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Allison knew it was idiotic to try and escape during the snow storm. Even more idiotic to think that Stryker wouldn't notice that she disappeared. Allison ran as fast as she could hoping that maybe she could get far enough ahead to disappear in the snow. Stupid of her to think this as she comes across a large lake. It will take too much to go around the huge lake.

Her eyes scan the lake shore looking for a way out. Allison's eyes find a small cave located about twelve feet up a perilous cliff. She slings her duffle bag securely on her shoulder and starts to climb the cliff. Allison manages to reach the cave within minutes.

Just in time too since the men trailing her came into the clearing. Allison pulls her legs to her chest as she tries to hide from their view.

"Where the hell did she go?" Demands the larger of the three men. Allison silently preys that they won't find her. Stryker will make her pay if she is caught and he is already planning on killing her because of her insubordination. As she hears more shouting, Allison snaps back into reality.

"Maybe she was smart enough to climb into that cave up there. She probably knew she couldn't out run us." Another voice says. Allison feels herself shaking as someone starts to climb the cliff. Her life flashes before her eyes and she knows that this is the only taste of freedom she will have.

A face appears in the opening of the cave and it smiles at the girl.

"Well hello there." The man says as he looks at Allison. "You need to come with us, Allison." The girl shakes her head slowly but he doesn't take that as his answer. He grabs her and tries to pull her from the cave.

"Let me go!" Allison screams as her stuff falls to the cave floor. The man pulls her to the edge of the cliff and Allison realizes what he is planning. "Please." She begs as tears fall down her face. The man pushes her off the edge and she falls the twelve feet to the ground. Allison lands on her ankle and she immediately cries out in pain.

"At least you can't run now." The leader says as he makes her look up at his face. Despite the pain radiating from her ankle, Allison stands up.


Allison's POV


I can't believe it. I'm going to be dragged back to Stryker. My life just couldn't get any worse but then again it always does. I avoid putting any weight on my ankle. I wouldn't be surprised if I broke it. The men watch me as if they are waiting for me to fight back. I wonder if I can get out of this or will I have to watch as they bring me back to Stryker?

"I thought you said that she'd put up a fight?" The man who pushed me out of the cave asks as he finally reaches the ground. "She doesn't look like she's that threatening."

"Trust me she is." The man in charge says as he watches me carefully. I concentrate on all of their guns. Maybe if I can throw them far enough away, I might stand a chance. I close my eyes and I hear their cry of alarm as their guns fly away. "God damn it." The man yells as I open my eyes.

My victory was short lived as I feel something wrap it's way around my waist. I look down and see thick roots. I'm in so much trouble, I think to myself. The roots drag me towards the waters edge. My stomach drops as realize that I'm probably going to drown. I take a deep breath as I'm plunged into the water. The ice cold water and darkness quickly take over as I'm pulled into the water's depths.

A Haunting Past: an Avengers/x-men fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now