I'm Fine

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Everyone keeps treating me differently ever since I got out of the infirmary.  I just survived a near death experience, again, but it's not that big of a deal.  I want everyone to treat me like I didn't almost die.  That being said, Natasha is being hard on me.  She wants me to be the best Avenger and/or SHIELD agent I can be.

At this present moment, she's drilling me on all my languages.  Russian is the hardest when it comes to her drilling me because well she's a native speaker and I'm not.  I'm considering bashing my head against a wall until I fall unconscious but that's not actually an option.

"Do this again." Natasha says as she hands me my last essay in Russian.  I sigh heavily as I look over all the corrections.  "It was decent but you can do better." 

"I'm trying to Natasha." I say as I slip the paper into my backpack.   "There's just a lot on my plate right now." I mumble to myself as she dismisses me.  I have a lesson with Stark in thirty minutes and Banner wanted to see me before then.  I run through the building as I make my way to Banner's laboratory.

"Hi Banner." I say as I peek into his office.  He motions for me to sit down.  "What's up?"  I ask as I take off my backpack and I fall into the chair.

"Just wanted to see how you are feeling." Banner watches me as I squirm under his gaze.

"FIne, I guess."  I reply.  "I still feel tired all the time." I say as I look into his eyes.

"ANything else?" Banner asks.

"Just headaches but only when I use my powers and that's not that often either."  I won't be able to lie to Banner about anything anymore.  He'll find a way to get it out of me and I honestly don't want to keep anything from the Avengers.

"I want to run some tests after your classes, just to make sure and to get a general idea of your health in case anything happens."  I nod.  I don't really have a medical file on hand so they'll need to establish a base to compare other test results to.

"Will Daniel be there?" I ask worriedly.  I haven't had the time to talk to him about what happened three years ago.  Banner shakes his head no.  "I have to be getting to class." I race out of there hoping to avoid Banner's questions about Daniel.  It's hard to explain what happened.

Tony was waiting for me in his lab and he gets started on explaining some complex science stuff.


"Allison, we need to talk." Daniel walks into my open door.  I sigh heavily as I resist the urge to throw something at him.  "Why haven't you talked to me yet?" He asks as I sit down on my bed and he takes my desk chair.

"And say what?  How mad I am that you left me?  That I hate you because Stryker tortured me when you left?" I pause for a second as I try to get control of my feelings.   "There's nothing to say, Daniel.  You abandoned me when I needed you the most and quiet frankly I blame you for what happened these past three years.  Did you hear where Stryker sent me last year?"

"No." Daniel replies.

"Let me tell you. Stryker sent me to a bunch of scientists who tortured me trying to find out about my powers.  Then.........." I couldn't say the words.  "Then they did things to me........" I say through the tears.  "Did you know that I'm infertile because of what Stryker did to me?  They figured that out." I say as tears fall down my face.  "So tell me why I should forgive you or even speak to you for that matter?"

"I didn't want to hurt you more by staying." Daniel replies and I shake my head.  "Please understand what I had to do to protect you."  Daniel stands up and leaves the room. 

I curl up in a ball on my bed as tears fall down my face.  I knew that Banner would come looking for me if I don't show up soon.  I get out of bed and I try to wipe the tears from my eyes.


Banner watched me as I came into the lab.  He didn't say anything about my red eyes or the fact that I was way too quiet.  He just drew my blood without saying anything and then decided that he wanted to do an MRI.  I laid in the machine trying to banish the fresh memories from my mind.

"Daniel flew out a couple of minutes ago." Banner says over the intercom.  "Do you want to talk about what happened?"

"Not really." I say closing my eyes.  The noise from the MRI is giving me a headache. "Banner, when will I be able to go on missions?" I ask trying to steer the conversation away from Daniel.

"After all your tests come back clean so maybe two days from now." Banner replies after a few minutes.  I feel the machine stop and I soon emerge from it.  "You're free to go." Banner helps me off of the bed and we walk out of the room.

I leave to go practice my powers.  I spend a lot of my free time doing that.  So far, I've gotten some of my telekinesis under control but the headaches I get afterwards are pretty bad.  Today, I just want to practice controlling the elements.  It's not my strongest power but it's pretty helpful.

I managed to collect and freeze the water in the air, but Captain came into my room and broke my concentration so I didn't get any snow.  He motions for me to take a seat on the bench next to him.

"What's up?" I ask as I bite my lip.

"Fury has a mission for you and he asked me if you were ready but only you would know." Captain says and I think about what the mission might entail. 

"What kind of mission?" I ask intrigued.

"SHIELD is trying to capture Stryker and they wanted to use you as the bait." Captain doesn't sugar coat it does he?  I tell him I won't do it.  I'm too worried I'll get captured again.  "I'll let him now, but you'll have to face your past soon." Captain gets up and walks away.

"I'm just not ready yet." I say as I watch him walk away.


I had a hard time writing this chapter.  I guess I just wasn't in the mood but I had to get this done sometime.  Next chapter should be better but no promises. ;-) Anyways, thanks again for reading and please comment or vote.  I'll dedicate a chapter to you if you comment on one of the chapters.  Thanks again.

A Haunting Past: an Avengers/x-men fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now