Clint Knows Best

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The hallways never end no matter how hard I try to get away.  My life seems to be a never ending race where I always lose.  Not once have I ever ended up in the lead.  NO, I always come out by the skin of my teeth and then bam something else happens and I'm running away again.

I thought that one day I could win this.  At least, get away  but I know now that it will NEVER happen.  I'm going to have to find a way to get rid of my pursuers but then my ledger will be soaking with blood and I won't be any better than they are.  After all I'll just make their kids hate me and then it happens all over again.  So, what am I supposed to do?    I don't know who to turn to because who is the enemy and who is my friend?

I open my eyes slowly as I finally come to.  I hear people talking just outside my door but I can barely open my eyes due to the harsh light that is shining on me.  The monitors beep alerting people that I am finally conscious.  Banner comes into the room.

"Allison?" Banner gently asks.

"Please turn off the light." I beg and he gently turns it down.  My eyes slowly open and I search his face trying to find out what is wrong with me.  "What happened?" I ask as I try to sit up but my body refuses to obey.

"Hydra captured you and when we came to rescue you, you were unconscious." Banner says as he checks my vitals.

"I remember being captured but I blacked out before we got on their plane." I say.  "What is wrong with me Banner?" I plead because I can't control my powers or my body for that matter.

"We don't know yet." Banner says and I bite my lip as I try to move my legs.  "What's wrong?" He asks as tears fall down my face.  I try to move my legs again but nothing happens.  "Allison, you can tell me." Banner touches my arm gently.

"I can't move my legs." I cry through the tears.  "Make it stop." I beg and at that moment Captain comes through the door.

"What's going on?" He looks at me and Banner as he tries to decipher the situation.

"Allison is temporarily paralized." Banner says as I try to catch my breath.  The fear is overwhelming as I try to think of a life where I can't move.  "Allison please talk to me."  I couldn't find the words to describe what I was feeling.  I feel my powers temporarily surge forward and I touch his forhead.  I project my feelings onto him for a brief moment before I pull away.

"Make it stop." I whisper and he nods as he gets to work.  I let him do whatever he needs to but then again I couldn't fight him even if I wanted to.  He drew blood, did an MRI, even did a spinal fluid tap at one point but he couldn't figure it out.


Banner's POV

"I can't find anything wrong with her.  She's completely healthy but she's paralyized and her powers are gone." I tell everyone.  There isn't anything wrong with her, well not that I could find but she's in immense pain from an unknown source.  At that moment, Captain and Natasha come into he room.

"Hydra sent us an email demanding we give them Allison or she'll slowly die." Natasha hands out a copy of the email.

"But we can't do that." Captain says.  "They are going to kill her either way and at least here we can control the amount of pain she's in."   Everyone reads over the email.  I quickly scan it and I have a feeling that Hydra might be our best bet for saving her.  "Banner what do you think?" Captain asks and I slowly put down the email.

"Give her to Hydra." I say and everyone starts arguing.  "Listen, I have no clue what's wrong with her and if we give her to Hydra, they'll stop whatever is hurting her.  I'll put a tracker in her and then we can break her out again once we know she's ok again." Tony designed a tracker that could monitor Allison's vitals at the same time as keeping tabs on her.

"I agree with Banner." Clint says.  "I wouldn't want her to suffer anymore than she already is and sending her to Hydra might make things a little easier on her."  I think Clint is thinking of his own daughter at home.  His fatherly instincts might save Allison.

"Then I guess we bring her to the rendezvous point?" Natasha asks Captain and he thankfully nods.

A Haunting Past: an Avengers/x-men fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now