Not so Black and White

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~Skipper's POV~

I had been carrying on a rather important conversation with Ford before things started to get a little strange. I felt like I should have be talking with Sandy's accent and possibly wear something with big round polka-dots. Everything was in black and white!

"Man! I should have gone with them!" I growled. "Skipper!" That was Sandy, yelling from the kitchen with that warning tone a child would usually get when they got in trouble. "What's going on, Skipper?" Ford panicked. "Calm down. If all the color has drained from Gravity Falls, someone must of found George's 'pot of gold'... Meaning Stan and the twins," I replied. "George?" Ford repeated, still confused. "Leprechaun," I simply answered. "Ah!" Ford registered, but was still worried, "Are they dangerous? I know looks can be deceiving." I leaned back and relaxed a bit, "Knowing Stan, Dipper, and Mabel, they'll put the gold back. But George? Nah! He wouldn't hurt them. He's completely harmless!" I smiled with confidence.

~Dipper's POV~

We were running for our lives! Why? Well, even though Grunckle Stan had emptied the sack he stuffed, the world was still grey... So he must of stuffed his pockets, which my twin and I didn't doubt. The floor has slid out from underneath our feet as we fell into a small pool of some kind, filled with large electric eels. After escaping the pool, a bit scratched up, we tried to find a way out through the only tunnel exit there was... Lucky us, a huge boulder had fallen from the ceiling and was now rolling at high and dangerous speed behind us.

We had been running for a while now, as our speed was decreasing. "There has to be an exit!" I was panicking. "Look! Up ahead!" Mabel shouted happily, as we saw a light coming from an exit. We picked up our speed with hope. Grunckle Stan sprinted up ahead of us as he reached the way out first.

He had sidestepped out of sight as I blindly ran out into the glorious sunlight with Mabel. I had been suspended in air for only a second before I was yanked back for my back to hit the rock wall, hard.

Once my eyes adjusted to the light again, I realized that there was a small ledge we were balancing on, shaking violently as the huge boulder flew by, dropping into an incredibly spiky pit of death, and shattered into thousands of pieces.

"That was close," Mabel managed to breath out. "How do we get out of here?!" I panicked. "Surely your girlfriend must of told you more than that!" Stan huffed, looking around. "No, she didn't tell me anything else! And she's not my girlfriend!" I shot back. "Keep telling yourself that, kid," my Grunckle shrugged me off absent mindedly, turning to Mabel, "Mabel, sweetie, please tell me you have your grappling hook." "Of course I do! I never leave home without it," Mabel smiled. "Good. Then you and Dipper head up first, then toss it down so I can get up next," Stan instructed.

We simply nodded, knowing it was the best plan of action to get us out of danger for the moment; We'd worry about the stolen gold afterwards. Mabel handed me her grappling hook and hugged me as I embraced her back, and shot into the nearest tree, pulling us up and out. Once to safety, Mabel tossed down the grappling hook to our Grunckle.

During this process, I had taken the chance to look around... It was creepy on this side of the forest. On the other side was where the entrance to the hidden ice caves were. What did Skipper say again? I recalled her saying something utterly important that day. I was honestly dazed by her beautiful voice that I didn't exactly remember what she had said specifically.

Stan pulled himself up below the tree as we climbed down. The nagging of what she had told us was nagging at the back of my mind, screaming for me to remember. "What's with the face, kid?" Stan asked me seriously. "When we had gone to the ice caves the other day, Skip gave us some kind of warning about this side of the river, but I don't remember what exactly," I scratched the back of my head. "You're too paranoid," Grucnkle Stan mocked. "Oh! You mean that warning about never stepping foot on this side of the river because it promises a horrible and painful end?" Mabel asked all too cheerfully.

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