Old Friends to the Rescue

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Allison was kept in a drugged state while Banner tried to find a solution to the problem.  The Avengers and SHIELD called up everyone they could think of trying to find a solution to the problem.  Two days passed as everyone started to realize that there might not be a solution.  Allison might actually die and they couldn't do anything to stop it.

At that point, they knew that they might have to say their final goodbyes to the girl.  So Banner slowly took her off the medicine so she could regain consciousness.  She was weak but she didn't let that get her down.  Nothing could make this girl hate them.


"Hi Banner." I say as I slowly sit up.  My head is pounding and from the look on his face, they aren't having luck finding a cure.  "It's not your..." I start coughing.  After a few minutes I stop but it's really hard to catch my breath.

"I'm sorry kid." Banner says and I shake my head.  

"It's not your fault." I reply weakly as i lean against my pillows.

"We haven't given up on you yet." Captain says as he comes in the room.  I nod becuase I know they'll fight for me until my heart stops beating.  "How are you feeling?" Captain stands at the end of my bed.

"Fine.  Just tired." I say even though it's a far stretch from the truth. I start coughing again and Banner looks at me worriedly.  "What have you found?" I ask after my coughing fit has passed.

"There's a scientist in Russia that might be able to help." Natasha tells me as she comes into the room.  "His name is Daniel..."

"Romanov."  I finish for her.  She nods and I close my eyes.  "He can probably help, but I get to talk to him if I make it through this." I tell them and they all look at me confused.  "He owes me an explanation." I say because I can't explain to them anything else.

"I'm going to bring you to the Infirmary, Allison." Banner says as he helps me sit up again.  "I can't keep taking care of you in here." I nod as I try to stand up.  My legs give out on me but Banner manages to gently lift me back into my bed.  Captain offers to carry me and I nod.  It's horrible having to have someone take care of me.  I'm too weak to take care of myself and Stryker knew I didn't like to rely on anyone. 


Daniel Romanov's POV

When the Avengers contacted me, I knew that they were desperate for help.  Little did I know that the girl they were trying to save, was none other than my Allison.  I had to leave her in Stryker's care after Stryker learned that I was trying to get away with Allison.  I heard from a friend of mine, that Stryker tortured her for days trying to get my location out of her.  But ALlison didn't know why I abandoned her.  She probably resents me right now, and I can't let her die thinking that I didn't care about her.  I cared too much to stay and she needs to know that.  

I boarded the Avenger's plane in Moscow and I was on my way to see the girl that I cared so much about.  Natasha briefed me on ALlison's condition as we neared the base.  From the knowledge they shared with me, I knew I had two days to find a solution before Allison died.  

"I'll need samples of her blood, and an MRI of her brain." I tell Bruce Banner as we talk about what we both know.  Bruce lead me to where they were keeping Allison.  She was slipping in and out of consciousness and at this very moment, she was wide awake.

"Mr. Romanov." Allison says before she starts coughing.  "You finally decided.....to.....come....save ........me."  The poor girl was too weak to talk.

"I wanted to save you a long time ago." I reply as a tear slips down my cheek.  "I'm not going to let you down again, Allison." The girl nods as Banner starts to draw her blood.  She slips into an unconscious state before we wheel her into the MRI.


Banner's POV

The man did something to Allison a long time ago, I could tell the moment Allison saw him.  Her eyes betrayed her true feelings of hurt and betrayal while the man showed signs of regret.   If Allison makes it through this, no when she makes it through this, I will have to ask her what happened.  

Thankfully though, Mr. Romanov knew what he was looking for and within hours he located the specific enzyme that was the so called kill switch.  We are going to have to remove most of Allison's blood in order to destroy it.  However, we don't have enough of her blood type on hand to go on with the procedure. 

Natasha is calling up Fury as I start removing the first pint of blood from her system.

"What's........happening?" Allison asks as I tie the tourniquet around her upper arm.

"We found a way to save you." I tell her as I insert the needle.  Allison flinches at the pain but doesn't fight me.  "You're going to start to feel weaker." I warn her and she nods slowly.  Her blood starts flowing out of her body and into the bag.  "Just keep talking to me." I tell her.

"I don't..........think.....I.........can." Allison says as she starts to cough.  "I.........just.......want......to....... sleep." I know that she will probably fall into a coma if she falls asleep now.

"Please stay awake." I tell her but her eyes slowly shut.


Ok so long story short, Allison slips into a coma for two weeks.  The avengers wait for her to regain consciousness and she spends another week recovering her strength.  So the next chapter is going to jump forward three weeks because all that other stuff is boring.

Anyways, thanks for reading and I hope you liked the chapter.  Allison will explain the whole Danial Romanov thing in the next chapter and then he'll probably disappear for a couple of chapters.  He's not that important just another person from her past.  But thanks again for reading and I hope you have a fantastic week!

A Haunting Past: an Avengers/x-men fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now