. "Mabel, why-" I cut Skipper off, "You didn't find any Fairies either... Did you, Mabel?" Mabel shook her head no, tears forming in her eyes.

I was lost on what to do. Skipper came up to Mabel, about to put her hand on her shoulder when Mabel jerked away, "It's probably all my fault! I was yelling when Dipper and I got here earlier and I must of scared them off! I shouldn't of come along! You probably hate me, Skip! And now I'm going to loose my brother and-" Skipper spoke up, "Mabel." My twin continued, "I'm going to be a single child-" Skipper tried again, a little louder, "Mabel." Still, Mabel went on, "Can we like give the bite to me? No that's stupid! Or what if, there was a natural remedy? Oh! Or-" "Mabel!" Skipper shouted shortly.

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