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I woke the next morning to a knock on my door. I glance at the clock on my bedside table and it reads 4:30 A.M. I groan as I limp over to the door and pull it open. Xavier and Logan greet me and I realize by their glances that I'm only wearing a t-shirt. My legs aren't scared too bad from Stryker but seeing a fifteen year old girl half dressed isn't probably the way to go.

"Hi professor," I say as I grab a robe from the end of my bed and slip it on.

"I'm sorry to wake you at such an early hour." Xavier replies as they come into my room. Logan looks tense as I sit on my bed. My fractured ankle is almost healed but I still can't use it too much. "We bring some bad news." He tells me.

"What.................." I trail off knowing I should probably listen to them before I let something slip that they don't need to know. I bite my lip to keep myself quiet.

"SHIELD found out about you." Logan replies and I look at him confused. "They're a group of special agents who counter terrorism around the world and handle dangerous mutants."

"Like me." I say knowing where this is going.

"No, Allison." Xavier tries to soothe my racing heart. "They just want to ask you a few questions." But I shake my head.

"I don't want to talk about what happened to me." I say as a single tear slips down my face. "They are bound to have spies in their midst that would turn me over to Stryker any day." I fear for my own life and nothing SHIELD could do to me will make me tell them the truth.

"You have no choice." Logan seems annoyed at my response. "We have already agreed to cooperate with them."

"That wasn't your choice to make!" I angrily stand up.

"Child please." Xavier urges me to think about it. "They agreed to let you return to us if you cooperated." I fight back the tears. I thought Xavier of all people would understand. "Allison?"

"FINE!" I fight back the urge to lash out at them. I take a deep breath to get my powers under control. "When are they going to be here?" I start emptying my backpack and I put only a change of clothes, a book, and the bare necessities into it. I plan on coming back here one way or another.

"They are already waiting for you upstairs." Xavier leaves but Logan stands guard at my door. I quickly get dressed into a pair of dark blue jeans and a grey t-shirt. My backpack gets slung over my shoulder and I hastily braid my waist length blonde hair into a side braid before I walk out of the room.


Agent Pine's POV

The girl couldn't be any older than fifteen but she looked wise beyond her years. Allison was clearly beautiful with her long honey blonde hair and through the open door came the most expressive eyes, expelling the last of the night's sleepiness from our minds. They were the colour of a clear blue sky through a broken prison wall; the colour of a perfect raindrop on a blue aster; the colour of a river hurrying to join the great ocean (See bottom). I knew that her looks were reason enough to want to control her and to think that she had powers beyond our imagination made her the perfect specimen of the human species.

I couldn't resist the urge to stare at her as she slowly limped into the room. Her eyes scanned my partner and I looking for something to fear. I knew from the few accounts that we received from our informant that Stryker tortured her regularly but he couldn't damage the beautiful heart that was lurking deep within her tortured soul.

"Thank you for coming Allison." Agent Stern says beside me. Allison bites her lip as she looks back at Xavier as if she is hoping for a way to get out of this. "Please don't worry. We mean you no harm." I roll my eyes at my partner. Allison notices but doesn't say anything.

"I've been told that before, Agent Stern." Allison replies and we both realize that we didn't tell her our names but she seems to already know them. "Don't make promises you can't keep." The look in her eyes tells me that she has suffered greatly and the simple lie has been told to her many times in her eight years of captivity.

"Are you ready to come with us?" I say as I look at my watch. Fury is expecting her within the hour and I would rather be early than late. She nods slowly and watches us rise from our chairs. "Thank you for your cooperation professor." I tell Xavier as we walk past him and into the hall. A few of the x-men were watching us leave but Allison does not acknowledge them.

"Goodbye Professor." Allison says as she turns around to look at him before we leave. "I won't forget what you have done for me and I promise that I'll come back." I realize that the girl is hoping we might let her return. Logan had given Agent Stern a small duffle bag with the rest of her belongings in case we decided that she wouldn't be returning to this school. Her eyes showed hope, something that they probably weren't used to showing. Despite everything, this small girl still believed that things would turn out for the best.


Thanks everyone for reading this chapter. I feel that Agent Pine's POV is some of my best work and I have no clue how I came up with all of that. I'm not publishing this on Christmas Eve even though I wrote it today. I wanted to write ahead before my friends stopped talking to me (writers block). The lines that are underlined are not my own work but are Angela Seanor's on Descriptionari. I was trying to find a way to describe Allison's exact shade of eyes and I ran across her description. I thought it was absolutely perfect and I wanted to make sure that she got acknowledged on here. I wouldn't have been able to finish this chapter without it.

So again, thank you for reading and please comment about my story, tell me about your love of marvel, anything. I just want to hear from all of you. You're making my dreams of becoming a writer a reality by giving me the chance to have real people give me advice on my writing. My friends and family just weren't cutting it. Sorry if any of my friends or family is reading this. I really love you guys but i needed constructive criticism. Have a fantastic week!


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