You can let go, Allison.

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I knew I didn't have much time to get in contact with the Avengers.  I've used my powers to contact someone but that was a long time ago.  It's worth a shot though so I concentrate on Captain and I send out my distress signal.  I only get it out for a few seconds before I'm being restrained on the table.

"Why are you doing this to me?" I say again hoping that they'll reconsider and let me go.  "I didn't do anything to you." I know that its fruitless though.  

"The powers you possess are wasted on you dear child. Hydra will use them to thier full extent." I start to panic and the man relishes in his accomplishments.  "Relax child this will only make things worse for you."

I read his mind and I realized that they had some dark intentions and I quickly send out another message before they start.


Captain's POV

I didn't know if the message was real or not until another one came through.  Allison was trying to reach me and thankfully we already knew where she was.  We broke into the building but it was deserted.  We heard a drill somewhere in the building and we rushed to find the cause of it.  We found the room and Allison was laying on an operating table and a man was drilling into her femur trying to remove more bone marrow.  From the looks of it, he had already removed some from her hip.

"Step away from the girl." Natasha says but the man laughs.  I know Natasha will kill him in a second but we can't let that happen.  He needs to pay for what he did to her.

"You're too late, you won't be able to save her." The man says with a German accent.

"Daniel Whitehall, I swear if Allison is dead..." Natasha shoots Whitehall in the leg and we rush over to Allison.  Her breathing was shallow but she was still alive.  "Allison, wake up honey." Natasha says and Allison slowly comes to.

"Make it stop." She begs as Banner comes into the room.  "I don't want to live anymore.  Just please make it stop."

"You can let go now Allison, everything will be ok." Natasha says and  Allison's eyes close again and we know that she might not make it this time.  Banner tries to stabilize her and we move her into Coulson's jet where Banner, Fitz, and Simmons get to work trying to save the girl.

"You're going to die this time." Natasha says as she points her gun at him and she drags him through the building.  COulson takes him from there and we get on the jet.  Banner managed to get Allison into a stable condition but things were grim.


"Allison come back to us." I hear someone say and I try to fight the growing darkness.  "Allison please." I slowly open my eyes.  A hear a sigh of relief but I'm too weak to say anything.  "We thought we lost you." Banner says and I attempt to send a message to him telepathically but I can't.

"She's too weak to speak." Someone says.

"Blink once for yes and twice for no.  Do you understand?" Banner asks and I blink once.  "Are you in any pain?"  I blink once wait a second then I blink twice.  I'm in pain but I'm not at the same time.  "Yes and no?" He asks and I blink once.

I focus on Banner's brain and I feel my powers come to me.  "I feel weak and my head is pounding and my leg hurts so much" I say using my powers.  Banner looks relieved but also worried at the same time.

"Her head hurts and her leg hurts." Banner tells the other people in the room.  "Sleep for now, Allison." He says gently and I manage to slightly nod.  "Be strong, Allison." Banner says as I close my eyes.  I'll be as strong as I need to be but I would rather die than spend the rest of my life like this.  I don't know what's wrong with me but death seems like a welcome friend at this point.


I'm going to stop the chapter like this because it just feels right.  Hope you enjoyed reading and stay tuned to see if Allison pulls through this or not.  I love you my dear readers!


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