Fellow Brethren

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The video above is not mine!

It will tell you in the story where the video should start being played :)

I personally like just listening to the song better but I needed a reference to how it would look like when they were dancing.

Song: Téir Abhaile Riú
Artist: Celtic Woman

~Skipper's POV~

I pulled out of the long embrace with a smile, "How have you been! I've missed you!" Seth just smiled, shrugging, "Oh, you know, same old, same old." I just giggled a bit, taking his hands and swinging them from side to side in a child-like manor, "Has everyone shown up? Or are they on their way?" "They should be here soon. You know them, wanting to pop up out of seemingly nowhere," Seth smirked. I examined him and smirked pleased to know he had put in an effort to dress up, "You actually look pretty nice."

Seth was about Dipper's height, possibly an inch or so shorter or taller... it was hard to tell. His hair was a bit wavy, like my own, but a darker brunette, almost chocolate like. His eyes reflected the same emerald green as mine. The only thing we had in common. He was dressed similar to me, wearing purple, light puffy pants, a white v-neck shirt, that was a bit baggy, a teal colored vest, outlined in purple and gold, and brown leather boots. For the most part, he was laid back. Seth was the kind of guy to only take action when he needed to. He wasn't exactly a people person, usually speaking only when spoken to. However, he was a complete sweetheart.

Before Seth could reply to my comment, a familiar voice rang behind me, "Skipper! Wait up!" I turned around to find Mabel running towards us with her signature smile. Once I had seen Seth, I had kind of forgot that they were walking around with me. "Skipper?" Seth smirked, raising an eyebrow, trying not to laugh. I scolded him quickly, "You know I can't stand my real name. It's so..." I was looking for the word. "Out-dated?" He asked. I smiled, "Yes! That's it!"

I turned back to greet the twins, but only found Mabel. "Hi! I'm Mabel! I'm one of Skipper's new best friends! Who are you?!" Mabel bounced up and down. Seth jumped a bit in surprise as I just let out a giggle, noting he had the same reaction I did when I had first met the energetic girl. He shook it off and gave his usual charming smile, "I'm Sethinian. Seth for short. It's nice to meet you, Mabel." He took Mabel's hand and kissed it all gentleman-like and winked at her.

"Oooh! Such a gentleman!" Mabel gushed, before asking, "So, is he your date?" Seth and I turned to each other, giving a mirrored look of humor, but shrugged in unison, both replying with, "In a sense." Mabel just giggled a bit.

I took the chance to shed my worry for her brother, "So, what happened to Dipper? I wanted to introduce him." At this, Mabel looked around, "I thought he was right behind me. I guess he went to go find Soos or something." "Who's Dipper?" Seth questioned, keeping a smirk. I sighed a bit, "Dipper is Mabel's twin brother. He's just a friend." "Well, now I have to meet him. You've never had any guy friends before," Seth chuckled. "Don't you dare scare him off," I warned, crossing my arms. "I make no promises," He still smirked. "Dipper doesn't get scared that easy anyway. You should know that Skipper, you two are practically inseparable," Mabel added.

I mentally face palmed as Seth gave me that 'Oh-really-now?' look. "I should probably go find him," Mabel smiled at us. "Well, we're going to go on here soon," Seth reminded. "Yeah, I really don't want Dipper to miss it," I added. "Alright! Mabel is on the case!" She mock saluted before scampering off to find her brother.

Once she was gone Seth gave me that infamous evil smirk of his, "Inseparable, huh? Doesn't sound like just a friend to me." "Seth, please-" I was cut off. "I won't tell anyone," He smiled kindly this time, taking me by surprise. "Really?" I asked. He just nodded, before adding, "He's your Soul Mate isn't he?" I hesitated before answering, "Yeah... I knew the moment I met him. Just like Vaulden and Marz said. I just... knew." "Does he know?" Seth pressed. I just shook my head no. "I'll do my best to keep him away from you tonight, that way no one will suspect a thing. But your going to have to come clean with it sooner or later," Seth sighed. I hung my head a bit, "I just can't tell dad. You'd know what he'd do if he found out. I have to be careful about how I approach Dipper on this too."

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